Попытка развернуть приложение rails на elasti c beanstalk, но я получаю 502 ошибки. Я использую React on Rails и пытался следовать этому -> Приложение Rails, развернутое на Elasti c Сбой Beanstalk с Puma - 502 ошибки при каждом запросе , но не повезло. Есть идеи?
Вот журналы
/ var / logs / nginx / error.log
2020/01/09 04:11:45 [warn] 3083#0: conflicting server name "localhost" on, ignored
2020/01/09 04:20:04 [crit] 3087#0: *108 connect() to unix:///var/run/puma/my_app.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://unix:///var/run/puma/my_app.sock:/", host: "staging5.q39956drtr.ap-southeast-1.elasticbeanstalk.com"
2020/01/09 04:25:23 [crit] 3087#0: *185 connect() to unix:///var/run/puma/my_app.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://unix:///var/run/puma/my_app.sock:/", host: "staging5.q39956drtr.ap-southeast-1.elasticbeanstalk.com"
2020/01/09 04:25:24 [crit] 3087#0: *185 connect() to unix:///var/run/puma/my_app.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://unix:///var/run/puma/my_app.sock:/favicon.ico", host: "staging5.q39956drtr.ap-southeast-1.elasticbeanstalk.com", referrer: "http://staging5.q39956drtr.ap-southeast-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/"
healthd 2775 0.0 3.4 683640 34356 ? Ssl 04:11 0:04 puma 2.11.1 (tcp:// [healthd]
root 7841 1.5 0.2 58788 2612 ? Ss 05:56 0:00 su -s /bin/bash -c bundle exec puma -C /opt/elasticbeanstalk/support/conf/pumaconf.rb webapp
webapp 7940 43.0 1.1 70180 11460 ? Rs 05:56 0:00 /opt/rubies/ruby-2.6.5/bin/ruby /opt/rubies/ruby-2.6.5/bin/bundle exec puma -C /opt/elasticbeanstalk/support/conf/pumaconf.rb
root 7957 0.0 0.2 110516 2136 pts/0 S+ 05:56 0:00 grep --color=auto puma
max_threads_count = ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 }
min_threads_count = ENV.fetch("RAILS_MIN_THREADS") { max_threads_count }
threads min_threads_count, max_threads_count
port ENV.fetch("PORT") { 3000 }
environment ENV.fetch("RAILS_ENV") { "development" }
# pidfile ENV.fetch("PIDFILE") { "tmp/pids/server.pid" }
bind "unix:///var/run/puma/my_app.sock"
pidfile "/var/run/puma/my_app.sock"
plugin :tmp_restart