Не проверяя ваш полный код, я просто перевел его на рендеринг правильного HTML, чтобы доказать, что он работает. Вот код, который должен это сделать:
Dim html As String
html = "<html> <head> <style> li.padding { padding-left: 2cm; } </style> </head>"
html = html & "<p>Operations Leadership,</p>" & _
"<p>An inventory performance summary of your submitted IOM requested products is attached." & _
"The IOM Summary tab displays the families that are approved or denied based on whether they met the minimum performance turn threshold.</p>" & _
"Products are evaluated for performance by family" & _
"<li class='padding'>Approved products will be scheduled the same as before, based on forecast availability and prioritized by tier productivity</li>" & _
"<li class='padding'>Denied products are due to a minimum turn threshold of productivity that is not met</li>" & _
"<p>Attached is an inventory performance report based on the family of products that are requested in the associated IOM. " & _
"This includes your turn and tier performance, inventory and sales information, " & _
"the minimum turn threshold and national rank for your territory and decision of Yes/No for approval.</p>" & _
"<p>In addition - we have included three tabs that provide potential opportunities for redeployment within your territory. " & _
"Each tab report shows your productivity in each family: by account, by demand model (SISO) and evaluating loose shelf " & _
"inventory and/or inventory contained in sales team and sales associate locations.</p>" & _
"<p>For those product families where the turn threshold is not met, (NO in column J) please review the performance metrics. " & _
"Utilizing the 3 tabs, evaluate the productivity of the identified Parked account turns, site demand model kit delta and misc inventory " & _
"locations that carry this product family and work to reallocate / rebalance the inventory to meet the need of this particular IOM.</p>"
html = html & "</body> </html>"
Open "c:\cdh\foo.html" For Output As #1
Print #1, html
Close #1
И чтобы дать вам некоторую уверенность в том, что он делает отступ, вот как выглядит обработанный HTML в браузере:
Трудно догадаться, в чем заключалась проблема, не видя стиль, применяемый в реальном VBA, но попробуйте и посмотрите, работает ли он вместо вашего подхода к ручным пулям и отступы.