Я запускаю тесты Appium node.js на AWS Device Farm. Я хотел бы получить детализированные результаты тестов, показанные в Device Farm, но я всегда получаю один результат "Набор тестов", который включает все тесты. Таким образом, если один небольшой тест провалится, весь набор тестов не пройден. Я прочитал в Документах Device Farm, что в стандартной среде будут отображаться более детальные результаты, но я не уверен, как переключать или использовать стандартную среду. Я предполагаю, что это как-то связано с файлом YAML, поскольку возможность выбора между стандартной или пользовательской средой больше не предоставляется в интерфейсе фермы устройств.
Это мой текущий файл YAML:
version: 0.1
# Phases are collection of commands that get executed on Device Farm.
# The install phase includes commands that install dependencies that your tests use.
# Default dependencies for testing frameworks supported on Device Farm are already installed.
# By default, Appium server version used is 1.7.2.
# You can switch to an alternate supported version from 1.6.5, 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.8.0 , 1.8.1, 1.9.1 by using a command like "avm 1.7.1"
# OR
# To install a newer version of Appium use the following commands:
- export APPIUM_VERSION=1.9.1
- ln -s /usr/local/avm/versions/$APPIUM_VERSION/node_modules/.bin/appium /usr/local/avm/versions/$APPIUM_VERSION/node_modules/appium/bin/appium.js
# By default the node version installed is 11.4.0
# you can switch to an alternate node version using below command.
# - nvm install 10.13.0
# Unpackage and install the node modules that you uploaded in the test phase.
- echo "Navigate to test package directory"
- npm install *.tgz
# The pre-test phase includes commands that setup your test environment.
# We recommend starting appium server process in the background using the command below.
# Appium server log will go to $DEVICEFARM_LOG_DIR directory.
# The environment variables below will be auto-populated during run time.
- echo "Start appium server"
- >-
appium --log-timestamp --device-name $DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_NAME
--automation-name UiAutomator2 --udid $DEVICEFARM_DEVICE_UDID
--chromedriver-executable $DEVICEFARM_CHROMEDRIVER_EXECUTABLE >> $DEVICEFARM_LOG_DIR/appiumlog.txt 2>&1 &
- >-
while [ true ];
if [ $start_appium_timeout -gt 60 ];
echo "appium server never started in 60 seconds. Exiting";
exit 1;
grep -i "Appium REST http interface listener started on" $DEVICEFARM_LOG_DIR/appiumlog.txt >> /dev/null 2>&1;
if [ $? -eq 0 ];
echo "Appium REST http interface listener started on";
echo "Waiting for appium server to start. Sleeping for 1 second";
sleep 1;
# The test phase includes commands that run your test suite execution.
# Go into the root folder containing your source code and node_modules
- echo "Navigate to test source code"
# Change the directory to node_modules folder as it has your test code and the dependency node modules.
- echo "Start Appium Node test"
# Enter the command below to start the tests . The comamnd should be similar to what you use to run the tests locally.
# For e.g. assuming you run your tests locally using command "node YOUR_TEST_FILENAME.js.", enter the same command below:
- npm run test:android
# The post test phase includes are commands that are run after your tests are executed.
# The artifacts phase lets you specify the location where your tests logs, device logs will be stored.
# And also let you specify the location of your test logs and artifacts which you want to be collected by Device Farm.
# These logs and artifacts will be available through ListArtifacts API in Device Farm.
# By default, Device Farm will collect your artifacts from following directories