У меня действительно странная проблема в моем коде. Короче говоря, я создал систему с панелью инструментов под названием dashboard_engineer.php
. Эта панель мониторинга будет отображать только первые 30 строк данных базы данных MySQL. Эта панель также содержит 3 отфильтрованных входа:
Пользователи могут использовать этот фильтр чтобы найти их точные строки данных. Пользователь просто вводит данные и нажимает кнопку Поиск , и это перенаправляет пользователя на dashboard_engineer2.php
. На этой панели будут отображаться все строки отфильтрованных данных. Каждая строка данных содержит кнопку View и Remove . Кнопка Просмотр используется для просмотра подробностей строки данных.
Моя проблема , для отфильтрованных данных, подробности в первых строках данных, которые отображаются пустыми при нажатии кнопки View . Но детали можно просмотреть для второй, третьей и последующих строк данных, когда пользователь нажимает кнопку Просмотр . Когда я осмотрел кнопку в первой строке * первой строки, ID
этой кнопки правильная.
Любые предложения о том, как решить эту проблему, будут оценены.
Вот мой текущий код
dashboard_engineer. php
<form method = 'post' action = 'dashboard_engineer2.php' target="_blank">
<td width="40%">
<select class="form-control" name="team" id="team" required>
<option value="">Please select...</option>
<?php foreach ($data as $row2): ?>
<option value="<?php echo $row2["team_id"]; ?>"><?php echo $row2["fullname"]; ?></option>
<?php endforeach ?>
<td width="1%"></td>
<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="from" id="from" class="form-control" placeholder="From" required></td>
<td width="1%"></td>
<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="to" id="to" class="form-control" placeholder="To" required></td>
<td width="1%"></td>
<td width="10%"><button type="submit" class="btn-primary" >Search</button><td>
<div class="row" style='height: 300px; overflow-y: scroll;'>
<div class="col-lg-12 grid-margin stretch-card">
$query = $conn->query("SELECT TOP 30 * FROM ot_report LEFT JOIN ot_users ON ot_report.badgeid = ot_users.badgeid WHERE ot_users.team_id <> 1 AND ot_report.status = 'yes' ORDER BY ot_report.report_id DESC");
$query -> execute();
$results = $query -> fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
echo "<table class = 'table-bordered' width ='100%'>";
echo "<thead>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th width = '5%'>id</th>
<th width = '17%'>Date</th>
<th width = '27%'>Officer/ Asst. Engineer</th>
<th width = '32%'>Task Name</th>
<th width = '12%'>Status</th>
<th width = '7%'>Action</th>
<tbody >
<td colspan='8'>No report at this moment</td>
echo "<table class = 'table-bordered' width ='100%'>";
echo "<thead>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th width = '5%'>id</th>
<th width = '17%'>Date</th>
<th width = '27%'>Officer/ Asst. Engineer</th>
<th width = '32%'>Task Name</th>
<th width = '12%'>Status</th>
<th colspan = '2' width = '7%'>Action</th>
<tbody >";
$query = $conn->query("SELECT TOP 30 * FROM ot_report LEFT JOIN ot_users ON ot_report.badgeid = ot_users.badgeid WHERE ot_users.team_id <> 1 AND ot_report.status = 'yes' ORDER BY ot_report.report_id DESC");
while($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$report_id = $row['report_id'];
$datereport = $row['report_date'];
$datereport2 = strtotime($datereport);
$report_date = date('d M Y', $datereport2);
$fullname = $row['fullname'];
$task_name = $row['task_name'];
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>". $report_id. "</td>";
echo "<td>". $report_date . "</td>";
echo "<td>". $fullname . "</td>";
echo "<td>". $task_name . "</td>";
echo "<td align='center' style='$color'><strong>". $status . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td align='center'>";
echo "<form method = 'post' action = 'view_task/view_task.php' target='_blank'>";
echo "<input type = 'hidden' name = 'report_id' value = '".$report_id."'>";
echo "<button type = 'submit' class='btn-primary'>View</button>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td align='center'>";
echo "<form method = 'post' action = 'remove.php' onClick=\"return confirm('Do you want to remove this report?')\">";
echo "<input type = 'hidden' name = 'report_id' value = '".$report_id."'>";
echo "<button type = 'submit' class='btn-danger'>Remove</button>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</tbody>";
echo "</table><br>";
dashboard_engineer2. php
if(isset($_REQUEST["from"], $_REQUEST["to"], $_REQUEST["team"])){
$from = $_REQUEST['from'];
$to = $_REQUEST['to'];
$team = $_REQUEST['team'];
$result = '';
$query = "SELECT * FROM ot_report LEFT JOIN ot_users ON ot_report.badgeid = ot_users.badgeid WHERE ot_users.team_id = '".$team."' AND report_date BETWEEN '".$from."' AND '".$to."' ORDER BY ot_report.report_id DESC";
$sql = $conn->prepare($query, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL));
$sql -> execute();
if($sql->rowCount() > 0){
<form method="post" action="">
<div><a href="../pdf.php?from='.$from.'&to='.$to.' &team='.$team.'" target="_blank"><u>PDF View</u></a></div><br>
<div class="row" style="height: 300px; overflow-y: scroll;">
<div class="col-lg-12 grid-margin stretch-card">
<table class = "table-bordered" width = "100%">
<th width = "10%"><input type="checkbox" id="checkAl"> All</th>
<th width = "3%">id</th>
<th width = "15%">Date</th>
<th width = "25%">Supervisor</th>
<th width = "30%">Task Name</th>
<th width = "10%">Status</th>
<th colspan = "2" width = "7%">Action</th>
while($row = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$datereport = $row['report_date'];
$datereport2 = strtotime($datereport);
$report_date = date('d M Y', $datereport2);
else {
$report_id = $row["report_id"];
echo '<td><input type="checkbox" id="checkItem" name="check[]" value='.$row['report_id'].'></td>';
echo '<td>'.$report_id.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$report_date.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$row["fullname"].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$row["task_name"].'</td>';
echo '<td align="center" style='.$color.'><strong>'.$status.'</strong></td>';
echo '<td align="center">';
echo '<form action = "view_task/view_task.php" method = "post" target="_blank">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "report_id" value = "'.$report_id.'">';
echo '<button type = "submit" class="btn-primary">View</button>';
echo '</form>';
echo '</td>';
// echo '<a class="btn-view btn-primary btn-sm" href="view_task/view_task.php?report_id='. $report_id .'" data-toggle="tooltip" >View</a></td>';
echo '<td align="center">';
echo "<form action = 'remove2.php' method = 'post' onClick=\"return confirm('Do you want to remove this reports?')\">";
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "from" value = "'.$from.'">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "to" value = "'.$to.'">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "team" value = "'.$team.'">';
echo '<input type = "hidden" name = "report_id" value = "'.$report_id.'">';
echo '<button type = "submit" class="btn-danger">Remove</button>';
echo '</form>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td><p align="center"><button type="submit" class="btn-danger btn-sm" name="save">DELETE</button></p></td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</form>';
echo '
<table class = "table-bordered" width = "100%">
<th width = "5%">id</th>
<th width = "12%">Date</th>
<th width = "29%">Supervisor</th>
<th width = "23%">Task Name</th>
<th width = "7%">From</th>
<th width = "7%">To</th>
<th width = "10%">Status</th>
<th width = "7%">Action</th>
<td colspan="8">No report found</td>
echo '</body></table></div></div>';
viewtask / view_task. php
$team_n = $_SESSION['team_n'];
if (isset ($_POST['report_id'])) {
$report_id = $_POST['report_id'];
}else if (isset ($_GET['report_id'])){
$report_id = $_GET['report_id'];
}else {
exit ("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Not allowed!'); location.href = '../dashboard_engineer.php';</script>");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ot_report LEFT JOIN ot_users ON ot_report.badgeid = ot_users.badgeid LEFT JOIN ot_team ON ot_team.team_id = ot_users.team_id WHERE report_id = :report_id";
$query = $conn->prepare($sql);
$query->execute(array(':report_id' => $report_id));
while($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$report_id = $row["report_id"];
$report_date = $row["report_date"];
$task_name = $row["task_name"];
$photo_before = $row["photo_before"];
$photo_after = $row["photo_after"];
$ot_start = $row["ot_start"];
$ot_end = $row["ot_end"];
$time_photo_before = $row["time_photo_before"];
$time_photo_after = $row["time_photo_after"];
$report_status = $row["report_status"];
<table align="center" width="100%">
<td width="20%"><b>Date Report</b></td>
<td width="80%" colspan='3'><?php echo $report_date; ?></td>
<form action="update_task_name.php" method="POST" >
<td><b>Task Name</b></td>
<td colspan = '2'><input type="text" class="form-control" name="task_name" value="<?php echo $task_name; ?>"/></td>
<input type="hidden" name="report_id" value="<?php echo $report_id ?>">
<td><button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block" onclick="confirm('Are you sure?')">Save</button></td>
<form action="update_photo_before.php" method="post" id="form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<td rowspan = '3'><b>Before Task</b></td>
if(!isset($photo_before) || empty($photo_before)) {
echo "<td colspan='2' rowspan='2'><img id='output_before' src='../../../../images/faces/noimage.png'/ style='width:220px;height:300px;'></td>";
echo "<td colspan='2' rowspan='2'><img id='output_before' src='$photo_before'/ style='width:220px;height:300px;'></td>";
<td colspan ='2'><input type="file" name="uploadFile" value="" accept="image/*" onchange="preview_before(event)"/></td>
<input type="hidden" name="report_id" value="<?php echo $report_id ?>">
<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload" onclick="confirm('Are you sure?')"/></td>