Вот пример кода для программного создания радиокнопок:
//create the radio button prototype
NSButtonCell *proto = [[NSButtonCell alloc] init];
[proto setTitle:@"Options"];
[proto setButtonType: NSRadioButton];
//define the matrix size where you'll put the radio buttons
NSRect matrixRect = NSMakeRect(20.0,20.0,125.0,125.0);
//define the matrix specifying that it will contain radio buttons of
//prototype "proto" defined above, and that it will have 3 radio buttons
//arranged on 1 column
NSMatrix *matrix = [[NSMatrix alloc] initWithRect: matrixRect
mode: NSRadioModeMatrix
prototype: (NSCell *)proto
numberOfRows:3 numberOfColumns:1];
//this assumes that you connected the window object to an outlet
[[windowOutlet contentView] addSubview: matrix];
//set the radio buttons' titles by getting references to the matrix's cells
NSArray *cells = [matrix cells];
[[cells objectAtIndex:0] setTitle:@"Option 1"];
[[cells objectAtIndex:1] setTitle:@"Option 2"];
[[cells objectAtIndex:2] setTitle:@"Option 3"];
[proto release];
[matrix release];
Веселись! Да, это взято из здесь , но я добавил несколько личных комментариев, чтобы объяснить процесс.