Часть моего задания - экспорт в текст, если пользователь выбирает эту опцию. Кажется, у меня все в порядке, кроме этой одной части. Кто-нибудь может подсказать, где я иду не так? Нужно ли добавить что-то еще в коде для правильной работы? Я получаю сообщение об ошибке, что automobilelist
не определяется при выборе варианта 6.
class Automobile:
# constructor, it takes parameters make, model, year and mileage
def __init__(self,aMake,aModel,aColor,aYear,aMileage):
# assign passed values to instance variables
self.setMake(aMake) # string
self.setModel(aModel) # string
self.setColor(aColor) # string
self.setYear(aYear) # int
self.setMileage(aMileage) # int
# setter of make
# it takes 1 parameter make
# it doesn't returns anything
def setMake(self, aMake):
self.__make = aMake
# getter of make
# it doesn't take any parameters
# it returns make
def getMake(self):
return self.__make
# setter of model
# it takes 1 parameter model
# it doesn't returns anything
def setModel(self, aModel):
self.__model = aModel
# getter of model
# it doesn't take any parameters
# it returns model
def getModel(self):
return self.__model
# setter of color
# it takes 1 parameter color
# it doesn't returns anything
def setColor(self, aColor):
self.__color = aColor
return True
# getter of color
# it doesn't take any parameters
# it returns color
def getColor(self):
return self.__color
# setter of year
# it takes 1 parameter year
# it doesn't returns anything
def setYear(self, aYear):
self.__year = aYear
# getter of year
# it doesn't take any parameters
# it returns year
def getYear(self):
return self.__year
# setter of mileage
# it takes 1 parameter year
# it doesn't returns anything
def setMileage(self, aMileage):
self.__mileage = aMileage
# getter of mileage
# it doesn't take any parameters
# it returns mileage
def getMileage(self):
return self.__mileage
# string representation of the instance variables
# it doesn't take any parameters
# it returns string form of object
def __str__(self):
return "{}, {}, {}, {}, {}".format(self.getMake(),self.getModel(),self.getColor(),self.getYear(),self.getMileage())
class Automobiledealership:
# constructor
# it initializes the empty automobile list
def __init__(self):
self.__automobilelist = []
# adds automobile to dealership
# it takes automobile class object as parameter
# it doesn't returns anything
def addAutomobile(self, automobile):
# removes automobile from dealership
# it takes index of automobile in the list as parameter
# it doesn't returns anything
def removeAutomobile(self, index):
del self.__automobilelist[index-1]
# returns automobile from dealership
# it takes index of automobile in the list as parameter
# it returns automobile object located at that index
def getAutomobile(self, index):
return self.__automobilelist[index-1]
# prints the list of automobiles
# it doesn't take any parameters
# it doesn't returns anything
def printAutomobileList(self):
if len(self.__automobilelist)==0:
print("No automobiles in dealership")
for i in range(len(self.__automobilelist)):
print("{}. {}".format(i+1,self.__automobilelist[i]))
# add some automobiles to the dealership for Sample Inventory
def addSampleAutomobiles(automobiles):
automobiles.addAutomobile(Automobile("Ford", "Focus", "Red", 2019, 8000))
automobiles.addAutomobile(Automobile("Toyota", "Camry", "Red", 2000, 25000))
automobiles.addAutomobile(Automobile("Toyota", "Prius", "Red", 2010, 35000))
def addAutomobile(automobiles):
make = input("Please enter Make >> ")
model = input("Please enter Model >> ")
color = input("Please enter Color >> ")
year = int(input("Please enter Year >> "))
mileage = int(input("Please enter Mileage >> "))
def removeAutomobile(automobiles):
index = int(input("Please enter number of the automobile to be removed >> "))
def updateAutomobile(automobiles):
index = int(input("Please enter number of the automobile to be updated >> "))
automobile = automobiles.getAutomobile(index)
make = input("Please enter Make (enter 0 to skip) >> ")
model = input("Please enter Model (enter 0 to skip) >> ")
color = input("Please enter Color (enter 0 to skip) >> ")
year = int(input("Please enter Year (enter 0 to skip) >> "))
mileage = int(input("Please enter Mileage (enter -1 to skip) >> "))
if make!='0':
print("Automobile make is updated")
if model!='0':
print("Automobile model is updated")
if color!='0':
print("Automobile color is updated")
if year!=0:
print("Automobile year is updated")
if mileage!=-1:
print("Automobile mileage is updated")
# create automobile dealership object
automobiles = Automobiledealership()
choice = -1
# start loop
while choice!=0:
print("1. Add sample automobiles to dealership")
print("2. Display automobiles in the dealership")
print("3. Add automobile to dealership")
print("4. Remove automobile from dealership")
print("5. Update automobile at dealership")
print("6. Export automobile Inventory")
print("0. Exit program")
choice = int(input("Your choice >> "))
if choice==1:
elif choice==2:
elif choice==3:
elif choice == 4:
elif choice == 5:
elif choice == 6:
f = open('AutomobileList.txt', 'w')