Я использую angular материал, чтобы перетащить элемент (подпись) и поместить элемент в файл PDF на клиенте с помощью библиотеки pdf-viewer. Это нормально работает, и я ставлю подпись на бэкэнд (php с fpdf и fpdi).
Проблема в том, что когда клиент перетаскивает подпись в нижнюю и верхнюю часть контейнера, пользователь должен вручную прокрутить страницу, а затем поставить подпись. Я думал, что angular материал имеет автопрокрутку по умолчанию, но он не работает.
signature.component. html:
<div class="signature-block"
<img src="{{ signature.imageUrl }}" alt="{{ signature.type }} signature" class="signature-img"
[ngStyle]="{'width': signature.size.width + 'px', 'height': signature.size.height + 'px'}">
<span *ngIf="isEditable" class="signature-button delete" (click)="deleteSignatureClicked()">X</span>
import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { Signature, SignatureEvent } from '@modules/flow/models/signature.model';
selector: 'app-signature',
templateUrl: './signature.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./signature.component.scss']
export class SignatureComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() signature: Signature;
@Input() isEditable: boolean;
@Output() signatureUpdated = new EventEmitter<Signature>();
@Output() signatureDeleted = new EventEmitter<SignatureEvent>();
constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef) { }
ngOnInit() {
console.log(`Signature created: [${this.signature.id}] ${this.signature.type}`);
onDragEnded(event) {
const position = event.source.getFreeDragPosition();
this.signature.position = position;
console.log(`Signature dragged: [${this.signature.id}] ${this.signature.type} | position: ${this.signature.position.x}, ${this.signature.position.y}`);
getPosition(element) {
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
while (element && !isNaN(element.offsetLeft) && !isNaN(element.offsetTop)) {
x += element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft;
y += element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop;
element = element.offsetParent;
return { top: y, left: x };
deleteSignatureClicked() {
component: this.elementRef,
signature: this.signature
console.log(`Signature deleted: [${this.signature.id}] ${this.signature.type}`);
Родительский компонент.ts:
<section class="signature-verification">
<!-- -->
<div class="verification-container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<div class="title-container">
<h4 class="title">
{{ isPartnerViewMode ? 'חתימת שותף' : 'הטמעת חתימות' }}
<!-- Edit mode -->
<div class="content" *ngIf="!isPartnerViewMode">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-10">
<p class="description">
<div class="col-2">
<div class="editor-pager">
<span ngbDropdown placement="bottom-left">
<button class="btn btn-primary-white" ngbDropdownToggle>
הוספת חתימה
<div ngbDropdownMenu aria-labelledby="dropdownBasic1">
<label class="signature-label">בחירת חתימה</label>
<button class="btn btn-primary identification-signet" ngbDropdownToggle (click)="addSignature(SignatureType.Identification)">חותמת לשם זיהוי</button>
<button class="btn btn-special-blue partner-signet" ngbDropdownToggle (click)="addSignature(SignatureType.Partner)">חותמת שותף</button>
<div class="page-tracker">עמוד {{ currentPage }} מתוך {{ totalPages }}</div>
<!-- Partner view only mode -->
<div class="content" *ngIf="isPartnerViewMode">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-7">
<p class="description">
הוראות לשותף.
<div class="col-5">
<div class="partner-pager">
<ul class="list-inline">
<li class="list-inline-item">
<button class="btn btn-primary-white" (click)="showPreviousPartnerSignature()">
<app-svg-icon name="angle-up_special"></app-svg-icon>
לחתימה הקודמת
<li class="list-inline-item">
<button class="btn btn-primary-white" (click)="showNextPartnerSignature()">
<app-svg-icon name="angle-down_special"></app-svg-icon>
לחתימה הבאה
<div class="page-tracker">עמוד {{ currentPage }} מתוך {{ totalPages }}</div>
<!-- -->
<div class="pdf-container" *ngIf="pdfSrc">
src="{{ pdfSrc }}"
<!-- -->
Родительский компонент.ts
import { Component, Input, OnInit, OnChanges, ApplicationRef, Injector, ComponentFactoryResolver, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { PdfViewerComponent, PDFDocumentProxy } from 'ng2-pdf-viewer';
import { FileService } from '@globalCore/services/file.service';
import { StageFiles } from '@modules/flow/models/stage-files.model';
import { Flow } from '@modules/_models/flow.model';
import { Signature, SignatureType, SignatureEvent } from '@modules/flow/models/signature.model';
import { SignatureComponent } from '../signature/signature.component';
import { SignaturesService } from '@modules/flow/services/signatures.service';
selector: 'app-signature-verification-stage',
templateUrl: './signature-verification-stage.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./signature-verification-stage.component.scss']
export class SignatureVerificationStageComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
@ViewChild(PdfViewerComponent) pdfViewer: PdfViewerComponent;
@Input() flow: Flow;
signatures$ = this._signatureService.signatures$;
currentPage: number;
totalPages = 0;
lastSignatureId = 1;
SignatureType = SignatureType;
isPartnerViewMode = false;
lastPartnerSignaturePage = 1;
stageFiles: StageFiles;
fileID: number;
filePath: string;
pdfSrc: any;
/* #region - Lifecycle */
constructor(private _app: ApplicationRef,
private _injector: Injector,
private _factoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,
private _fileService: FileService,
private _signatureService: SignaturesService) { }
ngOnInit() { }
ngOnChanges() {
if (this.flow) {
this.isPartnerViewMode = this.flow.stage.id === 6;
/* #endregion */
/* #region - Fetching and handling files */
fetchStageFiles() {
const stageID = 4;
this._fileService.getStageFiles(this.flow.id, stageID, (files: StageFiles) => this.onGetStageFiles(files));
onGetStageFiles(files: StageFiles) {
this.fileID = files[0].files[0].id;
this.filePath = files[0].files[0].filePath;
this._signatureService.getAll(this.flow.id, this.fileID);
showPdfFile(fileName: string) {
const stageID = 4;
this._fileService.downloadFileFromStage(fileName, stageID, this.flow.id).then((response) => {
const file = new Blob([response], { type: 'blob' });
this.pdfSrc = URL.createObjectURL(file);
/* #endregion */
/* #region - PDFViewer actions */
scrollToPage(page: number) {
pageNumber: page
showNextPartnerSignature() {
const signatures = this.signatures$.getValue();
const partnerSignatures = signatures
.filter(signature => signature.type === SignatureType.Partner)
.sort((a, b) => a.page - b.page);
for (const signature of partnerSignatures) {
if (this.lastPartnerSignaturePage < signature.page) {
this.lastPartnerSignaturePage = signature.page;
showPreviousPartnerSignature() {
const signatures = this.signatures$.getValue();
const partnerSignatures = signatures
.filter(signature => signature.type === SignatureType.Partner)
.sort((a, b) => a.page + b.page);
for (const signature of partnerSignatures) {
if (this.lastPartnerSignaturePage > signature.page) {
this.lastPartnerSignaturePage = signature.page;
/* #endregion */
/* #region - PDFViewer delegates */
onPageRendered(page: any) {
// Create a signature container for the page
const signaturesContainer = document.createElement('div');
signaturesContainer.id = 'signatures-container-' + page.pageNumber;
signaturesContainer.className = 'signatures-container';
// Append the container to the page's annotation layer div
// Append existing signatures receieved from the server
this.signatures$.subscribe(signatures => {
signatures.forEach(signature => {
if (signature.page === page.pageNumber) {
onLoadComplete(pdf: PDFDocumentProxy) {
this.totalPages = pdf.numPages;
/* #endregion */
/* #region - Signatures handling */
// Adds a signature received from the client/user
addSignature(signatureType: SignatureType) {
// Create a signature object
const signature: Signature = {
id: this.lastSignatureId,
type: signatureType,
imageUrl: `/assets/images/signatures/${signatureType}.png`,
flowID: this.flow.id,
fileID: this.fileID,
page: this.currentPage,
position: { x: 100, y: 100 },
size: signatureType === SignatureType.Identification ? { width: 150, height: 150 } : { width: 320, height: 55 }
// Send it to the server and append it to the page
.subscribe(createdSignature => {
signature.id = createdSignature.id;
this._appendSignature(signature, true);
// Adds a signature received from the server
addSignatureFromServer(signature: Signature) {
if (!signature.imageUrl) {
signature.imageUrl = `/assets/images/signatures/${signature.type}.png`;
this._appendSignature(signature, false);
private _appendSignature(signature: Signature, isNew: boolean) {
// Resolve the SignatureComponent as a factory (so we can use it as an actual object)
const factory = this._factoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(SignatureComponent);
// Create a native html signature element that will contain our factory
const signatureElement = document.createElement('div');
signatureElement.className = `signature ${signature.type} ${!!this.isPartnerViewMode ?? 'editable'}`;
document.getElementById('signatures-container-' + signature.page).appendChild(signatureElement);
// Inject our native element to the factory to receive a ComponentRef
const ref = factory.create(this._injector, [], signatureElement);
// Afetr the injection, we can access the component's @Input(s) and variables so we can give it the Signature object we created
ref.instance.signature = signature;
ref.instance.isEditable = !this.isPartnerViewMode;
// Subscribe to the new component's changes
.subscribe((object: Signature) => this.onSignatureUpdated(object));
.subscribe((event: SignatureEvent) => this.onSignatureDeleted(event));
// Attach the view to the app so it will get rendered to the DOM
// Add the signature to our array for reference if it is a new one
// if (isNew) {
// this.signatures$.next(this.signatures$.getValue().concat(signature));
// }
/* #endregion */
/* #region - Signatures delegates */
onSignatureUpdated(signature: Signature) {
.subscribe(() => {
// Find the signature index by id and replace the object
// const foundIndex = this.signatures$.getValue().findIndex(object => object.id === signature.id);
// const tempArray = this.signatures$.getValue();
// tempArray[foundIndex] = signature;
// this.signatures$.next(tempArray);
onSignatureDeleted({ component, signature }: SignatureEvent) {
.subscribe(() => {
// Find the signature index by id and delete the object
// const foundIndex = this.signatures$.findIndex(object => object.id === signature.id);
// this.signatures$.splice(foundIndex, 1);
// Find the comopnent DOM element and remove it
const factory = this._factoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(SignatureComponent);
const ref = factory.create(this._injector, [], component.nativeElement);
/* #endregion */