Если вы используете Ubuntu18.04 или его производную версию, вы можете найти библиотеку netcdf4.1
, выполнив:
sudo apt-cache search libnetcdf
В моем сеансе (Linux Mint) я получаю :
libnetcdf-c++4 - legacy NetCDF C++ interface
libnetcdf-c++4-1 - C++ interface for scientific data access to large binary data
libnetcdf-c++4-dbg - debugging symbols for NetCDF C++
libnetcdf-c++4-dev - creation, access, and sharing of scientific data in C++
libnetcdf-c++4-doc - NetCDF C++ API documentation
libnetcdf-cxx-legacy-dbg - debugging symbols for legacy NetCDF C++ interface
libnetcdf-cxx-legacy-dev - legacy NetCDF C++ interface - development files
libnetcdf-dev - creation, access, and sharing of scientific data
libnetcdf13 - Interface for scientific data access to large binary data
libnetcdff-dbg - debugging symbols for NetCDF Fortran
libnetcdff-dev - creation, access, and sharing of scientific data in Fortran
libnetcdff-doc - NetCDF Fortran documentation
libnetcdff6 - Fortran interface for scientific data access to large binary data
Итак, установка libnetcdf-c++4-1
должна решить вашу проблему:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-c++4-1
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