Функция утечки памяти еще не освобождена - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 10 апреля 2020

Я не понимаю, почему эта функция пропускает память. Предполагается обнаружить мат в шахматной зоне отдыха. Он использует legal_moves(), который назначает указатель на начало списка допустимых ходов (save здесь) и king_under_check(), который возвращает логическое значение. Когда я запускаю его через valgrind, у меня возникает определенная утечка памяти. Неправильно ли я предположить, что на выходе valgrind эта функция является источником утечки?

Моя функция:

    Bool is_checkmate(PlayerColor c) {

    Move *list = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));
    Move *save = list;
    unsigned int num = 0;
    if(is_king_under_check(c) && !legal_moves(&save, c, &num)){
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

, и я использую freeList() для освобождения списка, записанного в в legal_moves():

    void freeList(Move *head){
    Move *temp;

    while(head != NULL){
        temp = head;    
        head = head->next_move;

Here is the `valgrind` output:
    ==447557== 111,504 bytes in 4,646 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 44 of 47
    ==447557==    at 0x4837B65: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:752)
    ==447557==    by 0x116E55: is_checkmate (moves.c:1430)
    ==447557==    by 0x1172BF: run_mate1 (moves.c:1486)
    ==447557==    by 0x117CBD: run_mate2 (moves.c:1599)
    ==447557==    by 0x109C37: main (main.c:181)

Вот моя (довольно длинная) легальная функция ходов, которая может сузить проблему:

Bool legal_moves(Move **m, PlayerColor c, unsigned int *pcount) {
     /* Your implementation */
     Board tempBoard = CurrentBoard;
     uint64_t sq;
     Move *save = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));
     Move *link = save;
     *m = save;
     Move possibleMove;
     /*Move *mNode = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));*/
     unsigned int i, shift;
     for(shift = 0; shift < 64; shift++){
       /*printf("move count%d\n",*pcount);*/
       sq = 1;
       sq = sq<<shift;
       if(player[c].k & sq){
         possibleMove.from = shift;
         possibleMove.piece = KING;
         Pos *k_moves = king_move(possibleMove, c);
         unsigned int size = *(k_moves);
         unsigned int *arrPtr = k_moves;
         if(size > 0){
         for(i = 1; i < size+1; i++){
           possibleMove.to = *(arrPtr + i);
           PlayerState temp = player[c];
           PlayerState temp2 = player[1-c];
             make_move(possibleMove, player[c].k, KING, c);
               player[c] = temp;
               player[1-c] = temp2;
               CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           player[c] = temp;
           player[1-c] = temp2;
           CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           make_move(possibleMove, player[c].k, KING, c);
           if(is_king_under_check(c) == TRUE){
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;

           else if((board_to_pos(player[BLACK].k) == NORTH_OF(board_to_pos(player[WHITE].k))) ||
               (board_to_pos(player[BLACK].k) == EAST_OF(board_to_pos(player[WHITE].k))) ||
               (board_to_pos(player[BLACK].k) == SOUTH_OF(board_to_pos(player[WHITE].k))) ||
               (board_to_pos(player[BLACK].k) == EAST_OF(board_to_pos(player[WHITE].k))) ||
               (board_to_pos(player[BLACK].k) == SW_OF(board_to_pos(player[WHITE].k))) ||
               (board_to_pos(player[BLACK].k) == SE_OF(board_to_pos(player[WHITE].k))) ||
               (board_to_pos(player[BLACK].k) == NE_OF(board_to_pos(player[WHITE].k))) ||
               (board_to_pos(player[BLACK].k) == NW_OF(board_to_pos(player[WHITE].k)))){
               player[c] = temp;
               player[1-c] = temp2;
               CurrentBoard = tempBoard;

           else if(detect_castle_move(possibleMove, c) == 1){
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             if(is_castling_valid(c) == TRUE){
                 Move *mNode = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));
                 mNode->from = shift;
                 mNode->to = *(arrPtr + i);
                 mNode->piece = KING;
                 mNode->promotion_choice = UNKNOWN;
                 mNode->next_move = NULL;

                 player[c] = temp;
                 player[1-c] = temp2;
                 CurrentBoard = tempBoard;

                 link = save;
                 while(link->next_move != NULL){
                    link = link->next_move;
                 link->next_move = mNode;

             Move *mNode = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));
             mNode->from = shift;
             mNode->to = *(arrPtr + i);
             mNode->piece = KING;
             mNode->promotion_choice = UNKNOWN;
             mNode->next_move = NULL;
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             link = save;
             while(link->next_move != NULL){
                link = link->next_move;
             link->next_move = mNode;

       if(player[c].b & sq){
         possibleMove.from = shift;
         possibleMove.piece = BISHOP;
         Pos *b_moves = bishop_move(possibleMove, c);
         unsigned int size = *(b_moves);
         unsigned int *arrPtr = b_moves;
         if(size > 0){
         for(i = 1; i < size+1; i++){
           possibleMove.to = *(arrPtr + i);
           PlayerState temp = player[c];
           PlayerState temp2 = player[1-c];
             make_move(possibleMove, player[c].b, BISHOP, c);
               player[c] = temp;
               player[1-c] = temp2;
               CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           player[c] = temp;
           player[1-c] = temp2;
           CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           make_move(possibleMove, player[c].b, BISHOP, c);
           if(is_king_under_check(c) == TRUE){
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             Move *mNode = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));
             mNode->from = shift;
             mNode->to = *(arrPtr + i);
             mNode->piece = BISHOP;
             mNode->promotion_choice = UNKNOWN;
             mNode->next_move = NULL;
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             link = save;
             while(link->next_move != NULL){
                link = link->next_move;
             link->next_move = mNode;
            /* free(mNode);*/
       if(player[c].p & sq){
         possibleMove.from = shift;
         possibleMove.piece = PAWN;
         Pos *p_moves = pawn_move(possibleMove, c);
         unsigned int size = *(p_moves);
         unsigned int *arrPtr = p_moves;
         if(size > 0){
         for(i = 1; i < size+1; i++){
           possibleMove.to = *(arrPtr + i);
           possibleMove.promotion_choice = UNKNOWN;
           PlayerState temp = player[c];
           PlayerState temp2 = player[1-c];

             make_move(possibleMove, player[c].p, PAWN, c);
               player[c] = temp;
               player[1-c] = temp2;
               CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           if(RANK_OF(possibleMove.to) == '1' || RANK_OF(possibleMove.to) == '8'){
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             int j = 0;
             for(j = 0; j < 4; j++){
                 Move *mNode = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));
                 mNode->promotion_choice = UNKNOWN;
                 mNode->from = shift;
                 mNode->to = *(arrPtr + i);
                 mNode->piece = PAWN;
                 mNode->next_move = NULL;
                 if(j == 0) mNode->promotion_choice = QUEEN;
                 if(j == 1) mNode->promotion_choice = ROOK;
                 if(j == 2) mNode->promotion_choice = BISHOP;
                 if(j == 3) mNode->promotion_choice = NIGHT;
                 player[c] = temp;
                 player[1-c] = temp2;
                 CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
                 link = save;
                 while(link->next_move != NULL){
                    link = link->next_move;
                 link->next_move = mNode;

           player[c] = temp;
           player[1-c] = temp2;
           CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           make_move(possibleMove, player[c].p, PAWN, c);
           if(is_king_under_check(c) == TRUE){
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;

             Move *mNode = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));
             mNode->from = shift;
             mNode->to = *(arrPtr + i);
             mNode->piece = PAWN;
             mNode->promotion_choice = UNKNOWN;
             mNode->next_move = NULL;
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             link = save;
             while(link->next_move != NULL){
                link = link->next_move;
             link->next_move = mNode;
            /* free(mNode);*/
       if(player[c].r & sq){
         possibleMove.from = shift;
         possibleMove.piece = ROOK;
         Pos *r_moves = rook_move(possibleMove, c);
         unsigned int size = *(r_moves);
         unsigned int *arrPtr = r_moves;
         if(size > 0){
         for(i = 1; i < size+1; i++){
           possibleMove.to = *(arrPtr + i);
           PlayerState temp = player[c];
           PlayerState temp2 = player[1-c];
             make_move(possibleMove, player[c].r, ROOK, c);
               player[c] = temp;
               player[1-c] = temp2;
               CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           player[c] = temp;
           player[1-c] = temp2;
           CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           make_move(possibleMove, player[c].r, ROOK, c);
           if(is_king_under_check(c) == TRUE){
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             Move *mNode = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));
             mNode->from = shift;
             mNode->to = *(arrPtr + i);
             mNode->piece = ROOK;
             mNode->promotion_choice = UNKNOWN;
             mNode->next_move = NULL;
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             link = save;
             while(link->next_move != NULL){
                link = link->next_move;
             link->next_move = mNode;

       if(player[c].n & sq){
         possibleMove.from = shift;
         possibleMove.piece = NIGHT;
         Pos *n_moves = knight_move(possibleMove, c);
         unsigned int size = *(n_moves);
         unsigned int *arrPtr = n_moves;
         if(size > 0){
         for(i = 1; i < size+1; i++){
           possibleMove.to = *(arrPtr + i);
           PlayerState temp = player[c];
           PlayerState temp2 = player[1-c];
             make_move(possibleMove, player[c].n, NIGHT, c);
               player[c] = temp;
               player[1-c] = temp2;
               CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           player[c] = temp;
           player[1-c] = temp2;
           CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           make_move(possibleMove, player[c].n, NIGHT, c);
           if(is_king_under_check(c) == TRUE){
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             Move *mNode = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));
             mNode->from = shift;
             mNode->to = *(arrPtr + i);
             mNode->piece = NIGHT;
             mNode->promotion_choice = UNKNOWN;
             mNode->next_move = NULL;
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             link = save;
             while(link->next_move != NULL){
                link = link->next_move;
             link->next_move = mNode;
       if(player[c].q & sq){
         possibleMove.from = shift;
         possibleMove.piece = QUEEN;
         Pos *q_moves = queen_move(possibleMove, c);
         unsigned int size = *(q_moves);
         unsigned int *arrPtr = q_moves;
         if(size > 0){
         for(i = 1; i < size+1; i++){
           possibleMove.to = *(arrPtr + i);
           PlayerState temp = player[c];
           PlayerState temp2 = player[1-c];
             make_move(possibleMove, player[c].q, QUEEN, c);
               player[c] = temp;
               player[1-c] = temp2;
               CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           player[c] = temp;
           player[1-c] = temp2;
           CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
           make_move(possibleMove, player[c].q, QUEEN, c);
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             Move *mNode = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));
             mNode->from = shift;
             mNode->to = *(arrPtr + i);
             mNode->piece = QUEEN;
             mNode->promotion_choice = UNKNOWN;
             mNode->next_move = NULL;
             player[c] = temp;
             player[1-c] = temp2;
             CurrentBoard = tempBoard;
             link = save;
             while(link->next_move != NULL){
                link = link->next_move;
             link->next_move = mNode;

     if(*pcount > 0){
       return TRUE;
       return FALSE;

И связанный вывод valgrind :

==447557== 535,008 (12,792 direct, 522,216 indirect) bytes in 533 blocks 
are definitely lost in loss record 47 of 47
==447557==    at 0x4837B65: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:752)
==447557==    by 0x10CA10: legal_moves (moves.c:24)
==447557==    by 0x117059: run_mate1 (moves.c:1464)
==447557==    by 0x117CBD: run_mate2 (moves.c:1599)
==447557==    by 0x109C37: main (main.c:181)

1 Ответ

2 голосов
/ 10 апреля 2020

В вашей функции legal_moves():

Move *save = (Move *)(calloc(1, sizeof(Move)));
Move *link = save;
*m = save;

Здесь вы просто полностью потеряли любую ссылку на выделенную память, которая была передана ссылкой на функцию, и нет никакого способа ее освободить (фактически, вы все еще есть list в is_checkmate(), но вы не используете его). Если legal_moves() выполняет выделение самостоятельно, то нет смысла делать это до вызова его в is_checkmate() (или где-либо еще, где используется функция).

Вы можете сделать:

Move *save = NULL;
unsigned int num = 0;
if (is_king_under_check(c) && !legal_moves(&save, c, &num)){
    // ...

Кроме того, как правило: не приводит к результату malloc / calloc / reallo c.
