, так как из-за ключа api у меня возникают проблемы, мне приходится загружать json данные в формате, используя vba, а не запрос мощности. ответ API, я хотел бы проанализировать в таблице или использовать Power запрос, чтобы превратить в таблицу.
Код, который я пробовал, не работает. это дает мне .... Ошибка времени выполнения 10001 "Ожидается" "" или "» .... Я уверен, что это как-то связано с кодом "JSONConverter", который я скачал и попытался использовать. Это веб-сайт это помогло мне разобраться в коде, который я написал http://excelerator.solutions/2017/08/16/import-json-to-excel-using-vba/. Я открыт для удаления, если у кого-то есть лучший способ сделать это. и, наконец, это достаточно большой объем данных для помещения в одну ячейку. Вы рекомендуете использовать ячейку или какой-либо другой способ хранения данных, которые будут проанализированы?
это образец файла json
Dim jsonText As String
Dim jsonObject As Object, item As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("sheet20")
'ws.Cells(1, 1).Value = res
jsonText = ws.Cells(1, 1)
Set jsonObject = JsonConverter.ParseJson(jsonText)
i = 3
ws.Cells(2, 1) = "WorkOrderNumber"
'ws.Cells(2, 2) = "Customer Name"
'ws.Cells(2, 3) = "Location Name"
'ws.Cells(2, 4) = "IsInvoiced"
'ws.Cells(2, 5) = "Team"
'ws.Cells(2, 6) = "WorkOrderDate"
'ws.Cells(2, 7) = "DateFinished"
'ws.Cells(2, 8) = "ScheduledTime"
'ws.Cells(2, 9) = "EstimatedDuration"
'ws.Cells(2, 10) = "Notes"
'ws.Cells(2, 11) = "PrivateNotes"
'ws.Cells(2, 1) = "SalesRepresentative"
'ws.Cells(2, 2) = "Description"
'ws.Cells(2, 3) = "Status"
'ws.Cells(2, 4) = "IsInvoiced"
'ws.Cells(2, 5) = "Team"
'ws.Cells(2, 6) = "WorkOrderDate"
'ws.Cells(2, 7) = "DateFinished"
'ws.Cells(2, 8) = "ScheduledTime"
'ws.Cells(2, 9) = "EstimatedDuration"
'ws.Cells(2, 10) = "Notes"
'ws.Cells(2, 11) = "PrivateNotes"
'ws.Cells(2, 12) = "CreatedBy"
'ws.Cells(2, 13) = "CreatedOn"
'ws.Cells(2, 14) = "UpdatedOn"
'ws.Cells(2, 15) = "UpdatedBy"
'ws.Cells(2, 16) = "Version"
For Each item In jsonObject("Data")
ws.Cells(i, 1) = item("WorkOrderNumber")
'ws.Cells(i, 2) = item("Customer")("Name")
'ws.Cells(i, 3) = item("Location")("Name")
'ws.Cells(i, 4) = item("Location")("Name")
'ws.Cells(i, 5) = item("Location")("Name")
'ws.Cells(i, 6) = item("WorkOrderDate")
'ws.Cells(i, 7) = item("DateFinished")
'ws.Cells(i, 8) = item("ScheduledTime")
'ws.Cells(i, 9) = item("EstimatedDuration")
'ws.Cells(i, 10) = item("Notes")
'ws.Cells(i, 11) = item("PrivateNotes")
'ws.Cells(i, 1) = item("SalesRepresentative")("Name")
'ws.Cells(i, 2) = item("Description")
'ws.Cells(i, 3) = item("Status")
'ws.Cells(i, 4) = item("IsInvoiced")
'ws.Cells(i, 5) = item("Team")("Name")
'ws.Cells(i, 6) = item("WorkOrderDate")
'ws.Cells(i, 7) = item("DateFinished")
'ws.Cells(i, 8) = item("ScheduledTime")
'ws.Cells(i, 9) = item("EstimatedDuration")
'ws.Cells(i, 10) = item("Notes")
'ws.Cells(i, 11) = item("PrivateNotes")
'ws.Cells(i, 12) = item("Metadata")("CreatedBy")
'ws.Cells(i, 13) = item("Metadata")("CreatedOn")
'ws.Cells(i, 14) = item("Metadata")("UpdatedOn")
'ws.Cells(i, 15) = item("Metadata")("UpdatedBy")
'ws.Cells(i, 16) = item("Metadata")("Version")
End Sub
'here is an example of the json file i want to turn into 1 table
"TotalCount": 148,
"Data": [
"WorkOrderNumber": "PV 298-0-0",
"Scheduler": {
"SchedulerId": 19469471,
"SchedulerNumber": "PV 298-0-0",
"ScheduleType": "Project"
"Customer": {
"Inactive": false,
"Id": 6985214,
"Name": "blah"
"Location": {
"Id": 7513954,
"Name": "Primary"
"GeoCoordinates": null,
"CoordinatesCaptured": null,
"Contact": {
"Id": 7316098,
"Name": "blah"
"ThirdPartyBillPayer": null,
"IsMarketingCampaignSetByLead": false,
"MarketingCampaign": {
"Id": 115753,
"Name": "Web Call In"
"JobCategory": null,
"SalesRepresentative": {
"Id": 242299,
"Name": "blah"
"DefaultEquipment": null,
"Description": "Gutter/Guard Estimate",
"Status": "Suspended",
"IsInvoiced": false,
"Branch": {
"Id": 145945,
"Name": "-VA"
"Team": {
"Id": 177760,
"Name": "blah"
"TeamMembers": [
"EmployeeId": 242299,
"UserId": 179578,
"FirstName": "blah",
"LastName": "Bblah",
"Email": "blah.com",
"Title": null
"ConfirmationStatus": "SentEmail",
"WorkOrderDate": "2017-05-24T00:00:00",
"DateFinished": null,
"ScheduledTime": 1097,
"EstimatedDuration": 25,
"ArrivalWindow": 60,
"EarliestArrival": null,
"LatestDeparture": null,
"Notes": "Client requests new seamless 5\" white gutters and downspouts to prevent sol erosion around foundation of home. Client has also requested we install One Guard with 20yr money back guarantee. Due to client replacing siding,we've agreed to remove existing gutters and come back to install new gutters on a separate day as close to the siding job beginning and ending as possible.",
"PrivateNotes": "blah",
"InvoiceNotes": null,
"ReminderType": "None",
"ReminderValue": 0,
"ReminderMessage": "",
"WorkOrderLines": [],
"CustomFields": [
"Name": "CC Referred By",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E3 Electric:",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W3 Yard Sign Posted",
"Value": ""
"Name": "P2 Materials Checked",
"Value": ""
"Name": "P3 Photos & Diagrams Included",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W8 Referrals given to Customer",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E2 Ladders Needed:",
"Value": ""
"Name": "P4 Priority List",
"Value": "False"
"Name": "P Material Box",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E4 Takedown",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W6 Describe Delays",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W7 Final walk around/Payment Taken",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W5 Amount of Delay Due To Work Obstacles",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W Tools/Materials visually inspected",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E Roof Pitch",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E1 Roof Material ",
"Value": ""
"Name": "CC1 Marketing Source Correction",
"Value": ""
"Name": "CC4 Estimate Summary Correction",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S Walk Around Done",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S1 All Expectations Set In Writing/Photos",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S2 I Feel Est. Will Close In",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S3 I went for",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E5 Movement Difficulty",
"Value": ""
"Name": "CC3 Time Lost ",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S4 Est Rating",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S6 Reason Client Chose our Company",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S5 Solutionist notes",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W1 Called in Rought",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W2 initial walk around completed",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W4 Safety Concerns/Description",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W9 Client Rating",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S7 Follow Up Notes",
"Value": ""
"Name": "CC5 Reasons for Area of Improvement",
"Value": ""
"Name": "CC2 Est. Scheduling Area of Improvement",
"Value": ""
"Name": "P1 Man Hours",
"Value": ""
"Id": 19469471,
"Metadata": {
"CreatedBy": "blah.com",
"CreatedOn": "2017-07-14T11:34:27",
"UpdatedOn": "2019-09-19T11:08:36",
"UpdatedBy": "ServiceBridge",
"Version": 4
"ExternalSystemId": null
"WorkOrderNumber": "WO 370",
"Scheduler": null,
"Customer": {
"Inactive": false,
"Id": 6997686,
"Name": "blah"
"Location": {
"Id": 7527330,
"Name": "Primary"
"GeoCoordinates": null,
"CoordinatesCaptured": null,
"Contact": {
"Id": 7329676,
"Name": "blah"
"ThirdPartyBillPayer": null,
"IsMarketingCampaignSetByLead": false,
"MarketingCampaign": {
"Id": 115748,
"Name": "Home Advisor"
"JobCategory": null,
"SalesRepresentative": {
"Id": 242299,
"Name": "blah"
"DefaultEquipment": null,
"Description": "50' downspout",
"Status": "Completed",
"IsInvoiced": true,
"Branch": {
"Id": 145945,
"Name": "VA"
"Team": {
"Id": 177761,
"Name": "VB-Truck 1 (5'\"-6\" Combo)"
"TeamMembers": [
"EmployeeId": 242200,
"UserId": 179580,
"FirstName": "blah",
"LastName": "blah",
"Email": "blah.com",
"Title": ""
"ConfirmationStatus": "None",
"WorkOrderDate": "2017-06-28T00:00:00",
"DateFinished": "2017-06-28T21:31:20",
"ScheduledTime": 1051,
"EstimatedDuration": 0,
"ArrivalWindow": 0,
"EarliestArrival": null,
"LatestDeparture": null,
"Notes": "Replace 50' of downspout for client using 11 a elbows",
"PrivateNotes": null,
"InvoiceNotes": null,
"ReminderType": "None",
"ReminderValue": 0,
"ReminderMessage": null,
"WorkOrderLines": [
"Id": 22952669,
"ParentId": null,
"Inventory": {
"Id": 1688245,
"SKU": "2X3-AE-ALU-WHT",
"Name": "2x3\" Aluminum White A Elbow",
"Type": "Product"
"Price": 5.0,
"Quantity": 15.0,
"Description": "A Elbows are typically used to attach a downspoutto the face of a structure. They are also used on other areas of a downspout enabling it to conform to the contour of a structure.",
"IsTaxable": false,
"Tax": null
"Id": 22952604,
"ParentId": null,
"Inventory": {
"Id": 1688247,
"Name": "2x3\" Aluminum White Downspout",
"Type": "Product"
"Price": 5.0,
"Quantity": 50.0,
"Description": "Downspouts carry rainwater from the gutter to the ground.",
"IsTaxable": false,
"Tax": null
"CustomFields": [
"Name": "CC Referred By",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E3 Electric:",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W3 Yard Sign Posted",
"Value": ""
"Name": "P2 Materials Checked",
"Value": ""
"Name": "P3 Photos & Diagrams Included",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W8 Referrals given to Customer",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E2 Ladders Needed:",
"Value": ""
"Name": "P4 Priority List",
"Value": "False"
"Name": "P Material Box",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E4 Takedown",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W6 Describe Delays",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W7 Final walk around/Payment Taken",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W5 Amount of Delay Due To Work Obstacles",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W Tools/Materials visually inspected",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E Roof Pitch",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E1 Roof Material ",
"Value": ""
"Name": "CC1 Marketing Source Correction",
"Value": ""
"Name": "CC4 Estimate Summary Correction",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S Walk Around Done",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S1 All Expectations Set In Writing/Photos",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S2 I Feel Est. Will Close In",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S3 I went for",
"Value": ""
"Name": "E5 Movement Difficulty",
"Value": ""
"Name": "CC3 Time Lost ",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S4 Est Rating",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S6 Reason Client Chose our Company",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S5 Solutionist notes",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W1 Called in Rought",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W2 initial walk around completed",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W4 Safety Concerns/Description",
"Value": ""
"Name": "W9 Client Rating",
"Value": ""
"Name": "S7 Follow Up Notes",
"Value": ""
"Name": "CC5 Reasons for Area of Improvement",
"Value": ""
"Name": "CC2 Est. Scheduling Area of Improvement",
"Value": ""
"Name": "P1 Man Hours",
"Value": ""
"Id": 19390520,
"Metadata": {
"CreatedBy": "ServiceBridge-API",
"CreatedOn": "2017-06-28T16:20:50",
"UpdatedOn": "2019-09-19T11:08:36",
"UpdatedBy": "ServiceBridge",
"Version": 18
"ExternalSystemId": null