У меня есть вопрос к вам.
У меня есть многоэтапная форма:
- Кредит (отправляется с калькулятора)
- Создать аккаунт (электронная почта + пароль)
- Личные данные (имя, фамилия, номер телефона и т. Д. c ...)
- Адреса (улица, город, штат + если адрес для переписки и т. д. c ...)
- Занятость (имя работодателя, адрес работодателя и т. д. c ...)
- Фини sh (просмотрите свои данные раньше отправка ...)
общее количество входов в форме составляет 60
Я хотел бы разбить его на несколько таблиц
- пользователи
- ссуды
- личные
- адреса
- eployment
Пока я пробовал это, но что-то говорит мне, что этот метод не очень безопасен, даже если он работает.
Поэтому я обращаюсь за советом и помощью, как вы сделали бы что-то подобное?
Модель пользователя. php
class User extends Authenticatable
use Notifiable;
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array
protected $fillable = [
'email', 'password',
* The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
* @var array
protected $hidden = [
'password', 'remember_token',
* The attributes that should be cast to native types.
* @var array
protected $casts = [
'email_verified_at' => 'datetime',
public function loans() {
return $this->belongsToMany(Loan::class)->withTimestamps();
public function personal() {
return $this->belongsTo(Personal::class);
public function adress() {
return $this->belongsTo(Adress::class);
public function employment() {
return $this->belongsTo(Eployment::class);
Модель займа. php
class Loan extends Model
protected $hidden = ['amount', 'month', 'payment'];
public function users() {
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class)->withTimestamps();
Модель Персональная. php
class Personal extends Model
protected $fillable = [
'first_name', 'last_name', 'identification_number', 'identity_card_number', 'date_of_birth', 'phone'
public function users() {
return $this->hasMany(User::class);
Модель Адрес. php
protected $fillable = [
'adress', 'adress_number', 'city', 'postcode', 'country', 'correspond_adress', 'correspond_adress_number', 'correspond_city', 'correspond_postcode', 'correspond_country', 'type_of_housing', 'since_year', 'marital_status', 'number_of_kids'
public function users() {
return $this->hasMany(User::class);
Модель Занятость. php
class Eployment extends Model
protected $fillable = [
'type_of_occupation', 'client_ico', 'client_dic', 'employer_name', 'employer_ico', 'employment_adress', 'employment_city', 'month_of_arrival', 'year_of_arrival', 'net_monthly_income', 'other_income', 'payment_method', 'expenditure_payments', 'loan_repayments', 'wage_deductions', 'other_expenditure', 'have_bank_account', 'iban_account'
public function users() {
return $this->hasMany(User::class);
БД: (пользователи, кредиты, личные, адреса, электронная занятость
Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('loans', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('loan_user', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('adresses', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('eployments', function (Blueprint $table) {
LoanController. php
public function store(Loan $loan, User $user, Personal $personal, Adress $adress, Eployment $eployment, Request $request)
$user = User::create([
'email' => $request->email,
'password' => Hash::make($request->password),
$data = new Loan;
$data->amount = $request->amount;
$data->month = $request->month;
$data->payment = $request->payment;
$personal = new Personal;
$personal->user_id = $user->id;
$personal->first_name = $request->first_name;
$personal->last_name = $request->last_name;
$personal->identification_number = $request->identification_number;
$personal->identity_card_number = $request->identity_card_number;
$personal->date_of_birth = $request->date_of_birth;
$personal->phone = $request->phone;
$adress = new Adress;
$adress->user_id = $user->id;
$adress->adress = $request->adress;
$adress->adress_number = $request->adress_number;
$adress->city = $request->city;
$adress->postcode = $request->postcode;
$adress->country = $request->country;
$adress->correspond_adress = $request->correspond_adress;
$adress->correspond_adress_number = $request->correspond_adress_number;
$adress->correspond_city = $request->correspond_city;
$adress->correspond_postcode = $request->correspond_postcode;
$adress->correspond_country = $request->correspond_country;
$adress->type_of_housing = $request->type_of_housing;
$adress->since_year = $request->since_year;
$adress->marital_status = $request->marital_status;
$adress->number_of_kids = $request->number_of_kids;
$eployment = new Eployment;
$eployment->user_id = $user->id;
$eployment->type_of_occupation = $request->type_of_occupation;
$eployment->client_ico = $request->client_ico;
$eployment->client_dic = $request->client_dic;
$eployment->employer_name = $request->employer_name;
$eployment->employer_ico = $request->employer_ico;
$eployment->employment_adress = $request->employment_adress;
$eployment->employment_city = $request->employment_city;
$eployment->month_of_arrival = $request->month_of_arrival;
$eployment->year_of_arrival = $request->year_of_arrival;
$eployment->net_monthly_income = $request->net_monthly_income;
$eployment->other_income = $request->other_income;
$eployment->payment_method = $request->payment_method;
$eployment->expenditure_payments = $request->expenditure_payments;
$eployment->loan_repayments = $request->loan_repayments;
$eployment->wage_deductions = $request->wage_deductions;
$eployment->other_expenditure = $request->other_expenditure;
$eployment->have_bank_account = $request->have_bank_account;
$eployment->iban_account = $request->iban_account;
return redirect('/');
Я не знаю, правильно ли я понял Laravel Отношения, но я пытаюсь ...
Извините, мой Engli sh Я - словацкий, и я помог с Google Translator