Чтобы рассчитать длину пути (например, общее расстояние, как вы упомянули, а не net смещение), просто выполните итерацию по каждой точке и вычислите ее расстояние от последней пройденной точки:
import math
def calculate_distance(starting_x, starting_y, destination_x, destination_y):
distance = math.hypot(destination_x - starting_x, destination_y - starting_y) # calculates Euclidean distance (straight-line) distance between two points
return distance
def calculate_path(selected_map):
total_distance = 0
current_point = selected_map[0]
for next_point in selected_map[1:]:
current_distance = calculate_distance(
current_point[0], current_point[1],
next_point[0], next_point[1]
print(current_point, 'to', next_point, '=', current_distance)
total_distance += current_distance
current_point = next_point
return total_distance
selected_map = [(12, 34), (45, -55), (-89, 33), (60, 12)]
distance = calculate_path(selected_map)
print ('Total Distance =', distance)
Выходные данные :
(12, 34) to (45, -55) = 94.92101980067429
(45, -55) to (-89, 33) = 160.31219541881399
(-89, 33) to (60, 12) = 150.4725888658795
Total Distance = 405.70580408536773