пытаюсь запустить тесты на кружках. но я получаю эту ошибку, так как отсутствует node-waf. Я увидел пару предложений здесь , но попробовал их, но ничего не получилось, я также попробовал действия на github, но не повезло. К вашему сведению: я работаю на windows 10 для разработки на моем ноутбуке, который работает нормально (даже когда я меняю каталог и делаю npm install
снова из отдельной папки). Пожалуйста, помогите.
Спасибо, Ален Кристиан
#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
npm install
npm WARN deprecated babel-preset-es2015@6.24.1: ? Thanks for using Babel: we recommend using babel-preset-env now: please read https://babeljs.io/env to update!
npm WARN deprecated joi@14.3.1: This module has moved and is now available at @hapi/joi. Please update your dependencies as this version is no longer maintained an may contain bugs and security issues.
npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.11: core-js@<3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js@3.
npm WARN deprecated mkdirp@0.5.4: Legacy versions of mkdirp are no longer supported. Please update to mkdirp 1.x. (Note that the API surface has changed to use Promises in 1.x.)
npm WARN deprecated mkdirp@0.5.3: Legacy versions of mkdirp are no longer supported. Please update to mkdirp 1.x. (Note that the API surface has changed to use Promises in 1.x.)
npm WARN deprecated hoek@6.1.3: This module has moved and is now available at @hapi/hoek. Please update your dependencies as this version is no longer maintained an may contain bugs and security issues.
npm WARN deprecated topo@3.0.3: This module has moved and is now available at @hapi/topo. Please update your dependencies as this version is no longer maintained an may contain bugs and security issues.
npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142
> node-base64@0.0.1 install /home/circleci/project/node_modules/node-base64
> ./install.sh
./install.sh: 3: ./install.sh: node-waf: not found