Использование веб-сокетов в службах приложений Azure, получающих 500 Внутренняя ошибка сервера - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 23 марта 2020

Мой тестовый клиент не может подключиться к моему острому веб-сокету. Я уверен, что у меня правильно настроена служба приложений с SSL. У меня есть добросовестная настройка DNS для моего домена

sengdev.com with CNAME and TXT records.
CNAME | www | forexautomlwsserver.azurewebsites.net
TXT | forexautomlwsserver.azurewebsites.net |
And Azure says that my custom domain is secure with SSL binding of SNI SSL
like this
Secure | www.sengdev.com | SNI SSL
I know that Azure does not allow HTTP connections as they auto divert to HTTP so I have to use https.

I have a custom path mapping in Azure configuration as follows
/ is mapped to site\wwwroot\MLModelServer
And I have https only on and TLS version 1.2

Here is my error. Could you guys post an example of using websocket-sharp with Azure?
3/23/2020 9:49:25 AM|Warn |Logger.set_Level|The current logging level has been changed to Trace.
    3/23/2020 9:49:25 AM|Debug|WebSocket.sendHttpRequest|A request to the server:
                           GET / HTTP/1.1
                           User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
                           Host: www.sengdev.com
                           Upgrade: websocket
                           Connection: Upgrade
                           Sec-WebSocket-Key: /gLW9jsuPKRuHqay9Q/+9Q==
                           Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
    3/23/2020 9:49:25 AM|Debug|WebSocket.sendHttpRequest|A response to this request:
                           HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
                           Content-Length: 75
                           Content-Type: text/html
                           Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
                           X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
                           Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2020 22:49:26 GMT

                           The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
3/23/2020 9:49:25 AM|Fatal|WebSocket.doHandshake|Not a WebSocket handshake response.
3/23/2020 9:49:25 AM|Trace|WebSocket.close|Begin closing the connection.
3/23/2020 9:49:25 AM|Debug|WebSocket.closeHandshake|Was clean?: False
                             sent: False
                             received: False
3/23/2020 9:49:25 AM|Trace|WebSocket.close|End closing the connection.

Type 'exit' to exit.

WebSocket Close (1002): An error has occurred while connecting.

Мне очень нравится элегантный дизайн этого фреймворка. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Алистер

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