У меня есть запрос в MS Access, который называется qryRMCountStudentsBySessionWP. Результаты показаны ниже.
У меня есть некоторый код VBA, показанный ниже. В основном, если Timetable_Date, Timetable_Session и Location соответствуют Exam_Date, Exam_Session и Exam_Location записи в таблице с именем Invigilation, тогда вносятся изменения во время начала этой записи.
Это работает невероятно для 30/03/2020 и 31 / 03/2020 но ни одна из апрельских дат. Я думаю, что это из-за ведущих нулей, но я просто не могу понять, как это исправить. Есть идеи?
Private Sub wordProcessing()
Dim dbs As Database
Dim name As String
Dim SQL As String
Dim rstAllSessions As Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDb
SQL = "SELECT Timetable_Date, Timetable_Session, Location, CountOfStudent_Ref FROM qryRMCountStudentsBySessionWP;"
Set rstAllSessions = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQL)
Do Until rstAllSessions.EOF ' for each sesson update invigilation table
If rstAllSessions.Fields(3) >= 10 Then
If rstAllSessions.Fields(1) = "A" Then
dbs.Execute "UPDATE Invigilation SET Start_Time = TimeValue('08:30:00'), Notes = 'WP Exam with 10 or more students' WHERE Invigilation.Exam_Date = #" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Date & "# AND Invigilation.Exam_Location = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Location & "'" & "AND Invigilation.Exam_Session = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Session & "'" & ";", dbFailOnError
dbs.Execute "UPDATE Invigilation SET Start_Time = TimeValue('13:00:00'), Notes = 'WP Exam with 10 or more students' WHERE Invigilation.Exam_Date = #" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Date & "# AND Invigilation.Exam_Location = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Location & "'" & "AND Invigilation.Exam_Session = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Session & "'" & ";", dbFailOnError
End If
ElseIf rstAllSessions.Fields(3) >= 5 Then
If rstAllSessions.Fields(1) = "A" Then
dbs.Execute "UPDATE Invigilation SET Start_Time = TimeValue('08:35:00'), Notes = 'WP Exam with 5 or more students' WHERE Invigilation.Exam_Date = #" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Date & "# AND Invigilation.Exam_Location = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Location & "'" & "AND Invigilation.Exam_Session = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Session & "'" & ";", dbFailOnError
dbs.Execute "UPDATE Invigilation SET Start_Time = TimeValue('13:05:00'), Notes = 'WP Exam with 5 or more students' WHERE Invigilation.Exam_Date = #" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Date & "# AND Invigilation.Exam_Location = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Location & "'" & "AND Invigilation.Exam_Session = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Session & "'" & ";", dbFailOnError
End If
ElseIf rstAllSessions.Fields(3) > 1 Then
If rstAllSessions.Fields(1) = "A" Then
dbs.Execute "UPDATE Invigilation SET Start_Time = TimeValue('08:40:00'), Notes = 'WP Exam with >1 and <5 students' WHERE Invigilation.Exam_Date = #" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Date & "# AND Invigilation.Exam_Location = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Location & "'" & "AND Invigilation.Exam_Session = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Session & "'" & ";", dbFailOnError
dbs.Execute "UPDATE Invigilation SET Start_Time = TimeValue('13:10:00'), Notes = 'WP Exam with >1 and <5 students' WHERE Invigilation.Exam_Date = #" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Date & "# AND Invigilation.Exam_Location = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Location & "'" & "AND Invigilation.Exam_Session = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Session & "'" & ";", dbFailOnError
End If
If rstAllSessions.Fields(1) = "A" Then
dbs.Execute "UPDATE Invigilation SET Start_Time = TimeValue('08:45:00'), Notes = 'WP Exam with 1 student' WHERE Invigilation.Exam_Date = #" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Date & "# AND Invigilation.Exam_Location = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Location & "'" & "AND Invigilation.Exam_Session = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Session & "'" & ";", dbFailOnError
dbs.Execute "UPDATE Invigilation SET Start_Time = TimeValue('13:15:00'), Notes = 'WP Exam with 1 student' WHERE Invigilation.Exam_Date = #" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Date & "# AND Invigilation.Exam_Location = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Location & "'" & "AND Invigilation.Exam_Session = " & "'" & rstAllSessions!Timetable_Session & "'" & ";", dbFailOnError
End If
End If
' doesn't do dates with leading 0s?????
End Sub