Я хочу извлечь методы и типы из wsdl, но проблема в том, что когда я тестирую wsdl, сгенерированный из службы WCF, мой код не работает.
C #
private void EValidateWsdlUrl(object obj)
string Http_URL = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(UrlWsdl);
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(Http_URL);
webRequest.Timeout = 36000;
webRequest.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
if (webRequest != null && webRequest.GetResponse().ContentLength > 0)
//webRequest.ContentType = "text/xml;charset=\"utf-8\"";
//webRequest.Method = "Get";
//webRequest.Accept = "text/xml";
//Submit a web request to get the web service's WSDL
ServiceDescription serviceDescription;
using (WebResponse response = webRequest.GetResponse())
using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
serviceDescription = ServiceDescription.Read(stream);
foreach (PortType portType in serviceDescription.PortTypes)
foreach (System.Web.Services.Description.Operation operation in portType.Operations)
Method method = new Method();
method.Name = operation.Name;
foreach (var message in operation.Messages)
if (message is OperationInput)
Console.WriteLine("Input Message: {0}", ((OperationInput)message).Message.Name);
if (message is OperationOutput)
Console.WriteLine("Output Message: {0}", ((OperationOutput)message).Message.Name);
foreach (Message messagePart in serviceDescription.Messages)
if (messagePart.Name != ((OperationMessage)message).Name) continue;
foreach (MessagePart part in messagePart.Parts)
//Drill down into the WSDL's complex types to list out the individual schema elements
//and their data types
Types types = serviceDescription.Types;
//var test = serviceDescription.Types.Schemas[0].Includes[2].SourceUri;
var xmlSchema = types.Schemas[0];
foreach (object item in xmlSchema.Items)
XmlSchemaElement schemaElement = item as XmlSchemaElement;
XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = item as XmlSchemaComplexType;
XmlSchemaSimpleType schemaSimpleElement = item as XmlSchemaSimpleType;
if (schemaElement != null)
Console.WriteLine("Schema Element: {0}", schemaElement.Name);
XmlSchemaType schemaType = schemaElement.SchemaType;
XmlSchemaComplexType schemaComplexType = schemaType as XmlSchemaComplexType;
if (schemaComplexType != null)
XmlSchemaParticle particle = schemaComplexType.Particle;
XmlSchemaSequence sequence = particle as XmlSchemaSequence;
if (sequence != null)
foreach (XmlSchemaElement childElement in sequence.Items)
Console.WriteLine(" Element/Type: {0}:{1}", childElement.Name, childElement.SchemaTypeName.Name);
else if (complexType != null)
Console.Out.WriteLine("Complex Type: {0}", complexType.Name);
TypeInfo typeInfo = new TypeInfo(complexType.Name);
var type = OutputElements(complexType.Particle, typeInfo);
else if (schemaSimpleElement != null)
//Type and BaseType Definition
XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction schemaSimpleTypeRestriction = (XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction)schemaSimpleElement.Content;
Console.WriteLine("Type/BaseType Name: {0}:{1}", schemaSimpleElement.Name, schemaSimpleTypeRestriction.BaseTypeName.Name);
BaseType baseType = new BaseType();
baseType.BaseTypeName = new Tuple<string, string>(schemaSimpleElement.Name, schemaSimpleTypeRestriction.BaseTypeName.Name);
foreach (var facet in schemaSimpleTypeRestriction.Facets)
var result = Convert.ChangeType(facet, facet.GetType());
if (facet.GetType().Name.Equals("XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet"))
baseType.type = "Enum";
baseType.Rules.Add(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { result.GetType().Name, result.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(result, null).ToString() } });
catch (Exception)
private static TypeInfo OutputElements(XmlSchemaParticle particle, TypeInfo typeInfo)
XmlSchemaSequence sequence = particle as XmlSchemaSequence;
XmlSchemaChoice choice = particle as XmlSchemaChoice;
XmlSchemaAll all = particle as XmlSchemaAll;
if (sequence != null)
Console.WriteLine(" Sequence");
for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Items.Count; i++)
XmlSchemaElement childElement = sequence.Items[i] as XmlSchemaElement;
XmlSchemaSequence innerSequence = sequence.Items[i] as XmlSchemaSequence;
XmlSchemaChoice innerChoice = sequence.Items[i] as XmlSchemaChoice;
XmlSchemaAll innerAll = sequence.Items[i] as XmlSchemaAll;
if (childElement != null)
typeInfo.Properties.Add(new TypeInfo(childElement.Name, childElement.SchemaTypeName.Name));
Console.WriteLine(" Element/Type: {0}:{1}", childElement.Name,
else typeInfo.Properties.Add(OutputElements(sequence.Items[i] as XmlSchemaParticle, new TypeInfo()));
else if (choice != null)
Console.WriteLine(" Choice");
for (int i = 0; i < choice.Items.Count; i++)
XmlSchemaElement childElement = choice.Items[i] as XmlSchemaElement;
XmlSchemaSequence innerSequence = choice.Items[i] as XmlSchemaSequence;
XmlSchemaChoice innerChoice = choice.Items[i] as XmlSchemaChoice;
XmlSchemaAll innerAll = choice.Items[i] as XmlSchemaAll;
if (childElement != null)
Console.WriteLine(" Element/Type: {0}:{1}", childElement.Name,
else typeInfo.Properties.Add(OutputElements(choice.Items[i] as XmlSchemaParticle, new TypeInfo()));
else if (all != null)
Console.WriteLine(" All");
for (int i = 0; i < all.Items.Count; i++)
XmlSchemaElement childElement = all.Items[i] as XmlSchemaElement;
XmlSchemaSequence innerSequence = all.Items[i] as XmlSchemaSequence;
XmlSchemaChoice innerChoice = all.Items[i] as XmlSchemaChoice;
XmlSchemaAll innerAll = all.Items[i] as XmlSchemaAll;
if (childElement != null)
Console.WriteLine(" Element/Type: {0}:{1}", childElement.Name,
else typeInfo.Properties.Add(OutputElements(all.Items[i] as XmlSchemaParticle, new TypeInfo()));
return typeInfo;
//enter code here