На данный момент я скачал GNAT GPS Community и установил его на свой Linux Centos 7.
Моя цель - выполнить эти два онлайн-примера:
1: http://bisaga.com/blog/programming/ada-database-first-steps/ 2: https://docs.adacore.com/gnatcoll-docs/sql.html
Для этого мне нужно установить библиотеки sql и postgres отсюда: https://github.com/AdaCore/gnatcoll-db
Я знаю, что библиотека postgres использует библиотеку sql, поэтому я пытаюсь сначала установить библиотеку sql! Я пытался установить эти библиотеки различными способами, как вы увидите, если вы посмотрите на мои предыдущие вопросы ...
В настоящее время я пытаюсь собрать эти библиотеки из GNAT GPS. Пожалуйста, смотрите скриншот ниже того, что мои проект выглядит так, я добавил белые точки рядом с полями, которые я изменил!
Я вручную ввел используемую версию GNAT GPS, каталог библиотеки, и для версии я добавил общие.
Когда я пытаюсь построить это, я получаю следующую ошибку ...
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/fdAJc.png)
Я не уверен, возможно ли установить библиотеку таким способом, и любые советы о том, возможно ли это сделать, будут с благодарностью приняты.
Я думаю, что я слишком сильно усложнил установку этой библиотеки. Если кто-нибудь знает о пошаговом процессе установки, доступном в Интернете, сообщите мне.
Я также пытался создать его с помощью gprbuild, я получаю следующую ошибку.
[parallels@localhost sql]$ gprbuild -P gnatcoll_sql.gpr --target=/home/parallels/opt/GNAT/2019/bin
gnatcoll_sql.gpr:44:52: unknown variable "So_Ext"
gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: unknown project file: "directories"
gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: imported by "/usr/share/gpr/gnatcoll.gpr"
gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: imported by "/home/parallels/Desktop/gnatcoll-db-master/sql/gnatcoll_sql.gpr"
gnatcoll.gpr:31:25: unknown package or project "Directories"
gprbuild: "gnatcoll_sql.gpr" processing failed
[parallels@localhost sql]$
Я использую Linux Centos 7, и здесь установлен GNAT GPS: /home/parallels/opt/GNAT/2019/bin/gps
Добавлено 16/04/20
В настоящее время, когда я запускаю make, затем make установка Я получаю ошибки (вот почему я искал обходной путь):
[parallels@localhost sql]$ make
which: no gnatls in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin:/home/parallels/.local/bin:/home/parallels/bin)
gprbuild -p -m --target=executable:gcc -j0 -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static -XXMLADA_BUILD=static -XGPR_BUILD=static \
gnatcoll_sql.gpr:44:52: unknown variable "So_Ext"
gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: unknown project file: "directories"
gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: imported by "/usr/share/gpr/gnatcoll.gpr"
gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: imported by "/home/parallels/Desktop/gnatcoll-db-master/sql/gnatcoll_sql.gpr"
gnatcoll.gpr:31:25: unknown package or project "Directories"
gprbuild: "gnatcoll_sql.gpr" processing failed
make: *** [build-static] Error 4
[parallels@localhost sql]$ make install
which: no gnatls in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin:/home/parallels/.local/bin:/home/parallels/bin)
gprinstall -p -f --target=x86_64-redhat-linux -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD --sources-subdir=include/gnatcoll_sql --prefix=.. -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static -XXMLADA_BUILD=static -XGPR_BUILD=static \
--build-name=static --build-var=LIBRARY_TYPE gnatcoll_sql.gpr
make: gprinstall: Command not found
make: *** [install-static] Error 127
[parallels@localhost sql]$
Добавлено 17.04.20 09: 00
[parallels@localhost gnatcoll-db]$ echo $PATH
[parallels@localhost gnatcoll-db]$ export PATH=$PATH/home/parallels/opt/GNAT/2019/bin
[parallels@localhost gnatcoll-db]$ echo $PATH
[parallels@localhost gnatcoll-db]$ ls
CONTRIBUTING.md COPYING.RUNTIME gen_gps_help.py gnat_debug.adc postgres sql testsuite xref
COPYING3 docs gnatcoll_db2ada gnatinspect README.md sqlite version_information
[parallels@localhost gnatcoll-db]$ make -w -C sql setup
make: Entering directory `/home/parallels/Desktop/gnatcoll-db/sql'
make: Leaving directory `/home/parallels/Desktop/gnatcoll-db/sql'
[parallels@localhost gnatcoll-db]$ make -w -C sql clean build
make: Entering directory `/home/parallels/Desktop/gnatcoll-db/sql'
gprclean: project file "gnatcoll_sql.gpr" not found in .::/usr/share/gpr:/usr/lib/gnat
make: [clean-static] Error 4 (ignored)
gprclean -q -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=relocatable -XXMLADA_BUILD=relocatable -XGPR_BUILD=relocatable \
gprclean: project file "gnatcoll_sql.gpr" not found in .::/usr/share/gpr:/usr/lib/gnat
make: [clean-relocatable] Error 4 (ignored)
gprclean -q -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static-pic -XXMLADA_BUILD=static-pic -XGPR_BUILD=static-pic \
gprclean: project file "gnatcoll_sql.gpr" not found in .::/usr/share/gpr:/usr/lib/gnat
make: [clean-static-pic] Error 4 (ignored)
gprbuild -p -m --target=x86_64-linux -j0 -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static -XXMLADA_BUILD=static -XGPR_BUILD=static \
gprbuild: project file "gnatcoll_sql.gpr" not found in .::/usr/x86_64-linux/lib/gnat:/usr/share/gpr:/usr/lib/gnat
make: *** [build-static] Error 4
make: Leaving directory `/home/parallels/Desktop/gnatcoll-db/sql'
[parallels@localhost gnatcoll-db]$
Добавлено 17.04.20 10 : 30
1 [parallels@localhost ~]$ git clone https://github.com/AdaCore/gnatcoll-db
2 Cloning into 'gnatcoll-db'...
3 remote: Enumerating objects: 61, done.
4 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done.
5 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (61/61), done.
6 remote: Total 17399 (delta 27), reused 34 (delta 0), pack-reused 17338
7 Receiving objects: 100% (17399/17399), 12.63 MiB | 2.21 MiB/s, done.
8 Resolving deltas: 100% (13119/13119), done.
9 [parallels@localhost ~]$ PATH=/opt/GNAT/2019/bin/:$PATH
10 [parallels@localhost ~]$ echo $PATH
11 /opt/GNAT/2019/bin/:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin:/home/parallels/.local/bin:/home/parallels/bin
12 [parallels@localhost ~]$ cd ~/gnatcoll-db/sql
13 [parallels@localhost sql]$ ls
14 gnatcoll-sql.adb gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.adb gnatcoll-sql_fields.adb gnatcoll-sql_impl.ads gnatcoll-sql-orm.ads gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads
15 gnatcoll-sql.ads gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.ads gnatcoll-sql_fields.ads gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb gnatcoll-sql-orm-impl.adb Makefile
16 gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb gnatcoll_sql.gpr gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads gnatcoll-sql-orm-impl.ads
17 gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.ads gnatcoll-sql_impl.adb gnatcoll-sql-orm.adb gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb
18 [parallels@localhost sql]$ make
19 gprbuild -p -m --target=x86_64-linux -j0 -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static -XXMLADA_BUILD=static -XGPR_BUILD=static \
20 gnatcoll_sql.gpr
21 gnatcoll_sql.gpr:44:52: unknown variable "So_Ext"
22 gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: unknown project file: "directories"
23 gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: imported by "/usr/share/gpr/gnatcoll.gpr"
24 gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: imported by "/home/parallels/gnatcoll-db/sql/gnatcoll_sql.gpr"
25 gnatcoll.gpr:31:25: unknown package or project "Directories"
26 gprbuild: "gnatcoll_sql.gpr" processing failed
27 make: *** [build-static] Error 4
28 [parallels@localhost sql]$ gprbuild -p -m --target=x86_64-linux -j0 -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static -XXMLADA_BUILD=static -XGPR_BUILD=static \
29 > gnatcoll_sql.gpr
30 gnatcoll_sql.gpr:44:52: unknown variable "So_Ext"
31 gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: unknown project file: "directories"
32 gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: imported by "/usr/share/gpr/gnatcoll.gpr"
33 gnatcoll.gpr:8:06: imported by "/home/parallels/gnatcoll-db/sql/gnatcoll_sql.gpr"
34 gnatcoll.gpr:31:25: unknown package or project "Directories"
35 gprbuild: "gnatcoll_sql.gpr" processing failed
36 [parallels@localhost sql]$
Добавлено 17.04.20 11: 15
[parallels@localhost ~]$ git clone https://github.com/AdaCore/gnatcoll-db
Cloning into 'gnatcoll-db'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 61, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (61/61), done.
remote: Total 17399 (delta 27), reused 34 (delta 0), pack-reused 17338
Receiving objects: 100% (17399/17399), 12.63 MiB | 3.04 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (13119/13119), done.
[parallels@localhost ~]$ PATH=/home/parallels/opt/GNAT/2019/bin:$PATH
[parallels@localhost ~]$ echo $path
[parallels@localhost ~]$ echo $PATH
[parallels@localhost ~]$ PATH=/home/parallels/opt/GNAT/2019/bin:$PATH
[parallels@localhost ~]$
[parallels@localhost ~]$ cd ~/gnatcoll-db/sql
[parallels@localhost sql]$ ls
gnatcoll-sql.adb gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.ads gnatcoll_sql.gpr gnatcoll-sql-orm.adb gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads
gnatcoll-sql.ads gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb gnatcoll-sql_impl.adb gnatcoll-sql-orm.ads Makefile
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.ads gnatcoll-sql_impl.ads gnatcoll-sql-orm-impl.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads gnatcoll-sql_fields.adb gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb gnatcoll-sql-orm-impl.ads
gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.adb gnatcoll-sql_fields.ads gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb
[parallels@localhost sql]$ make
gprbuild -p -m --target=x86_64-linux -j0 -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static -XXMLADA_BUILD=static -XGPR_BUILD=static \
[mkdir] object directory for project GnatColl_SQL
[mkdir] library directory for project GnatColl_SQL
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql_impl.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql_fields.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql.adb
gnatcoll-sql_impl.adb:30:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql_impl.ads:30:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:34:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Pools" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-orm.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-orm-impl.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb
gnatcoll-sql.ads:104:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.adb:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.ads:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:34:17: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.OS.Constants" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:35:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Plugins" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:110:22: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:112:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Plugins" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:114:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:31:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:33:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:34:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Mmap" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:35:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.VFS" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:43:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.VFS" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:44:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:46:22: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
Build Libraries
[gprlib] gnatcoll_sql.lexch
[archive] libgnatcoll_sql.a
[index] libgnatcoll_sql.a
gprbuild -p -m --target=x86_64-linux -j0 -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=relocatable -XXMLADA_BUILD=relocatable -XGPR_BUILD=relocatable \
[mkdir] object directory for project GnatColl_SQL
[mkdir] library directory for project GnatColl_SQL
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql_impl.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql_fields.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql.adb
gnatcoll-sql_impl.adb:30:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql_impl.ads:30:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:34:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Pools" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-orm.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-orm-impl.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb
gnatcoll-sql.ads:104:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.adb:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.ads:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:34:17: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.OS.Constants" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:35:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Plugins" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:110:22: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:112:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Plugins" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:114:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:31:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:33:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:34:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Mmap" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:35:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.VFS" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:43:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.VFS" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:44:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:46:22: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
Build Libraries
[gprlib] gnatcoll_sql.lexch
[link library] libgnatcoll_sql.so
gprbuild -p -m --target=x86_64-linux -j0 -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static-pic -XXMLADA_BUILD=static-pic -XGPR_BUILD=static-pic \
[mkdir] object directory for project GnatColl_SQL
[mkdir] library directory for project GnatColl_SQL
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql_impl.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql_fields.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql.adb
gnatcoll-sql_impl.adb:30:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql_impl.ads:30:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:34:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Pools" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-orm.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-orm-impl.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb
gnatcoll-sql.ads:104:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.adb:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.ads:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:34:17: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.OS.Constants" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:35:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Plugins" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:110:22: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:112:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Plugins" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:114:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:31:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:33:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:34:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Mmap" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:35:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.VFS" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:43:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.VFS" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:44:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:46:22: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
Build Libraries
[gprlib] gnatcoll_sql.lexch
[archive] libgnatcoll_sql.a
[index] libgnatcoll_sql.a
Вот моя сборка gnatcoll_ postgres .gpr для справки
[parallels@localhost postgres]$ make
gprbuild -p -m --target=x86_64-linux -j0 -XGNATCOLL_HASPQPREPARE=yes -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static -XXMLADA_BUILD=static -XGPR_BUILD=static \
gprbuild -p -m --target=x86_64-linux -j0 -XGNATCOLL_HASPQPREPARE=yes -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=relocatable -XXMLADA_BUILD=relocatable -XGPR_BUILD=relocatable \
gprbuild -p -m --target=x86_64-linux -j0 -XGNATCOLL_HASPQPREPARE=yes -XGNATCOLL_VERSION=0.0 -XBUILD=PROD -XLIBRARY_TYPE=static-pic -XXMLADA_BUILD=static-pic -XGPR_BUILD=static-pic \
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql_impl.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql_fields.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql.adb
gnatcoll-sql_impl.adb:30:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql_impl.ads:30:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:34:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-sessions.ads:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Pools" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-orm.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-orm-impl.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb
gnatcoll-sql.ads:104:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.adb:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec_private.ads:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:34:17: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.OS.Constants" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:35:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Plugins" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:110:22: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:112:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Plugins" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec.ads:114:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:31:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:32:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-exec-tasking.adb:33:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
[C] postgres_support.c
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-ranges.adb
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-postgres.adb
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:34:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Mmap" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:35:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:36:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.VFS" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:43:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.VFS" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:44:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-inspect.ads:46:22: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Refcount" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-postgres-gnade.adb
gnatcoll-sql-postgres-gnade.ads:43:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
[Ada] gnatcoll-sql-postgres-builder.adb
gnatcoll-sql-postgres-builder.adb:37:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-postgres-builder.adb:38:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Traces" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-postgres-builder.adb:39:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-postgres.adb:30:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Utils" may be inconsistent
gnatcoll-sql-postgres.ads:29:14: warning: license of withed unit "GNATCOLL.Strings" may be inconsistent
Build Libraries
[gprlib] gnatcoll_sql.lexch
[archive] libgnatcoll_sql.a
[index] libgnatcoll_sql.a
[gprlib] gnatcoll_postgres.lexch
[archive] libgnatcoll_postgres.a
[index] libgnatcoll_postgres.a
[parallels@localhost postgres]$