Я пытаюсь распечатать частоту каждой буквы, найденной в текстовом файле. Я не уверен, как это зациклить и правильно получить массив, чтобы делать то, что я хочу. У меня есть основы, но я потерян. Есть идеи?
Пример текстового файла:
Здравствуйте, меня зовут Захари. Взятие людей рентгеновским снимком - это то, чем я занимаюсь.
Желаемый результат:
Буквы - Частоты в файле:
a - 7
b- 0
c - 1
d - 1
e - 4
f - 1
g - 2
ч - 3
i - 6
j - 0
k - 1
л - 4
м -2
n - 3
o - 4
p - 2
q - 0
r - 2
s - 3
t - 2
u - 0
v - 1
w - 1
x - 1
y - 3
z - 1
* program that reads in a text file and counts the frequency of each letter
* displays the frequencies in descending order
import java.util.*; //needed for Scanner
import java.io.*; //needed for File related classes
public class LetterCounter {
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException{
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); //Scanner to read in file name
System.out.println("Enter the name of the text file to read:");
String filename = keyboard.next();
//This String has all the letters of the alphabet
//You can use it to "look up" a character using alphabet.indexOf(...) to see what letter it is
//0 would indicate 'a', 1 for 'b', and so on. -1 would mean the character is not a letter
String alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
//TODO: create a way to keep track of the letter counts
//I recommend an array of 26 int values, one for each letter, so 0 would be for 'a', 1 for 'b', etc.
int[] myArray = new int[26];
Scanner fileScan = new Scanner(new File(filename)); //another Scanner to open and read the file
char letterFind = fileScan.nextLine().charAt(0);
//loop to read file line-by-line
while (fileScan.hasNext()) { //this will continue to the end of the file
String line = fileScan.nextLine(); //get the next line of text and store it in a temporary String
line = line.toLowerCase( ); // convert to lowercase
//TODO: count the letters in the current line
int letter = 0;
for (int i=0; i<myArray.length; i++) {
char current = line.charAt(i);
if (letterFind == current) {
fileScan.close(); //done with file reading...close the Scanner so the file is "closed"
//print out frequencies
System.out.println("Letters - Frequencies in file:");
//TODO: print out all the letter counts