class weight:
def __init__(self, value, unit = "g"):
This method is initialized when the object is created
self.value = value
self.unit = unit
# The value of kg is 0.001 (1E-3) because your logic multiplies the input value. So mg must be 1/1E-3 = 1000
self._metric = {"g" : 1,
"kg" : 0.001,
"mg" : 1000
def convert_to_gram(self):
This method converts a self.value to g, kg or mg based on self.unit
return self.value * self._metric[self.unit]
def __add__(self, other):
The __add__ method is a 'magic' (dunder) method which gets called when we add two numbers using the + operator.
this method calls convert_to_gram() methods from this class object and from 'other' class object as well
it then returns the sum of both convertion results from the two objects
x = self.convert_to_gram() + other.convert_to_gram()
return (x/self._metric[self.unit], self.unit)
def __str__(self):
return "{} {}".format (self.value, self.unit)
w1 = weight(100, 'mg') # create object w1
w2 = weight(50, 'mg') # create object w2
# call convert_to_gram() to convert 100 to mg and save the result in result_w1
result_w1 = w1.convert_to_gram()
# call convert_to_gram() to convert 50 to mg and save the result in result_w2
result_w2 = w2.convert_to_gram()
print(w1 + w2)
(150.0, 'mg')