В приведенном ниже примере древовидной карты я хотел бы повернуть метки «подгруппы» на 90 градусов, чтобы они отображались вертикально в прямоугольниках. Кажется, в функции нет аргумента, который позволил бы сделать это из того, что я видел при исследовании.
# library
# Create data
group <- c(rep("group-1",4),rep("group-2",2),rep("group-3",3))
subgroup <- paste("subgroup" , c(1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3), sep="-")
value <- c(13,5,22,12,11,7,3,1,23)
data <- data.frame(group,subgroup,value)
# Custom labels:
treemap(data, index=c("group","subgroup"), vSize="value", type="index",
fontsize.labels=c(28,22), # size of labels. Give the size per level of aggregation: size for group, size for subgroup, sub-subgroups...
fontcolor.labels=c("white","orange"), # Color of labels
fontface.labels=c(2,1), # Font of labels: 1,2,3,4 for normal, bold, italic, bold-italic...
bg.labels=c("transparent"), # Background color of labels
c("center", "center"),
c("right", "bottom")
), # Where to place labels in the rectangle?
overlap.labels=0.5, # number between 0 and 1 that determines the tolerance of the overlap between labels. 0 means that labels of lower levels are not printed if higher level labels overlap, 1 means that labels are always printed. In-between values, for instance the default value .5, means that lower level labels are printed if other labels do not overlap with more than .5 times their area size.
inflate.labels=F # If true, labels are bigger when rectangle is bigger.