Я новичок в MongoDB и в настоящее время изучаю его. Но в какой-то момент я получил синтаксическую ошибку и не смог ее найти. Итак, мне нужна твоя помощь.
let reviewText1: [
"The Martian could have been a sad drama file, instead it was a ",
"hilarious file weith a little bit of dra,a added to it. The Martian is what ",
"everybody wants from a space adventure. Ridley Scott can still make great ",
"movies and this is one of his best."
].join() db.movieDetails.updateOne({
title:"The Martian"
}, {
$push: {
reviews: {
rating: 4.5,
date: ISODate("2016-01-12T09:00:00Z"),
reviewer: "Spencer H.",
text: reviewText1
2020-02-03T08: 29: 30.381 + 0530 E QUERY [js] исключение uncaught: SyntaxError: u ожидаемый токен: ':': @ (shell): 1: 15
Заранее спасибо.