Во время миграции темы с Liferay 7 на Liferay 7.2 у меня возникают следующие проблемы. Скажите, пожалуйста, что использовать вместо этих устаревших переменных?
$state-danger-text was deprecated in Lexicon CSS 1.x.x and has been removed in the new Clay 2.x.x version
$state-info-bg was deprecated in Lexicon CSS 1.x.x and has been removed in the new Clay 2.x.x version
$state-info-border was deprecated in Lexicon CSS 1.x.x and has been removed in the new Clay 2.x.x version
$state-info-text was deprecated in Lexicon CSS 1.x.x and has been removed in the new Clay 2.x.x version
$state-success-border was deprecated in Lexicon CSS 1.x.x and has been removed in the new Clay 2.x.x version
$state-success-text was deprecated in Lexicon CSS 1.x.x and has been removed in the new Clay 2.x.x version
$state-warning-border was deprecated in Lexicon CSS 1.x.x and has been removed in the new Clay 2.x.x version
$state-warning-text was deprecated in Lexicon CSS 1.x.x and has been removed in the new Clay 2.x.x version
and many more...