в xaml
<AbsoluteLayout BackgroundColor="White" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0,1,1,1">
<!-- -->
<StackLayout x:Name="bottomDrawer" BackgroundColor="Olive" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="0.5,1.00,0.9,0.04" AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags="All">
<PanGestureRecognizer PanUpdated="PanGestureHandler" />
<!-- put the content of panel slider here -->
в коде позади
double? layoutHeight;
double layoutBoundsHeight;
int direction;
const double layoutPropHeightMax = 0.75;
const double layoutPropHeightMin = 0.04;
void PanGestureHandler(object sender, PanUpdatedEventArgs e)
layoutHeight = layoutHeight ?? ((sender as StackLayout).Parent as AbsoluteLayout).Height;
switch (e.StatusType)
case GestureStatus.Started:
layoutBoundsHeight = AbsoluteLayout.GetLayoutBounds(sender as StackLayout).Height;
case GestureStatus.Running:
direction = e.TotalY < 0 ? 1 : -1;
case GestureStatus.Completed:
if (direction > 0)
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
var height = layoutPropHeightMin;
while (height < layoutPropHeightMax)
await Task.Delay(2);
height += 0.04;
AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds(bottomDrawer, new Rectangle(0.5, 1.00, 0.9, height));
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
var height = layoutPropHeightMax;
while (height > layoutPropHeightMin)
await Task.Delay(2);
height -= 0.04;
AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds(bottomDrawer, new Rectangle(0.5, 1.00, 0.9, height));
Поскольку мы использовали AbsoluteLayout
. Вам лучше установить AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds
вместо HeightRequest
или WidthRequest
, если вы хотите добавить дочерний элемент управления в панель silder.