Я попытался объяснить алгоритм умножения слова на слово в 16-битной среде: { ссылка }
Реализация, которая вычисляет 10! и работает также в EMU8086:
.STACK 1000h
decstr DB 16 DUP ('$') ; String is $-terminated
main PROC
mov ax, @DATA ; Initialize DS
mov ds, ax
mov bx, 10 ; Factorial 10! = 3.628.800
xor dx, dx ; DX:AX=1 (first multiplicand)
mov ax, 1 ; Begin with 1
; for (dx:ax = 1, cx = 2; cx <= 10; cx++)
mov cx, 2 ; Incrementing multiplicator
call mul_dword_word ; DX:AX * CX -> DX:AX
inc cx
cmp cx, bx
jbe L1 ; While cx <= 10
; Print result
mov di, OFFSET decstr
call dword_to_dec
mov dx, OFFSET decstr
mov ah, 9
int 21h
; Exit
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h
main ENDP
mul_dword_word PROC ; DX:AX multiplicand, CX multiplier
push dx
mul cx ; AX * CX -> DX:AX
mov si, dx ; Store high result
mov di, ax ; Low result won't be changed anymore
pop ax ; High word
mul cx ; AX * CX -> DX:AX
add ax, si ; Add high result from last mul to low result here
adc dx, 0
mov si, dx ; SI:DX:AX return value
mov dx, ax
mov ax, di
ret ; RET: SI:DX:AX result
mul_dword_word ENDP
dword_to_dec PROC ; ARG DX:AX DWORD, DI: offset of string
mov cs:target, di
mov si, ax
mov di, dx
; First Loop: get digits and push them
mov cs:counter, 0
mov bx, 10
inc cs:counter
xor dx, dx
mov ax, di ; High WORD
mov cx, ax
div bx ; DX:AX / BX -> AX Remainder DX
mov di, ax ; Store new high word
mul bx ; AX * BX -> DX:AX
sub cx, ax ; sub highest CX-divisible value
mov dx, cx
mov ax, si ; Low WORD
div bx ; DX:AX / BX -> AX Remainder DX
or dl, 30h ; Convert remainder to ASCII
push dx ; Store remainder
mov si, ax ; Store new low WORD
or ax, di ; Anything more to process?
jnz LL1 ; yes: jump to LL1 above
; Second Loop: get back digits in reversed order
mov di, cs:target
mov cx, cs:counter
pop ax
mov [di], al
inc di
loop LL2
mov BYTE PTR [di], '$' ; Terminator for INT 21h/09h
counter dw 0
target dw 0
dword_to_dec ENDP