когда я запускаю приложение websocket локально с tomact-9.0.26, то работает нормально. но на сервере я развернул приложение, затем websocket не может подключиться и сервер является экземпляром ec2 (aws).
@ServerEndpoint(value = "/UpCommingNotification/{userId}" )
publi c class UpCommingNotification {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UpCommingNotification.class);
public static Map<String,Session> activeUser = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String,Session>());
public UpCommingNotification() {
public void onOpen(@PathParam("userId") String userId, Session session/* ,EndpointConfig config */){
logger.info("Open Connection for UpCommingNotification and session is " + session.getId() + ",userId: " + userId);
public void onClose(@PathParam("userId") String userId,Session session,CloseReason reason){
logger.info("close socket connection for UpCommingNotification user is " + userId + " and reason is " + reason.getCloseCode());
public void onMessage(@PathParam("userId") String userId, String message,Session session) throws IOException, InterruptedException{
try {
logger.info("OnOpen UpCommingNotification: " + message);
SFDAL sfdal = new SFDAL();
Object obj = JSONValue.parse(message);
JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj;
AgentNotifacationBean agentNotifacationBean = new AgentNotifacationBean(jsonObject);
JSONObject notification = sfdal.getUpComingNotification(agentNotifacationBean);
if(activeUser.containsKey(agentNotifacationBean.getUserId()) && !notification.isEmpty()) {
Future<Void> deliveryTracker = session.getAsyncRemote().sendText(notification.toString());
logger.info("msg: " + notification.toString());
logger.info("msg sent status: " + deliveryTracker.isDone());
} catch (Exception e) {
public void onError(Throwable e){