Для этого можно создать класс CustomFunctions
, аналогично примерам, приведенным на странице GitHub .
from jmespath import search
from jmespath import functions
from jmespath import Options
from json import loads
class CustomFunctions(functions.Functions):
# Method that selects 'bigImage' key value if it exists
# Otherwise return 'normalImage' value
# dict.get() is perfect for this, since it returns a default value if a key doesn't exist
# Use type 'object' since thats the equivalant type to a Python dictionary in JSON
# Make sure to decorate function signature as well to indicate types
# Make sure to also put _func_ before your function name
@functions.signature({'types': ['object']})
def _func_choose_key(self, d):
return d.get('bigImage', d['normalImage'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get custom function options
options = Options(custom_functions=CustomFunctions())
# Test method which runs JMESPath query with custom function
def test(json):
json_dict = loads(json)
return search('product.images | choose_key(@)', json_dict, options=options)
# TEST 1 - bigImage key exists
json1 = """{
"sku": 123,
"product": {
"name": "Some name",
"images": {
"normalImage": "http://somelink.com/1.jpg",
"bigImage": "http://somelink.com/1b.jpg"
print("Test1: %s" % test(json1))
# TEST 2 - bigImage key doesn't exist
json2 = """{
"sku": 123,
"product": {
"name": "Some name",
"images": {
"normalImage": "http://somelink.com/1.jpg"
print("Test2: %s" % test(json2))
, которая выводит следующие результаты:
Test1: http://somelink.com/1b.jpg # When bigImage key exists
Test2: http://somelink.com/1.jpg # When bigImage key doesn't exist
Если JMESPath становится слишком сложным, мы всегда можем использовать старый добрый стандартный словарный подход:
def test2(json):
json_dict = loads(json)
images = json_dict["product"]["images"]
return images.get("bigImage", images["normalImage"])
# TEST 1 - bigImage key exists
json1 = """{
"sku": 123,
"product": {
"name": "Some name",
"images": {
"normalImage": "http://somelink.com/1.jpg",
"bigImage": "http://somelink.com/1b.jpg"
print("Test1: %s" % test2(json1))
# TEST 2 - bigImage key doesn't exist
json2 = """{
"sku": 123,
"product": {
"name": "Some name",
"images": {
"normalImage": "http://somelink.com/1.jpg"
print("Test2: %s" % test2(json2))
, который также печатает те же результаты:
Test1: http://somelink.com/1b.jpg # When bigImage key exists
Test2: http://somelink.com/1.jpg # When bigImage key doesn't exist