У меня есть UIDocumentPickerViewController
, где пользователь может выбрать документ, когда я пытаюсь сохранить файл в хранилище Firebase, я получаю следующее:
Ошибка домена = FIRStorageErrorDomain Code = -13000 "Файл по URL: file: /// private / var / mobile / Library / Mobile% 20Documents / com ~ apple ~ CloudDocs / Documents / Documents% 20-% 20Name% E2% 80% 99s% 20MacBook% 20Pro / PDF% 20Export .compressed.pdf недоступен. " UserInfo = {NSLocalizedDescription = Файл по URL: file: /// private / var / mobile / Library / Mobile% 20Documents / com ~ apple ~ CloudDocs / Documents / Documents% 20-% 20Имя% E2% 80% 99s% 20MacBook% 20Pro /PDF%20Export.compressed.pdf недоступен., NSUnderlyingError = 0x283653300 {Error Domain = NSCocoaErrorDomain Code = 257 "Файл« PDF Export.compressed.pdf »не может быть открыт, так как у вас нет разрешения на его просмотр «. UserInfo = {NSURL = файл: /// частный / вар / мобильная / Библиотека / Мобильный% 20Documents / ком ~ яблочный ~ CloudDocs / Документы / Документы% 20-% 20Name% E2% 80% 99s% 20MacBook% 20Pro / PDF% 20Export .compressed.pdf, NSFilePath = / private / var / mobile / Библиотека / Мобильные документы / com ~ apple ~ CloudDocs / Документы / Документы - MacBook Pro / PDFExport.compressed.pdf, NSUnderlyingError = 0x283653150 {Ошибка домена = Код NSPOSIXErrorDomain = 1 " Операция не разрешена "}}}}
Вот didPickDocumentsAt
в моем DocumentPickerViewController
func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController, didPickDocumentsAt urls: [URL]) {
var userID = profileUID
let localFile = urls.first!
let storageRef = Storage.storage().reference()
// Need to store example.pdf in profiles/userID/documents/example.pdf!!!
// Upload file and metadata to the object 'images/mountains.jpg'
let uploadTask = storageRef.putFile(from: localFile, metadata: nil)
// Listen for state changes, errors, and completion of the upload.
uploadTask.observe(.resume) { snapshot in
// Upload resumed, also fires when the upload starts
uploadTask.observe(.success) { snapshot in
// Upload completed successfully
// Set status to complete
uploadTask.observe(.failure) { snapshot in
if let error = snapshot.error as NSError? {
print(error) // This is the only error in the console
switch (StorageErrorCode(rawValue: error.code)!) {
case .objectNotFound:
// File doesn't exist
case .unauthorized:
// User doesn't have permission to access file
print("No permission to access file")
case .cancelled:
// User canceled the upload
case .unknown:
// Unknown error occurred, inspect the server response
// A separate error occurred. This is a good place to retry the upload.