Я получаю следующую ошибку при запуске cap cap: update
не удалось: "sh -c" если [-d / home / deployer / apps / all_bout_texas / shared / cached-copy]; затем cd / home / deployer / apps / all_bout_texas / shared / cached-copy && git fetch - q origin && git reset -q --hard 2350e98662e7fe00d526ff5f69460beb868a978a && git clean -q -d -x -f; еще git clone -q --depth 1 git@github.com: jpowell / all_bout_texas.git / home / deployer / apps / all_bout_texas / shared / cached-copy && cd / home / deployer / apps / all_bout_texas / shared / cached-copy && git check -q -b deploy 2350e98662e7fe00d526ff5f69460beb868a978a; fi '"
Вот мой deploy.rb:
set :application, "all_bout_texas"
# If you aren't deploying to /u/apps/#{application} on the target
# servers (which is the default), you can specify the actual location
# via the :deploy_to variable:
set :deploy_to, "/home/deployer/apps/#{application}"
# If you aren't using Subversion to manage your source code, specify
# your SCM below:
default_run_options[ty] = true
set :scm, :git
set :repository, "git@github.com:jpowell/all_bout_texas.git"
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
set :branch, "master"
set :git_shallow_clone, 1
set :copy_cache, true
# abt
role :app, ""
role :web, ""
role :db, "", rimary => true
set :scm_username, "my_user"
set :scm_passphrase, "my_pass"
set :scm_verbose, false
set :user, "my_user"
set :runner, "my_user"
namespace :deploy do
task :copy_database_configuration do
production_db_config = "/home/deployer/config/abt_database.yml"
run "cp #{production_db_config} #{release_path}/config/database.yml"
desc "Restarting mod_rails with restart.txt"
task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"
[:start, :stop].each do |t|
desc "#{t} task is a no-op with mod_rails"
task t, :roles => :app do ; end
after "deploy:update_code", "deploy:copy_database_configuration"
after "deploy:update_code", "deploy:restart"
Есть идеи? Спасибо.