Когда я запускаю это, я могу заставить его спросить у меня пароль, но когда он запускает мой "для" l oop, я получаю ошибку, обновляя мои данные.
import csv, smtplib, ssl
import pandas as pd
newhire = pd.read_csv('New_Hires_Test.csv', delimiter = ",", skiprows=7) #Open up the document and
skip header
newhire["Email"] = "test@gmail.com" #Add a row 'Email' and add email address
mask = newhire["New IT Item"] == "New" #brings back only new in "New IT Item column"
message = """\Subject: {Effective Date}
From: test@gmail.com
To: test@gmail.com
Hello IT,
We have a new user by the name of {StartDate}. The new user will be starting on {Employee} and will
be working at {PC}.
Their title will be {Title} and their supervisor is {Supervisor}"""
from_address = "test@gmail.com"
password = input("Type your password and press enter: ")
context = ssl.create_default_context()
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL("smtp.gmail.com", 465, context=context) as server:
server.login(from_address, password)
for Employee, StartDate, PC, Title, Supervisor, Email in newhire[mask]:
message.format(Employee=Employee, StartDate=StartDate, PC=PC, Title=Title, Email=Email,
print('Emails were sent successfully!')
***ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 6)***
Я глядя на мое "для" l oop, и я вижу, что есть 6 столбцов, которые я ищу. Все мои данные являются строками, и я установил разделитель, чтобы убедиться, что все данные разделены правильно. Я думаю, что я просто пропускаю проблему или не понимаю мои данные.
Report: ,,,All HR Action Requests: IT CAFs - New Hires (KB
Sorted By: ,,,Effective Date Descending,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Filtered By: ,,,Initiator Filter: All Employees; Employee Filter: All
Employees; Approver Filter: All Employees; HR Action = Hire Employee (Staff)
- Step 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Date & Time: ,,,01/06/2020 09:12p,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Generated By: ,,,Haywood,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Company: ,,,Corp Solutions(6122261),,,,,,,,,,,,,
New IT Item,StartDate,Effective Date,Employee Name,PC,Title,Supervisor
Name,Manager 2 Name,O365,ID
Badge,Computer,Avionte,GP,Hotspot,Tablet,TimeZone,HR Action
New,01/13/2020,02/03/2020,Elizabeth Anne Everts,Internal Staff/003 -
003,Onboarding Specialist,Suzanne Mitchell,Angela
Robbins,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,No,Eastern,Hire Employee (Staff) - Step 2
New,01/13/2020,01/13/2020,Karla Ramirez,Internal Staff/204 - 003,
Recruiter,Scott Clark,Shane Houser,Yes,,Standard
Laptop,Yes,Yes,No,No,Central,Hire Employee (Staff) - Step 2
New,01/13/2020,01/06/2020,Megan Arreola,Internal Staff/221 -
003,Recruiter,Elsa Muneton,Amanda Stewart,Yes,,No,Yes,No,No,No,Eastern,Hire
Employee (Staff) - Step 2