Мне нужно создать Trello-подобный фрейм с 4 списками и карточками, на которые я хочу перетаскивать карточки между этими списками, однако я хотел бы знать, как я могу обновить базу данных в Mysql при перетаскивании и отбросить элементы? Я не могу определить, как обновить ajax и php.
скрипт. js
var itemContainers = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.board-column-content'));
var columnGrids = [];
var boardGrid;
// Define the column grids so we can drag those
// items around.
itemContainers.forEach(function (container) {
// Instantiate column grid.
var grid = new Muuri(container, {
items: '.board-item',
layoutDuration: 400,
layoutEasing: 'ease',
dragEnabled: true,
dragSort: function () {
return columnGrids;
dragSortInterval: 0,
dragContainer: document.body,
dragReleaseDuration: 400,
dragReleaseEasing: 'ease'
.on('dragStart', function (item) {
// Let's set fixed widht/height to the dragged item
// so that it does not stretch unwillingly when
// it's appended to the document body for the
// duration of the drag.
item.getElement().style.width = item.getWidth() + 'px';
item.getElement().style.height = item.getHeight() + 'px';
.on('dragReleaseEnd', function (item) {
// Let's remove the fixed width/height from the
// dragged item now that it is back in a grid
// column and can freely adjust to it's
// surroundings.
item.getElement().style.width = '';
item.getElement().style.height = '';
// Just in case, let's refresh the dimensions of all items
// in case dragging the item caused some other items to
// be different size.
columnGrids.forEach(function (grid) {
.on('layoutStart', function () {
// Let's keep the board grid up to date with the
// dimensions changes of column grids.
// Add the column grid reference to the column grids
// array, so we can access it later on.
// Instantiate the board grid so we can drag those
// columns around.
boardGrid = new Muuri('.board', {
layoutDuration: 400,
layoutEasing: 'ease',
dragEnabled: true,
dragSortInterval: 0,
dragStartPredicate: {
handle: '.board-column-header'
dragReleaseDuration: 400,
dragReleaseEasing: 'ease'