CI проблемы с Cypress, установленной в пользовательском каталоге - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 09 апреля 2020


Правильно настроить этап сборки с учетом кипариса, расположенного в подпапке вместо root проекта / git. файл package.json также не находится в root хранилища

Я использую следующую конфигурацию .gitlab-ci.yml:

# first, install Cypress, then run all tests (in parallel)
  - build
  - test

# to cache both npm modules and Cypress binary we use environment variables
# to point at the folders we can list as paths in "cache" job settings
  npm_config_cache: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cypress-cast/.npm"
  CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cypress-cast/cache/Cypress"

# cache using branch name
    - .npm
    - cache/Cypress
    - node_modules

# this job installs NPM dependencies and Cypress
  image: cypress/base:10
  stage: build

    - npm ci
    # check Cypress binary path and cached versions
    # useful to make sure we are not carrying around old versions
    - npx cypress cache path
    - npx cypress cache list
    - $(npm bin)/print-env CI
    - npm run cy:verify

# all jobs that actually run tests can use the same definition
  image: cypress/base:10
  stage: test
    # print CI environment variables for reference
    - $(npm bin)/print-env CI
    # start the server in the background
    - npm run start:ci &
    # run Cypress test in load balancing mode
    - npm run e2e:record -- --key 4efafe61-914a-46bb-8134-3f77c6100719 --parallel --group "electrons on GitLab CI"
    when: always
      - cypress/videos/
      - cypress/screenshots/

# actual job definitions
# all steps are the same, they come from the template above
  extends: .job_template
  extends: .job_template
  extends: .job_template
  extends: .job_template
  extends: .job_template

Ошибка Gitlab CI Runner:

 $ npm ci
 npm ERR! path /builds/Cast-Soft/cypress-ci-test/package.json
 npm ERR! code ENOENT
 npm ERR! errno -2
 npm ERR! syscall open
 npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/builds/Cast-Soft/cypress-ci-test/package.json'
 npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
 npm ERR! enoent 
 npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
 npm ERR!     /builds/Cast-Soft/cypress-ci-test/cypress-cast/.npm/_logs/2020-04-08T18_31_07_337Z-debug.log
Running after_script
Uploading artifacts for failed job
 ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

Я знаю, что это проблема, поскольку Cypress не находится в папке root (включая пакет и cypress config), но внутри папки с именем cypress-cast, поэтому я добавил команду

cd $ CI_PROJECT_DIR / cypress-cast /

    - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR/cypress-cast/
    - npm ci
    # check Cypress binary path and cached versions
    # useful to make sure we are not carrying around old versions
    - npx cypress cache path
    - npx cypress cache list
    - $(npm bin)/print-env CI
    - npm run cy:verify

Новые проблемы

 $ npm run start:ci &
 $ npm run e2e:record -- --key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --parallel --group "electrons on GitLab CI"
 npmnpm  ERR! ERR!path /builds/Cast-Soft/cypress-ci-test/package.json
  path /builds/Cast-Soft/cypress-ci-test/package.json
 npm npm ERR! codeERR! code ENOENT
 npmnpm  ERR!ERR! errno errno -2
 npm ERR!npm  ERR!syscall open
  syscall open
 npmnpm  ERR!ERR! enoent enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/builds/Cast-Soft/cypress-ci-test/package.json'
  ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/builds/Cast-Soft/cypress-ci-test/package.json'
 npmnpm  ERR!ERR!  enoentenoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
  This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
 npmnpm  ERR!ERR!  enoentenoent 

 npmnpm ERR! ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
  A complete log of this run can be found in:
 npm ERR!npm     /builds/Cast-Soft/cypress-ci-test/cypress-cast/.npm/_logs/2020-04-08T21_52_03_800Z-debug.log
  ERR!     /builds/Cast-Soft/cypress-ci-test/cypress-cast/.npm/_logs/2020-04-08T21_52_03_802Z-debug.log
Running after_script
Uploading artifacts for failed job
 Uploading artifacts...
 WARNING: cypress/videos/: no matching files        
 WARNING: cypress/screenshots/: no matching files   
 ERROR: No files to upload                          
 ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

Похоже, использование CD создает снежный ком из новых проблем, я пробовал npm ci --path $ CI_PROJECT_DIR / cypress-cast / и некоторые варианты, но это не так т работа.


Где и как вначале установить значение по умолчанию для кипарисного пути, чтобы он работал вместе на нескольких этапах, таких как сборка и тестирование?
