Я пытался сделать расширение для типа Actor
, исходя из Учимся кодировать 2 в Swift Playgounds для iPad следующим образом:
let theWorld = world
extension Actor {
convenience init(_ x:Int, _ y:Int, facing direction: Direction = .east){
theWorld.place(self, facing: direction, atColumn: x, row: y)
, когда я звоню:
игровая площадка работает должным образом.
Но когда я звоню:
// Expert is a subclass of Actor
, появляется ошибка компилятора. Почему это происходит?
снимок экрана: ![playground screenshot](https://i.stack.imgur.com/OytmI.jpg)
База кода (от Apple) за этой игровой площадкой довольно большая, поэтому я просто перечислю наиболее релевантный источник коды (Actor
и Expert
тип) следующие:
Тип актера
// Actor.swift
// Copyright © 2016-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
import SceneKit
import PlaygroundSupport
The type representing the different characters that can be present and move about in the world.
- localizationKey: Actor
public class Actor: Item, NodeConstructible {
// MARK: Static
static var commandSpeed: Float = WorldConfiguration.Actor.idleSpeed
public static let identifier: WorldNodeIdentifier = .actor
// MARK: Item
public var id = Identifier.undefined
public let node: NodeWrapper
public weak var world: GridWorld? {
didSet {
if let world = world {
// Create a new `WorldActionComponent` when setting the world.
addComponent(WorldActionComponent(actor: self, world: world))
if !scnNode.childNodes.isEmpty {
// Start idling when placed in the world (if the geometry is loaded).
idleQueue.start(breathingOnly: true)
else {
removeComponent(ofType: WorldActionComponent.self)
// MARK: Actor Properties
var type: ActorType
/// The action that is currently running, if any.
fileprivate(set) var currentAction: Action?
var components = [ActorComponent]()
var result: PerformerResult?
/// Indicates if the actor has components currently running.
var isRunning: Bool {
return runningComponents.isEmpty == false
/// A flag to indicate if this character is currently being presented in the character picker.
var isInCharacterPicker = false
/// A driver which causes the actor to idle indefinitely.
lazy var idleQueue: ContinuousIdleQueue = ContinuousIdleQueue(actor: self)
var isIdle: Bool {
return idleQueue.isRunning
lazy var actorCamera: SCNNode = {
// Programmatically add an actor camera.
let actorCamera = SCNNode()
actorCamera.position = SCNVector3Make(0, 0.785, 3.25)
actorCamera.eulerAngles.x = -0.1530727
actorCamera.camera = SCNCamera()
actorCamera.name = "actorCamera"
return actorCamera
// Private properties
/// Used to synchronously access `runningComponents`.
private let componentsQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.LTC.RunningComponents")
private var _runningComponents = [ActorComponent]()
/// Returns the components that are still running for this actor.
/// Note: This synchronously blocks for access to the underlying array.
fileprivate var runningComponents: [ActorComponent] {
get {
var runningComponents: [ActorComponent]!
componentsQueue.sync { runningComponents = _runningComponents }
return runningComponents
set {
componentsQueue.sync { _runningComponents = newValue }
// MARK: Initialization
/// Creates a character (or actor) with the specified name. The character can then be placed in the world.
/// Example usage:
/// ````
/// let blu = Character(name: .blu)
/// ````
/// - Parameter name: The name of the character chosen from the `CharacterName` enumeration. If you leave out `name`, the saved character will be used.
/// - localizationKey: Actor(name:)
public init(name: CharacterName? = nil) {
self.type = name?.type ?? ActorType.loadDefault()
node = NodeWrapper(identifier: .actor)
public required init?(node: SCNNode) {
guard node.identifier == .actor
&& node.identifierComponents.count >= 2 else { return nil }
guard let type = ActorType(rawValue: node.identifierComponents[1]) else { return nil }
self.type = type
self.node = NodeWrapper(node)
func commonInit() {
addComponent(AnimationComponent(actor: self))
// Check if audio is enabled.
if Persisted.areSoundEffectsEnabled {
addComponent(AudioComponent(actor: self))
scnNode.categoryBitMask = WorldConfiguration.characterLightBitMask
// MARK: Components
/// Adds an ActorComponent to this Actor.
/// There may only be one component instance for each component type.
func addComponent<T: ActorComponent>(_ component: T) {
// Remove any component of the same type.
removeComponent(ofType: T.self)
func component<T : ActorComponent>(ofType componentType: T.Type) -> T? {
for component in components where component is T {
return component as? T
return nil
func removeComponent<T : ActorComponent>(ofType componentType: T.Type) -> T? {
guard let index = components.firstIndex(where: { $0 is T }) else { return nil }
let component = components.remove(at: index) as? T
// If a current action is running, make sure this component gets cancelled.
if let action = currentAction {
return component
// MARK: Geometry
public func loadGeometry() {
guard scnNode.childNodes.isEmpty else { return }
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
updateAppearance(traitCollection: UITraitCollection.current)
public func updateAppearance(traitCollection: UITraitCollection) {
guard #available(iOS 13.0, *) else { return }
if let geoBody = scnNode.childNode(withName: "geoBody", recursively: true) {
if let mat = geoBody.firstGeometry?.firstMaterial {
mat.selfIllumination.updateAppearance(traitCollection: traitCollection)
// MARK: Creating Commands
/// Convenience to create an `Command` by bundling in `self` with the provided action.
func add(action: Action) {
guard let world = world else { return }
let command = Command(performer: self, action: action)
world.commandQueue.append(command, applyingState: true)
func animationCommands(_ types: [EventGroup]) -> [Command] {
return types.map { animationCommand($0) }
func animationCommand(_ group: EventGroup, variation: Int? = nil) -> Command {
let highPriority = group == .victory || group == .celebration
return Command(performer: self, action: .run(group, variation: variation), isHighPriorityCommand: highPriority)
// MARK: Animation
/// Starts running the continuous idle. Reset by asking the scene to run.
func startContinuousIdle() {
guard !idleQueue.isRunning || idleQueue.isBreathingOnly else { return }
idleQueue.start(initialAnimations: [.idle])
func stopContinuousIdle() {
/// Stops the continuous idle,
/// clears the SCNNode for the actor of actions and animations,
/// and cancels the running action.
public func reset() {
// Stop any upcoming idle animations.
// Make sure all animations are cleared.
let animation = component(ofType: AnimationComponent.self)
// Cancel any `currentAction` that is running.
guard let action = currentAction else { return }
currentAction = nil
// MARK: CharacterPicker Swap
func swap(with actor: Actor) {
for child in scnNode.childNodes { child.removeFromParentNode() }
for child in actor.scnNode.childNodes { scnNode.addChildNode(child) }
type = actor.type
// MARK: Jump
Instructs the character to jump forward and either up or down one block.
If the block the character is facing is one block higher than the block the character is standing on, the character will jump on top of it.
If the block the character is facing is one block lower than the block the character is standing on, the character will jump down to that block.
- localizationKey: Actor.jump()
public func jump() -> Coordinate {
return _jump()
extension Actor: Equatable{}
public func ==(lhs: Actor, rhs: Actor) -> Bool {
return lhs.type == rhs.type && lhs.node === rhs.node
extension Actor {
// MARK: Performer
func applyStateChange(for action: Action) {
for performer in components {
performer.applyStateChange(for: action)
/// Cycles through the actors components allowing each component to respond to the action.
func perform(_ action: Action) -> PerformerResult {
// Clear the `currentAction`.
if isRunning, let currentAction = currentAction {
currentAction = nil
// If the `currentCommand` is running for this actor, ensure the `idleQueue` is stopped.
let command = world?.commandQueue.currentCommand
if command?.performer === self {
// Not all commands apply to the actor, return immediately if there is no action.
guard let event = action.event else {
fatalError("The actor has been asked to perform \(action), but there is no valid event associated with this action.")
currentAction = action
// Mark all the components as running.
runningComponents = components
let index = action.variationIndex
for component in components {
let componentResult = component.perform(event: event, variation: index)
componentResult.completionHandler = { [weak self] performer in
result = PerformerResult(self, isAsynchronous: isRunning)
return result!
/// Performs the event only as an animation.
func perform(event: EventGroup, variation: Int? = nil) -> PerformerResult {
return perform(.run(event, variation: variation))
/// Cancels all components.
func cancel(_ action: Action) {
result = nil
// A lot of components don’t hold as running, but need to be reset with cancel.
for performer in components {
currentAction = nil
// MARK: Performer Finished
func performerFinished(_ performer: Performer) {
// Match the finished performer with the remaining `runningComponents`.
guard let index = runningComponents.firstIndex(where: { $0 === performer }) else {
log(message: "\(performer) reported it was finished, but does not belong to \(self)")
runningComponents.remove(at: index)
if !isRunning {
currentAction = nil
let nextCommand = world?.commandQueue.pendingCommands.first
if !isIdle, nextCommand?.performer !== self {
// Enter a neutral idle while waiting for the next command.
idleQueue.start(breathingOnly: true)
extension Actor {
// MARK: Movement Commands
Moves the character forward by a certain number of tiles, as determined by the `distance` parameter value.
Example usage:
move(distance: 3)
// Moves forward three tiles.
- parameters:
- distance: Takes an `Int` value specifying the number of times to call `moveForward()`.
- localizationKey: Actor.move(distance:)
public func move(distance: Int) {
for _ in 1 ... distance {
Moves the character forward one tile.
- localizationKey: Actor.moveForward()
public func moveForward() -> Coordinate {
guard let world = world else { return coordinate }
let movementObstacle = world.movementObstacle(heading: heading, from: position)
guard movementObstacle.isEmpty else {
if movementObstacle.isCollisionHazard {
add(action: .fail(.intoWall))
else {
assert(movementObstacle.isFallingHazard, "Unhandled movement case: \(movementObstacle)")
add(action: .fail(.offEdge))
return coordinate
let nextCoordinate = nextCoordinateInCurrentDirection
// Check for stairs.
let yDisplacement = position.y + heightDisplacementMoving(to: nextCoordinate)
let point = nextCoordinate.position
let destination = SCNVector3Make(point.x, yDisplacement, point.z)
let displacement = Displacement(from: position, to: destination)
add(action: .move(displacement, type: .walk))
// Check for portals.
addCommandForPortal(at: nextCoordinate)
return nextCoordinate
// `_jump()` included only for organizational purposes
// (`jump()` is overridden by Expert).
fileprivate func _jump() -> Coordinate {
guard let world = world else { return coordinate }
let movementResult = world.movementObstacle(heading: heading, from: position)
let nextCoordinate = nextCoordinateInCurrentDirection
let deltaY = heightDisplacementMoving(to: nextCoordinate)
// Determine if the y displacement is small enough such that the character can
// cover it with a jump.
let toleranceY = abs(deltaY) - WorldConfiguration.heightTolerance
let isJumpableDisplacement = toleranceY < WorldConfiguration.levelHeight
switch movementResult {
case [],
[.raisedTile] where isJumpableDisplacement,
[.loweredTile] where isJumpableDisplacement:
let point = nextCoordinate.position
let destination = SCNVector3Make(point.x, position.y + deltaY, point.z)
let displacement = Displacement(from: position, to: destination)
add(action: .move(displacement, type: .jump))
// Check for portals.
addCommandForPortal(at: nextCoordinate)
return nextCoordinate
// Error cases evaluate to the same result as `moveForward()`.
return moveForward()
Turns the character left.
- localizationKey: Actor.turnLeft()
public func turnLeft() {
Turns the character right.
- localizationKey: Actor.turnRight()
public func turnRight() {
// MARK: Movement Helpers
/// Creates a new command if a portal exists at the specified coordinate.
private func addCommandForPortal(at coordinate: Coordinate) {
let portal = world?.existingItem(ofType: Portal.self, at: coordinate)
if let destinationPortal = portal?.linkedPortal, portal!.isActive {
let displacement = Displacement(from: position, to: destinationPortal.position)
add(action: .move(displacement, type: .teleport))
Rotates the actor by `degrees` around the y-axis.
- turnLeft() = 90
- turnRight() = -90/ 270
private func turnBy(_ degrees: Int) -> SCNFloat {
// Convert degrees to radians.
let nextDirection = (rotation + degrees.toRadians).truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 2 * π)
let currentDir = Direction(radians: rotation)
let nextDir = Direction(radians: nextDirection)
let clockwise = currentDir.angle(to: nextDir) < 0
let displacement = Displacement(from: rotation, to: nextDirection)
add(action: .turn(displacement, clockwise: clockwise))
return nextDirection
/// Returns the next coordinate moving forward 1 tile in the actors `currentDirection`.
var nextCoordinateInCurrentDirection: Coordinate {
return coordinateInCurrentDirection(displacement: 1)
func coordinateInCurrentDirection(displacement: Int) -> Coordinate {
let heading = Direction(radians: rotation)
let coordinate = Coordinate(position)
return coordinate.advanced(by: displacement, inDirection: heading)
func heightDisplacementMoving(to coordinate: Coordinate) -> SCNFloat {
guard let world = world else { return 0 }
let startHeight = position.y
let endHeight = world.nodeHeight(at: coordinate)
return endHeight - startHeight
extension Actor {
// MARK: Item Commands
Instructs the character to collect a gem on the current tile.
- localizationKey: Actor.collectGem()
public func collectGem() -> Bool {
guard let item = world?.existingGems(at: [coordinate]).first else {
add(action: .fail(.missingGem))
return false
add(action: .remove([item.id]))
return true
Instructs the character to toggle a switch on the current tile.
- localizationKey: Actor.toggleSwitch()
public func toggleSwitch() -> Bool {
guard let switchNode = world?.existingItem(ofType: Switch.self, at: coordinate) else {
add(action: .fail(.missingSwitch))
return false
// Toggle switch to the opposite of it’s original value.
let oldValue = switchNode.isOn
let cont = Controller(identifier: switchNode.id, kind: .toggle, state: !oldValue)
add(action: .control(cont))
return true
extension Actor {
// MARK: Boolean Commands
Condition that checks whether the character is on a tile with a gem on it.
- localizationKey: Actor.isBlocked
public var isBlocked: Bool {
guard let world = world else { return false }
return !world.isValidActorTranslation(heading: heading, from: position)
Condition that checks whether the character is blocked on the left.
- localizationKey: Actor.isBlockedLeft
public var isBlockedLeft: Bool {
return isBlocked(heading: .west)
Condition that checks whether the character is blocked on the right.
- localizationKey: Actor.isBlockedRight
public var isBlockedRight: Bool {
return isBlocked(heading: .east)
func isBlocked(heading: Direction) -> Bool {
guard let world = world else { return false }
let blockedCheckDir = Direction(radians: rotation - heading.radians)
return !world.isValidActorTranslation(heading: blockedCheckDir, from: position)
// MARK: isOn
Condition that checks whether the character is currently on a tile with that contains a WorldNode of a specific type.
- localizationKey: Actor.isOnItem
public func isOnItem<Node: Item>(ofType type: Node.Type) -> Bool {
return itemAtCurrentPosition(ofType: type) != nil
Condition that checks whether the character is on a tile with a gem on it.
- localizationKey: Actor.isOnGem
public var isOnGem: Bool {
return isOnItem(ofType: Gem.self)
Condition that checks whether the character is on a tile with an open switch on it.
- localizationKey: Actor.isOnOpenSwitch
public var isOnOpenSwitch: Bool {
if let switchNode = itemAtCurrentPosition(ofType: Switch.self) {
return switchNode.isOn
return false
Condition that checks whether the character is on a tile with a closed switch on it.
- localizationKey: Actor.isOnClosedSwitch
public var isOnClosedSwitch: Bool {
if let switchNode = itemAtCurrentPosition(ofType: Switch.self) {
return !switchNode.isOn
return false
func itemAtCurrentPosition<T: Item>(ofType type: T.Type) -> T? {
guard let world = world else { return nil }
return world.existingItem(ofType: type, at: coordinate)
extension Actor {
// MARK: Dance Actions
Causes the character to bust out a fancy move.
- localizationKey: Actor.danceLikeNoOneIsWatching()
public func danceLikeNoOneIsWatching() {
add(action: .run(.victory, variation: 1))
The character receives a burst of energy, turning it up by several notches.
- localizationKey: Actor.turnUp()
public func turnUp() {
add(action: .run(.victory, variation: 0))
The character starts to feel real funky, breaking it down for all to witness.
- localizationKey: Actor.breakItDown()
public func breakItDown() {
add(action: .run(.celebration, variation: nil))
// MARK: Defeat Actions
The character feels a bit bummed.
- localizationKey: Actor.grumbleGrumble()
public func grumbleGrumble() {
add(action: .run(.defeat, variation: 0))
The character feels a wave of horror.
- localizationKey: Actor.argh()
public func argh() {
add(action: .run(.defeat, variation: 1))
The character performs a head scratch.
- localizationKey: Actor.headScratch()
public func headScratch() {
add(action: .run(.defeat, variation: 2))
// MARK: Misc Actions
The character hits a metaphorical wall.
- localizationKey: Actor.bumpIntoWall()
public func bumpIntoWall() {
add(action: .run(.bumpIntoWall, variation: nil))
extension Actor: MessageConstructor {
// MARK: MessageConstructor
var message: PlaygroundValue {
return .array(baseMessage + stateInfo)
var stateInfo: [PlaygroundValue] {
return [.string(type.rawValue)]
Тип эксперта
// Expert.swift
// Copyright © 2016-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
import SceneKit
The type representing the expert; capable of turning locks.
- localizationKey: Expert
public final class Expert: Actor {
public convenience init() {
let node = WorldNodeIdentifier.actor.makeNode()
node.name! += "-" + ActorType.expert.rawValue
self.init(node: node)!
public required init?(node: SCNNode) {
super.init(node: node)
self.node.isModular = true
@available(*, unavailable, message:"The Expert can't jump ?. Only the Character type can use the `jump()` method.")
public override func jump() -> Coordinate {
return coordinate
public override func loadGeometry() {
guard scnNode.childNodes.isEmpty else { return }
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
updateAppearance(traitCollection: UITraitCollection.current)
override public func updateAppearance(traitCollection: UITraitCollection) {
guard #available(iOS 13.0, *) else { return }
if let geoGroup = scnNode.childNode(withName: "GEOgrp", recursively: true) {
for node in geoGroup.childNodes {
if let mat = node.firstGeometry?.firstMaterial {
mat.selfIllumination.updateAppearance(traitCollection: traitCollection)
extension Expert {
Method that turns a lock up, causing all linked platforms to rise by the height of one block.
- localizationKey: Expert.turnLockUp()
public func turnLockUp() {
turnLock(up: true)
Method that turns a lock down, causing all linked platforms to fall by the height of one block.
- localizationKey: Expert.turnLockDown()
public func turnLockDown() {
turnLock(up: false)
Method that turns a lock up or down a certain number of times.
Example usage:
turnLock(up: false, numberOfTimes: 3)
// Turns the lock down three times.
turnLock(up: true, numberOfTimes: 4)
// Turns the lock up four times.
- parameters:
- up: Takes a Boolean specifying whether the lock should be turned up (`true`) or down (`false`).
- numberOfTimes: Takes an `Int` specifying the number of times to turn the lock.
- localizationKey: Expert.turnLock(up:numberOfTimes:)
public func turnLock(up: Bool, numberOfTimes: Int) {
for _ in 1...numberOfTimes {
turnLock(up: up)
func turnLock(up: Bool) {
let lock = world?.existingItem(ofType: PlatformLock.self, at: nextCoordinateInCurrentDirection)
if let lock = lock, lock.height == height {
let controller = Controller(identifier: lock.id, kind: .movePlatforms, state: up)
add(action: .control(controller))
else {
add(action: .fail(.missingLock))