create table loan_request
(Request_id Char(14),
Req_dt timestamp with time zone Default current_timestamp,
Cand_name cand_name_ot,
Gender Char Default 'M',
DOB Date,
Prod_id Char(8),
Prod_type Char Default 'U',
Reqd_loan_amt Number(11,2),
Marital_status Char Default 'M',
Social_Insuranace_Number Char(9),
Id_proof Varchar2(15),
Address_proof Varchar2(15),
Home_address address_ot,
Residential_status char,
Home_phone Number(10),
Secondary_phone Number(10),
Sec_phone_ext Number(4),
Best_time_to_call Varchar2(20),
Email_id Varchar2(30),
Stay_period Interval Year to Month,
Previous_address address_ot,
Prev_addr_phone Number(10),
Employment_details employment_ot, -- here you need to change it to nested table type,
Other_income_details Other_income_ot,
Req_status Char Default 'S',
Req_approv_rej_dt Date
) -- add nested table definition here
Что я должен поставить вместо add nested table definition here