Сделать 2 счетчика потоков - от начального до конечного значения. Значение счетчика должно отображаться для каждого счета. Один поток настроен на меньшее значение, чем другой. Когда один из потоков считает заданное значение, другой останавливается и завершает свое выполнение. Это моя задача, поэтому я решил с помощью AtomicBoolean run = new AtomicBoolean (true);
* Implements {@link Runnable} and his method {@link Runnable#run} to run until stop is set to true
* and count is less than maxCount.
public class Counter implements Runnable {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Counter.class);
private static final String MAX_COUNT_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "maxCount should be bigger than zero!";
private static final int NUMBER_TO_CHECK_MAX_COUNT_VALIDATION = 1;
private AtomicBoolean run;
private int count;
private int maxCount;
* Constructs a counter with zero count and run equal to true with a specified maxCount.
* @param maxCount of the counter
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if maxCount is smaller than 1
Counter(int maxCount, AtomicBoolean run) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MAX_COUNT_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE);
this.maxCount = maxCount;
this.run = run;
* Entry point.
* <p>
* Runs until run is set to false and count is less than maxCount.
* <p>
* On every loop {@link Counter} increment count with 1 and print the count.
public void run() {
while (count < maxCount && run.get()) {
logger.info(this + " : " + count);
* Used for obtaining current value for the count.
* @return count.
int getCount() {
return count;
* Increment the count.
private void incrementCount() {
* Runs two counters and print the counting for both of them until one reach his maxCount then both are stopped.
public class RunnerTwoCounters {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RunnerTwoCounters.class);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
AtomicBoolean run = new AtomicBoolean(true);
Counter counter1 = new Counter(2, run);
Thread thread1 = new Thread(counter1);
Counter counter2 = new Counter(10, run);
Thread thread2 = new Thread(counter2);
logger.info(counter1 + " " + counter1.getCount());
logger.info(counter2 + " " + counter2.getCount());
Как я могу заставить ту же самую вещь работать, но без Atomicboolean, просто работать с блокировкой объекта и некоторой синхронизацией на нем?