Невозможно установить TFMA + TF 1.15.4 и TF 1.15.0 - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 10 января 2020

С тех пор как Apache 2.17 стал доступен недавно, я получаю эту ошибку при установке TF и ​​TFMA:

from setuptools import find_packages
from setuptools import setup


    description='AI Platform Training job for TensorFlow',
    author='Google Cloud Platform',

Когда я запускаю: python setup.py install

tfx-bsl жалуется на Apache Лучевая версия, я получаю:

ERROR: tensorflow 2.1.0 has requirement scipy==1.4.1; python_version >= "3", but you'll have scipy 1.1.0 which is incompatible.
ERROR: tensorflow-serving-api 2.0.0 has requirement tensorflow~=2.0.0, but you'll have tensorflow 2.1.0 which is incompatible.
ERROR: tfx-bsl 0.15.3 has requirement absl-py<0.9,>=0.7, but you'll have absl-py 0.9.0 which is incompatible.
ERROR: tfx-bsl 0.15.3 has requirement apache-beam[gcp]<2.17,>=2.16, but you'll have apache-beam 2.17.0 which is incompatible.
ERROR: tfx-bsl 0.15.3 has requirement pyarrow<0.15.0,>=0.14.0, but you'll have pyarrow 0.15.1 which is incompatible.