Я новичок в селене и заставляю бота автоматически делать пустяки. Вход в систему работает отлично, как и большинство других полей для кликов и перехода к следующему вопросу.
Случайным образом они не нажимают кнопку, а также не нажимают для следующего l oop. Это часто случается с последними вопросами (9 и более), но это может быть совпадением.
Весьма смущает то, что ошибки не отображается? Код заканчивается без ошибок
Кто-нибудь знает, почему это происходит?
Основной код
from selenium import webdriver
from time import *
from data import *
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
class TriviaBot():
def __init__(self):
self.driver = webdriver.Chrome()
def login(self):
# selects and clicks the "Login/Sign Up" button on the home-page
self.login_btn = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="loginContainer"]/a')
sleep(2) # allows username + password box to load in
self.driver.switch_to.frame(bot.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="jPopFrame_content"]')) # switches to correct frame for login box
# selects username-box and types in my username and then does the same for password
self.username_box = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="userName"]') #username
self.username_box = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="password"]') #password
# selects login box and then clicks
self.login_box = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="bp_login"]')
sleep(2) # allows main page to load again
def AmericanPresidents(self):
self.i = 0
# sends browser to first trivia
while True: #there are ? # of questions, so I loop it 12 times
self.i += 1
if self.i == 13:
print("run: "+str(self.i))
# sets the variable to the current question so that the correct answer can be located through answer lists
self.current_question = ((self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="quizContainer"]/div[2]')).text)
#setting variables for boxes and their text values. The text can be corrolated to the button allowing the bot to click the correct answer
self.button_1 = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,('/html//div[@id="quizContainer"]/div[@class="answersContainer"]/div[1]/span[@class="answerBox"]/a[@name="checkboxtag"]'))))
self.text_1 = (self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="quizContainer"]/div[3]/div[1]/span[2]').text)
self.button_2 = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,('/html//div[@id="quizContainer"]/div[@class="answersContainer"]/div[2]/span[@class="answerBox"]/a[@name="checkboxtag"]'))))
self.text_2 = (self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="quizContainer"]/div[3]/div[2]/span[2]').text)
self.button_3 = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,('/html//div[@id="quizContainer"]/div[@class="answersContainer"]/div[3]/span[@class="answerBox"]/a[@name="checkboxtag"]'))))
self.text_3 = (self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="quizContainer"]/div[3]/div[3]/span[2]').text)
self.button_4 = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,('/html//div[@id="quizContainer"]/div[@class="answersContainer"]/div[4]/span[@class="answerBox"]/a[@name="checkboxtag"]'))))
self.text_4 = (self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="quizContainer"]/div[3]/div[4]/span[2]').text)
for i in range(0, len(american_presidents)):
if american_presidents[i]["question"] == self.current_question:
self.dataLine = i
if self.text_1 == american_presidents[self.dataLine]["answer"]:
if self.text_2 == american_presidents[self.dataLine]["answer"]:
if self.text_3 == american_presidents[self.dataLine]["answer"]:
if self.text_4 == american_presidents[self.dataLine]["answer"]:
sleep(0.5) # to stop the code from beating itself. Going to quick
# selects and clicks the "Next Question!" button
nextquestion_btn = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH,('//*[@id="nextQuestion"]'))))
bot = TriviaBot()
american_presidents = [
{"question" : "Who was the 1st president of the United States?",
"answer" : "George Washington"},
{"question" : "Who was the 2nd president of the United States?",
"answer" : "John Adams"},
{"question" : "Who was the 3rd president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Thomas Jefferson"},
{"question" : "Who was the 4th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "James Madison"},
{"question" : "Who was the 5th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "James Monroe"},
{"question" : "Who was the 6th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "John Quincy Adams"},
{"question" : "Who was the 7th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Andrew Jackson"},
{"question" : "Who was the 8th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Martin Van Buren"},
{"question" : "Who was the 9th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "William Henry Harrison"},
{"question" : "Who was the 10th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "John Tyler"},
{"question" : "Who was the 11th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "James K. Polk"},
{"question" : "Who was the 12th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Zachary Taylor"},
{"question" : "Who was the 13th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Millard Fillmore"},
{"question" : "Who was the 14th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Franklin Pierce"},
{"question" : "Who was the 15th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "James Buchanan"},
{"question" : "Who was the 16th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Abraham Lincoln"},
{"question" : "Who was the 17th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Andrew Johnson"},
{"question" : "Who was the 18th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Ulysses S. Grant"},
{"question" : "Who was the 19th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Rutherford B. Hayes"},
{"question" : "Who was the 20th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "James A. Garfield"},
{"question" : "Who was the 21st president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Chester A. Arthur"},
{"question" : "Who was the 22nd president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Grover Cleveland"},
{"question" : "Who was the 23rd president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Benjamin Harrison"},
{"question" : "Who was the 24th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Grover Cleveland"},
{"question" : "Who was the 25th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "William McKinley"},
{"question" : "Who was the 26th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Theodore Roosevelt"},
{"question" : "Who was the 27th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "William Howard Taft"},
{"question" : "Who was the 28th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Woodrow Wilson"},
{"question" : "Who was the 29th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Warren G. Harding"},
{"question" : "Who was the 30th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Clavin Coolidge"},
{"question" : "Who was the 31st president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Herbert Hoover"},
{"question" : "Who was the 32nd president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Frankin D. Roosevelt"},
{"question" : "Who was the 33rd president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Harry S. Truman"},
{"question" : "Who was the 34th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Dwight D. Eisenhower"},
{"question" : "Who was the 35th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "John F. Kennedy"},
{"question" : "Who was the 36th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Lyndon B. Johnson"},
{"question" : "Who was the 37th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Richard Nixon"},
{"question" : "Who was the 38th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Gerald Ford"},
{"question" : "Who was the 39th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Jimmy Carter"},
{"question" : "Who was the 40th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Ronald Reagan"},
{"question" : "Who was the 41st president of the United States?",
"answer" : "George W. H. Bush"},
{"question" : "Who was the 42nd president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Bill Clinton"},
{"question" : "Who was the 43rd president of the United States?",
"answer" : "George W. Bush"},
{"question" : "Who was the 44th president of the United States?",
"answer" : "Barack Obama"}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\trivia-bot.py", line 83, in <module>
File ".\trivia-bot.py", line 80, in AmericanPresidents
File "C:\Program Files\Python36\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\webelement.py", line 80, in click
File "C:\Program Files\Python36\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\webelement.py", line 633, in _execute
return self._parent.execute(command, params)
File "C:\Program Files\Python36\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\webdriver.py", line 321, in execute
File "C:\Program Files\Python36\lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\remote\errorhandler.py", line 242, in check_response
raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotInteractableException: Message: element not interactable
(Session info: chrome=79.0.3945.130)