JQ-запрос, возвращающий слишком много записей (нежелательных перестановок) - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 07 февраля 2020

У меня сложный файл JSON, и я пытаюсь получить приведенный ниже результат, используя JQ.

Ожидаемый результат:

  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure message of the day is configured properly",
  "Status": "passed"
  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure bond0 is present",
  "Status": "passed"
  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure the SELinux state is disabled",
  "Status": "passed"

Ниже приведен Файл JSON, полученный в результате запуска профиля Chef Inspe c.


  "platform": {
    "name": "redhat",
    "release": "7.7",
    "target_id": "Test.example.com"
  "profiles": [
      "name": "my-test",
      "version": "0.1.0",
      "sha256": "6fea36d6c12b21cd51274774edb4200d983db45c4cfa8172eebb897b6f3db8fe",
      "title": "InSpec Profile",
      "maintainer": "The Authors",
      "summary": "An InSpec Compliance Profile",
      "license": "Apache-2.0",
      "copyright": "The Authors",
      "copyright_email": "you@example.com",
      "supports": [
          "platform": "os"
      "attributes": [],
      "groups": [
          "id": "controls/1_motd.rb",
          "controls": [
            "1.1 motd check"
          "title": "Warning Banners"
          "id": "controls/6_network.rb",
          "controls": [
            "6.1 Bonding"
          "id": "controls/12_selinux.rb",
          "controls": [
            "Selinux Config"
      "controls": [
          "id": "1.1 motd check",
          "title": "Ensure message of the day is configured properly",
          "desc": "Ensure message of the day is configured properly",
          "descriptions": [
              "label": "default",
              "data": "Ensure message of the day is configured properly"
          "impact": 1,
          "refs": [],
          "tags": {},
          "code": "control '1.1 motd check' do\n  title 'Ensure message of the day is configured properly'\n  desc  \"The contents of the /etc/motd file are displayed to users after login and function as a message of the day for authenticated users.\"\n  desc \"Ensure message of the day is configured properly\"\n  impact 1.0\n  \n  describe file('/etc/motd') do\n    its('content') { should_not be_empty }\n  end\nend\n",
          "source_location": {
            "line": 3,
            "ref": "my-test/controls/1_motd.rb"
          "waiver_data": {},
          "results": [
              "status": "passed",
              "code_desc": "File /etc/motd content should not be empty",
              "run_time": 0.099938054,
              "start_time": "2020-02-07T11:31:47+11:00"
          "id": "6.1 Bonding",
          "title": "Ensure bond0 is present",
          "desc": "Check bonding is present",
          "descriptions": [
              "label": "default",
              "data": "Check bonding is present"
          "impact": 1,
          "refs": [],
          "tags": {},
          "code": "control '6.1 Bonding' do\n  title 'Ensure bond0 is present'\n  desc  \"Check bonding is present\"\n  impact 1.0\n  \n  only_if { sys_info.manufacturer != \"VMware, Inc.\" } \n\n  describe bond('bond0') do\n    it { should exist }\n    its('mode') { should eq 'IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation' }\n  end\nend\n",
          "source_location": {
            "line": 1,
            "ref": "my-test/controls/6_network.rb"
          "waiver_data": {},
          "results": [
              "status": "skipped",
              "code_desc": "No-op",
              "run_time": 9.02e-06,
              "start_time": "2020-02-07T11:31:47+11:00",
              "resource": "No-op",
              "skip_message": "Skipped control due to only_if condition."
          "id": "Selinux Config",
          "title": "Ensure the SELinux state is disabled",
          "desc": "Set SELinux to diabled",
          "descriptions": [
              "label": "default",
              "data": "Set SELinux to diabled"
          "impact": 1,
          "refs": [],
          "tags": {},
          "code": "control 'Selinux Config' do\n  title 'Ensure the SELinux state is disabled'\n  desc  \"Set SELinux to diabled\"\n  impact 1.0\n\n    describe file('/etc/selinux/config') do\n    its(:content) { should match(/^SELINUX=disabled\\s*(?:#.*)?$/) }\n  end\nend\n",
          "source_location": {
            "line": 1,
            "ref": "my-test/controls/12_selinux.rb"
          "waiver_data": {},
          "results": [
              "status": "passed",
              "code_desc": "File /etc/selinux/config content should match /^SELINUX=disabled\\s*(?:#.*)?$/",
              "run_time": 0.120881444,
              "start_time": "2020-02-07T11:31:47+11:00"
      "status": "loaded"
  "statistics": {
    "duration": 0.223533139
  "version": "4.18.24"

Я использовал следующее Код JQ для извлечения полей, но извлеченные значения повторяются.

Код JQ:

jq  '{Host: .platform.target_id,Title: .profiles[].controls[].title,Status: .profiles[].controls[].results[].status}'

Результат, который я получил сверху JQ filter

Фактический результат:

  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure message of the day is configured properly",
  "Status": "passed"
  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure message of the day is configured properly",
  "Status": "skipped"
  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure message of the day is configured properly",
  "Status": "passed"
  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure bond0 is present",
  "Status": "passed"
  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure bond0 is present",
  "Status": "skipped"
  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure bond0 is present",
  "Status": "passed"
  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure the SELinux state is disabled",
  "Status": "passed"
  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure the SELinux state is disabled",
  "Status": "skipped"
  "Host": "Test.example.com",
  "Title": "Ensure the SELinux state is disabled",
  "Status": "passed"

Как получить ожидаемые результаты. Любая помощь будет оценена.

1 Ответ

1 голос
/ 07 февраля 2020

Поскольку вы итерируете по profiles[] более одного раза, вы комбинируете результаты одной такой итерации с результатами другой. Чтобы избежать этого, выполните итерацию только один раз и получите title и results из одной и той же записи списка controls.

jq  '
.platform.target_id as $target |
.profiles[].controls[] |
{ Host: $target,
  Title: .title,
  Status: .results[].status }

См. Этот процесс для ваших входных данных на https://jqplay.org/s/_6KVDfIn3m
