GROUPING SETS и функции GROUPING_ID могут помочь здесь.
with t (MonthEnd, NumColA, NumColB, NumColC) as (
select to_date('1/31/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 10, 25, 100 from dual union all
select to_date('2/29/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 10, 35, 150 from dual union all
select to_date('3/31/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 10, 40, 300 from dual union all
select to_date('4/1/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 1, 3, 61 from dual union all
select to_date('4/2/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 5, 9, 08 from dual union all
select to_date('4/7/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 4, 8, 11 from dual
, prep as (
select MonthEnd
, case when trunc(sysdate, 'month') = trunc(monthend, 'month') then trunc(sysdate, 'month') end grp_dt
, NumColA, NumColB, NumColC
from t
select grouping_id (monthend, grp_dt) grp, monthend, grp_dt
, case when grouping_id (monthend, grp_dt) = 2 and grp_dt is not null then 'MTD'
when grouping_id (monthend, grp_dt) = 2 and grp_dt is null then 'Prev'
when grouping_id (monthend, grp_dt) = 3 then 'Grand Total'
else to_char(monthend, 'mm/dd/yyyy') end l
, sum(NumColA) sa, sum(numcolb) sb, sum(numcolc) sc
from prep
group by grouping sets((monthend, grp_dt), (grp_dt), ());
---------- --------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0 31-JAN-20 01/31/2020 10 25 100
0 29-FEB-20 02/29/2020 10 35 150
0 31-MAR-20 03/31/2020 10 40 300
2 Prev 30 100 550
0 01-APR-20 01-APR-20 04/01/2020 1 3 61
0 02-APR-20 01-APR-20 04/02/2020 5 9 8
0 07-APR-20 01-APR-20 04/07/2020 4 8 11
2 01-APR-20 MTD 10 20 80
3 Grand Total 40 120 630
9 rows selected.
Я сохранил все столбцы для целей отладки, и первые 3 столбца могут быть удалены из самого внешнего SELECT. Если вы не заинтересованы в отображении строки Prev
, просто оберните ее другим внешним запросом и примените WHERE TXT != 'Prev'
with t (MonthEnd, NumColA, NumColB, NumColC) as (
select to_date('1/31/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 10, 25, 100 from dual union all
select to_date('2/29/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 10, 35, 150 from dual union all
select to_date('3/31/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 10, 40, 300 from dual union all
select to_date('4/1/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 1, 3, 61 from dual union all
select to_date('4/2/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 5, 9, 08 from dual union all
select to_date('4/7/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 4, 8, 11 from dual
, prep as (
select MonthEnd
, case when trunc(sysdate, 'month') = trunc(monthend, 'month') then trunc(sysdate, 'month') end grp_dt
, NumColA, NumColB, NumColC
from t
select txt, sa, sb, sc from (
select grouping_id (monthend, grp_dt) grp, monthend, grp_dt
, case when grouping_id (monthend, grp_dt) = 2 and grp_dt is not null then 'MTD'
when grouping_id (monthend, grp_dt) = 2 and grp_dt is null then 'Prev'
when grouping_id (monthend, grp_dt) = 3 then 'Grand Total'
else to_char(monthend, 'mm/dd/yyyy') end txt
, sum(NumColA) sa, sum(numcolb) sb, sum(numcolc) sc
from prep
group by grouping sets((monthend, grp_dt), (grp_dt), ())
where txt != 'Prev'
order by grp, monthend;