Я заинтересован в том, чтобы найти приблизительное значение показателя степени распределенных данных по Парето, используя пакет DeMAND, доступный в R. Согласно https://rdrr.io/bioc/DeMAND/src/R/pareto.R я установил его и попытался скомпилировать код следующим образом:
#### Functions for continuous power law or Pareto distributions
# Revision history at end of file
### Standard R-type functions for distributions:
# dpareto Probability density
# ppareto Probability distribution (CDF)
# qpareto Quantile function
# rpareto Random variable generation
### Functions for fitting:
# pareto.fit Fit Pareto to data
# .pareto.fit.threshold Determine scaling threshold and then fit
# --- not for direct use, call pareto.fit instead
# .pareto.fit.ml Fit Pareto to data by maximum likelihood
# --- not for direct use, call pareto.fit instead
# pareto.loglike Calculate log-likelihood under Pareto
# .pareto.fit.regression.cdf Fit Pareto data by linear regression on
# log-log CDF (disrecommended)
# --- not for direct use, call pareto.fit instead
# loglogslope Fit Pareto via regression, extract scaling
# exponent
# loglogrsq Fit Pareto via regression, extract R^2
### Functions for testing:
### Functions for visualization:
# plot.eucdf.loglog Log-log plot of the empirical upper cumulative
# distribution function, AKA survival function
# plot.survival.loglog Alias for plot.eucdf.loglog
### Back-stage functions, not intended for users:
# .ks.dist.for.pareto Find Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance between fitted
# and empirical distribution; called by
# .pareto.fit.threshold
# .ks.dist.fixed.pareto Find K-S distance between given Pareto and
# empirical distribution
# Probability density of Pareto distributions
# Gives NA on values below the threshold
# Input: Data vector, lower threshold, scaling exponent, "log" flag
# Output: Vector of (log) probability densities
dpareto <- function(x, threshold = 1, exponent, log=FALSE) {
# Avoid doing limited-precision arithmetic followed by logs if we want
# the log!
if (!log) {
prefactor <- (exponent-1)/threshold
f <- function(x) {prefactor*(x/threshold)^(-exponent)}
} else {
prefactor.log <- log(exponent-1) - log(threshold)
f <- function(x) {prefactor.log -exponent*(log(x) - log(threshold))}
d <- ifelse(x<threshold,NA,f(x))
# Cumulative distribution function of the Pareto distributions
# Gives NA on values < threshold
# Input: Data vector, lower threshold, scaling exponent, usual flags
# Output: Vector of (log) probabilities
ppareto <- function(x, threshold=1, exponent, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) {
if ((!lower.tail) && (!log.p)) {
f <- function(x) {(x/threshold)^(1-exponent)}
if ((lower.tail) && (!log.p)) {
f <- function(x) { 1 - (x/threshold)^(1-exponent)}
if ((!lower.tail) && (log.p)) {
f <- function(x) {(1-exponent)*(log(x) - log(threshold))}
if ((lower.tail) && (log.p)) {
f <- function(x) {log(1 - (x/threshold)^(1-exponent))}
p <- ifelse(x < threshold, NA, f(x))
# Quantiles of Pareto distributions
# Input: vector of probabilities, lower threshold, scaling exponent, usual flags
# Output: Vector of quantile values
qpareto <- function(p, threshold=1, exponent, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) {
# Quantile function for Pareto distribution
# P(x) = 1 - (x/xmin)^(1-a)
# 1-p = (x(p)/xmin)^(1-a)
# (1-p)^(1/(1-a)) = x(p)/xmin
# xmin*((1-p)^(1/(1-a))) = x(p)
# Upper quantile:
# U(x) = (x/xmin)^(1-a)
# u^(1/(1-a)) = x/xmin
# xmin * u^(1/(1-a)) = x
# log(xmin) + (1/(1-a)) log(u) = log(x)
if (log.p) {
p <- exp(p)
if (lower.tail) {
p <- 1-p
# This works, via the recycling rule
# q<-(p^(1/(1-exponent)))*threshold
q.log <- log(threshold) + (1/(1-exponent))*log(p)
q <- exp(q.log)
# Generate Pareto-distributed random variates
# Input: Integer size, lower threshold, scaling exponent
# Output: Vector of real-valued random variates
rpareto <- function(n, threshold=1, exponent) {
# Using the transformation method, because we know the quantile function
# analytically
# Consider replacing with a non-R implementation of transformation method
ru <- runif(n)
# Estimate parameters of Pareto distribution
# A wrapper for functions implementing actual methods
# Input: data vector, lower threshold (or "find", indicating it should be found
# from the data), method (likelihood or regression, defaulting to former)
# Output: List indicating type of distribution ("pareto"), parameters,
# information about fit (depending on method), OR a warning and NA
# if method is not recognized
pareto.fit <- function(data, threshold, method="ml") {
if (threshold == "find") {
ml = { return(.pareto.fit.ml(data,threshold)) },
regression.cdf = { return(.pareto.fit.regression.cdf(data,threshold)) },
{ cat("Unknown method\n"); return(NA)}
# Estimate lower threshold of Pareto distribution
# Use the method in Clauset, Shalizi and Newman (2007): consider each distinct
# data value as a possible threshold, fit using that threshold, and then find
# the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance between estimated and empirical distributions.
# Pick the threshold which minimizes this distance. Then function then returns
# the output of one of the fixed-threshold estimators.
# Input: data vector, method (defaulting to ML)
# Output: List indicating type of distribution ("pareto"), parameters,
# information about fit (depending on method)
.pareto.fit.threshold <- function(data, method="ml") {
possibles <- unique(data)
ks.distances <- sapply(possibles,.ks.dist.for.pareto,data=data,method=method)
min.index = which.min(ks.distances)
min = possibles[min.index]
# Calculate the KS discrepancy between a data set and its fit Pareto
# distribution, assuming a given threshold. Not intended for users but rather
# for the .pareto.fit.threshold function.
# N.B., this KS statistic CANNOT be plugged in to the usual tables to find valid
# p-values, as the exponent has been estimated from the data.
# Input: real threshold, data vector, method flag
# Output: real-valued KS statistic
.ks.dist.for.pareto <- function(threshold,data,method="ml") {
model <- pareto.fit(data,threshold=threshold,method=method)
# Calculate KS distanced between a data set and given Pareto distribution
# Not intended for users
# Input: real threshold, real exponent, data vector
# Output: real-valued KS statistic
.ks.dist.fixed.pareto <- function(data,threshold,exponent) {
data <- data[data>=threshold]
d <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(data,ppareto,threshold=threshold,exponent=exponent))
# ks.test complains about p-values when there are ties, we don't care
# Estimate scaling exponent of Pareto distribution by maximum likelihood
# Input: Data vector, lower threshold
# Output: List giving distribution type ("pareto"), parameters, log-likelihood
.pareto.fit.ml <- function (data, threshold) {
data <- data[data>=threshold]
n <- length(data)
x <- data/threshold
alpha <- 1 + n/sum(log(x))
loglike = pareto.loglike(data,threshold,alpha)
ks.dist <- .ks.dist.fixed.pareto(data,threshold=threshold,exponent=alpha)
fit <- list(type="pareto", exponent=alpha, xmin=threshold, loglike = loglike,
ks.dist = ks.dist, samples.over.threshold=n)
# Calculate log-likelihood under a Pareto distribution
# Input: Data vector, lower threshold, scaling exponent
# Output: Real-valued log-likelihood
pareto.loglike <- function(x, threshold, exponent) {
L <- sum(dpareto(x, threshold = threshold, exponent = exponent, log = TRUE))
# Log-log plot of the survival function (empirical upper CDF) of a data set
# Input: Data vector, lower limit, upper limit, graphics parameters
# Output: None (returns NULL invisibly)
plot.survival.loglog <- function(x,from=min(x),to=max(x),...) {
plot.eucdf.loglog <- function(x,from=min(x),to=max(x),type="l",...) {
# Use the "eucdf" function (below)
x <- sort(x)
x.eucdf <- eucdf(x)
# This is nice if the number of points is small...
# Should check how many points and switch over to a curve-type plot when
# it gets too big
# Calculate the upper empirical cumulative distribution function of a
# one-dimensional data vector
# Uses the standard function ecdf
# Should, but does not yet, also produce a function of class "stepfun"
# (like ecdf)
# Input: data vector
# Output: a function
eucdf <- function(x) {
# Exploit built-in R function to get ordinary (lower) ECDF, Pr(X<=x)
x.ecdf <- ecdf(x)
# Now we want Pr(X>=x) = (1-Pr(X<=x)) + Pr(X==x)
# If x is one of the "knots" of the step function, i.e., a point with
# positive probability mass, should add that in to get Pr(X>=x)
# rather than Pr(X>x)
away.from.knot <- function(y) { 1 - x.ecdf(y) }
at.knot.prob.jump <- function(y) {
x.knots = knots(x.ecdf)
# Either get the knot number, or give zero if this was called
# away from a knot
k <- match(y,x.knots,nomatch=0)
if ((k==0) || (k==1)) { # Handle special cases
if (k==0) {
prob.jump = 0 # Not really a knot
} else {
prob.jump = x.ecdf(y) # Special handling of first knot
} else {
prob.jump = x.ecdf(y) - x.ecdf(x.knots[(k-1)]) # General case
# Use one function or the other
x.eucdf <- function(y) {
baseline = away.from.knot(y)
jumps = sapply(y,at.knot.prob.jump)
ifelse (y %in% knots(x.ecdf), baseline+jumps, baseline)
# Calculate valid p-value for the goodness of fit of a power-law
# tail to a data set, via simulation
# Input: data vector (x), number of replications (m)
# Output: p-value
pareto.tail.ks.test <- function(x,m) {
x.pt <- pareto.fit(x,threshold="find")
x0 <- x.pt$xmin # extract parameters of fitted dist.
alpha <- x.pt$exponent
ntail <- sum(x>=x0) # How many samples in the tail?
n <- length(x)
ptail <- ntail/n # Total prob. of the tail
# Carve out the non-tail data points
body <- x[x < x0]
# Observed value of KS distance:
d.ks <- x.pt$ks.dist
# KS statistics of resamples:
r.ks <- replicate(m,.ks.resimulate.pareto.tail(n,ptail,x0,alpha,body))
p.value <- sum(r.ks >= d.ks)/m
# Resimulate from a data set with a Pareto tail, estimate on
# the simulation and report the KS distance
# Inputs: Size of sample (n), probability of being in the tail (tail.p),
# threshold for tail (threshold), power law exponent (exponent),
# vector giving values in body (data.body)
# Output: KS distance
.ks.resimulate.pareto.tail <- function(n,tail.p,threshold,exponent,data.body) {
# Samples come from the tail with probability ptail, or else from the body
# decide randomly how many samples come from the tail
tail.samples <- rbinom(1,n,tail.p)
# Draw the samples from the tail
rtail <- rpareto(tail.samples,threshold,exponent)
# Draw the samples from the body (with replacement!)
rbody <- sample(data.body,n-tail.samples,replace=TRUE)
b <- c(rtail,rbody)
b.ks <- pareto.fit(b,threshold="find")$ks.dist
### The crappy linear regression way to fit a power law
# The common procedure is to fit to the binned density function, which is even
# crappier than to fit to the complementary distribution function; this
# currently only implements the latter
# First, produce the empirical complementary distribution function, as
# a pair of lists, {x}, {C(x)}
# Then regress log(C) ~ log(x)
# and report the slope and the R^2
# Input: Data vector, threshold
# Output: List with distributional parameters and information about the
# fit
.pareto.fit.regression.cdf <- function(x,threshold=1) {
# Discard data under threshold
x <- x[x>=threshold]
n <- length(x)
# We need the different observed values of x, in order
distinct_x <- sort(unique(x))
x.eucdf <- eucdf(x)
upper_probs <- x.eucdf(distinct_x)
loglogfit <- lm(log(upper_probs) ~ log(distinct_x))
intercept <- as.vector(coef(loglogfit)[1]) # primarily useful for plotting
slope <- as.vector(-coef(loglogfit)[2]) # Remember sign of parameterization
# But that's the exponent of the CDF, that of the pdf is one larger
# and is what we're parameterizing by
slope <- slope+1
r2 <- summary(loglogfit)$r.squared
loglike <- pareto.loglike(x, threshold, slope)
ks.dist <- .ks.dist.fixed.pareto(x,threshold=threshold,exponent=slope)
result <- list(type="pareto", exponent = slope, rsquare = r2,
log_x = log(distinct_x), log_p = log(upper_probs),
intercept = intercept, loglike = loglike, xmin=threshold,
ks.dist = ks.dist, samples.over.threshold=n)
# Wrapper function to just get the exponent estimate
loglogslope <- function(x,threshold=1) {
llf <- .pareto.fit.regression.cdf(x,threshold)
exponent <- llf$exponent
# Wrapper function to just get the R^2 values
loglogrsq <- function(x,threshold=1) {
llf <- .pareto.fit.regression.cdf(x,threshold)
r2 <- llf$rsquare
# Revision history:
# no release 2003 First draft
# v 0.0 2007-06-04 First release
# v 0.0.1 2007-06-29 Fixed "not" for "knot" typo, thanks to
# Nicholas A. Povak for bug report
# v 0.0.2 2007-07-22 Fixed bugs in plot.survival.loglog, thanks to
# Stefan Wehrli for report
# v 0.0.3 2008-03-02 Realized R has a "unique" function; added
# estimating xmin via method in minimal KS dist.
# v 0.0.4 2008-04-24 Made names of non-end-user functions start
# with period, hiding them in workspace
# v 0.0.5 2011-02-03 Suppressed the warning ks.test produces about
# not being able to calculate p-values in the
# presence of ties
pareto.fit(rpareto(100,2,3), "find", method='ml')
(просто скопируйте этот код, чтобы получить результаты) Это дало мне результат, и мне нужно знать, какой метод оценки действительно использовался здесь при оценке показателя степени? Это метод оценки максимального правдоподобия или любой другой? Что это значит по методу = «мл»? (m-максимум l-правдоподобие?) «Помощь» в R не работает для этого конкретного пакета. Существуют ли другие методы оценки, доступные в этом пакете, такие как метод наименьших квадратов, метод момента и т. Д. c?
Точное знание ответов на эти вопросы будет очень полезно, поскольку я выполнение сравнения для точности между несколькими пакетами при различных методах оценки. Поэтому знание метода оценки точно обязательно. Заранее спасибо.