Я работал над кодированием игры типа «лягушонок» в pygame. Для этого мне нужно иметь логи / предметы, на которые игрок может приземлиться, чтобы пройти на другую сторону экрана. Я пытаюсь сделать так, чтобы эти журналы появлялись со случайной шириной 75, 150 или 225 пикселей. Левый механизм запуска работает, но, как ни странно, правый создает журналы, которые намного больше, чем то, что должно появляться. Любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью за то, как обеспечить появление этих журналов на правильной ширине.
Вот мой код:
import sys, pygame, random
from pygame.locals import *
screen_height = 750
screen_width = 1200
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))
FPS = 200
player = pygame.image.load('frog.bmp')
player_rect = player.get_rect()
player_rect.left = 300 + 11
player_rect.top = screen_height - 68
not_in_ocean = False
#For player movement
up_movements = 0
down_movements = 0
left_movements = 0
right_movements = 0
up_movement = False
down_movement = False
left_movement = False
right_movement = False
x_logs = [0, 600]
y_logs = [74, 149, 224, 299, 374, 449, 524, 599]
list_log_width = [1, 2, 3]
log_height = 74
logs_created = []
log_speeds = []
for y in y_logs:
class Log():
def __init__(self, x, y, direction, log_width, speed):
self.direction = direction
self.drew_new_log = False
self.log_width = log_width
self.speed = speed
self.log = pygame.Rect(x, y, log_width * 75, log_height)
self.log_length = random.randint(0,2)
self.y_index = y_logs.index(self.log.y)
def move_log(self):
if self.direction == 'right':
self.log.x += self.speed
self.log.right += self.speed
if self.direction == 'left':
self.log.x -= self.speed
self.log.right -= self.speed
def draw_log(self):
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (153, 102, 0), self.log)
def delete_log(self, item):
def draw_new_logs(self): # To address the issue of infinitely spawning in logs, put the if statements in the main game loop and only have it run this method if it meets the requirements
if self.direction == 'right' and self.drew_new_log == False:
if self.log.right > screen_width:
logs_created.append(Log((-75 * list_log_width[self.log_length]) + 1, self.log.y, 'right', list_log_width[self.log_length], log_speeds[self.y_index]))
self.drew_new_log = True
if self.direction == 'left' and self.drew_new_log == False:
if self.log.left < 0:
logs_created.append(Log(screen_width - 1, self.log.y, 'left', list_log_width[self.log_length], log_speeds[self.y_index]))
self.drew_new_log = True
for x in x_logs:
for y in y_logs:
for speed in log_speeds:
log_length = random.randint(0, 2)
if (y_logs.index(y) % 2) == 0:
logs_created.append(Log(x, y, 'left', list_log_width[log_length], log_speeds[y_logs.index(y)]))#list_log_width[log_length], speed))
logs_created.append(Log(x, y, 'right', list_log_width[log_length], log_speeds[y_logs.index(y)])) #list_log_width[log_length], speed))
while True:
screen.fill((0, 119, 190))
starting_area = pygame.draw.rect(screen, (32, 178, 170), (0, 675, screen_width, screen_height / 10))
finish_area = pygame.draw.rect(screen, (32, 178, 170), (0,0, screen_width, screen_height / 10))
ocean = pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 119, 190), (0, screen_height / 10, screen_width, screen_height *0.8))
FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock()
not_in_ocean = False
for log in logs_created:
if log.direction == 'right':
if log.log.centerx - ((log.log_width * 75) / 2) > screen_width:
if log.direction == 'left':
if (log.log.right) < 0:# + (log.log_width * 75)) < 0:
if player_rect.colliderect(log.log):
not_in_ocean = True
if log.log_width == 3:
if abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.right) > abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.left) and abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.left) < abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.centerx):
#Put the player on the left side
player_rect.centerx = log.log.left + 37.5
if abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.centerx) < abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.right) and abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.centerx) < abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.left):
#Put the player in the middle
player_rect.centerx = log.log.centerx
if abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.right) < abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.left) and abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.centerx) > abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.right):
#Put the player on the right side
player_rect.centerx = log.log.right - 37.5
if log.log_width == 2:
if abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.right) > abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.left):
#Put the player on the left side
player_rect.centerx = log.log.left + 37.5
if abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.right) < abs(player_rect.centerx - log.log.left):
#Put the player on the right side
player_rect.centerx = log.log.right - 37.5
if log.log_width == 1:
player_rect.centerx = log.log.centerx
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_RIGHT:
player_rect.centerx += 75
if event.key == K_LEFT:
player_rect.x -= 75
if event.key == K_UP:
player_rect.y -= 75
if event.key == K_DOWN:
player_rect.y += 75
if log.direction == 'right':
player_rect.x += log_speeds[log.y_index]
if log.direction == 'left':
player_rect.x -= log_speeds[log.y_index]
elif starting_area.colliderect(player_rect) or finish_area.colliderect(player_rect):
not_in_ocean = True
#Gameover mechanism
if not_in_ocean == False:
player_rect.left = 300 + 11
player_rect.top = screen_height - 68
screen.blit(player, player_rect)
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_UP:
up_movement = True
elif event.key == K_DOWN:
down_movement = True
elif event.key == K_LEFT:
left_movement = True
elif event.key == K_RIGHT:
right_movement = True
if up_movement == True:
if player_rect.top > 11:
if up_movements < 75:
player_rect.y -= 15
up_movements += 15
up_movements = 0
up_movement = False
up_movement = False
up_movements = 0
if down_movement == True:
if player_rect.bottom <= screen_height - 11:
if down_movements < 75:
player_rect.y += 15
down_movements += 15
down_movements = 0
down_movement = False
down_movement = False
down_movements = 0
if left_movement == True:
if player_rect.left > 11:
if left_movements < 75:
player_rect.x -= 15
left_movements += 15
left_movements = 0
left_movement = False
if right_movement == True:
if player_rect.right <= screen_width - 11:
if right_movements < 75:
player_rect.x += 15
right_movements += 15
right_movements = 0
right_movement = False
if player_rect.left < 0 or player_rect.right > screen_width:
player_rect.left = 300 + 11
player_rect.top = screen_height - 68