Транспортировочный эквивалент сценария тестирования кипариса (удаление вызовов cy) - PullRequest
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/ 16 апреля 2020

Ниже приведена кипарисизированная и модифицированная версия https://github.com/kemokid/scripting-sortable/blob/master/script_sortable_dnd.js. Я хочу переписать его, чтобы он был совместим с транспортиром. Я хотел спросить, какие параметры cy будут заменены?

export function triggerSortableDragAndDrop(elemDrag, elemDrop) {
  Summary of what events this fires:
  On elemDrag:
  On elemDrop:
    dragover (repeat until it moves)
  const DELAY_INTERVAL_MS = 10
  const MAX_TRIES = 10

  let startingDropRect

  function rectsEqual(r1, r2) {
    return r1.top === r2.top && r1.right === r2.right && r1.bottom === r2.bottom && r1.left === r2.left

  // trigger dragging process on top of drop target
  // We sometimes need to do this multiple times due to the vagaries of
  // how Sortable manages the list re-arrangement
  var counter = 0
  function dragover() {
    console.log('DRAGOVER #' + counter)

    const currentDropRect = elemDrop.getBoundingClientRect()
    if (rectsEqual(startingDropRect, currentDropRect) && counter < MAX_TRIES) {
      return cy
        .trigger('dragover', 'bottom')
        .then(() => dragover())
    } else {
      if (rectsEqual(startingDropRect, currentDropRect)) {
        if (counter !== 1) console.log("drop target rect hasn't changed, trying again")
        return drop().then(() => {
          throw new Error(`wasn't able to budge drop target after ${MAX_TRIES} tries, aborting`)
      } else {
        return drop()

  function drop() {
    // release dragged element on top of drop target
    return cy
      .trigger('mouseup', {
        which: 1,
        button: 0

  // start dragging process
    .trigger('mousedown', {
      which: 1,
      button: 0

  // after a delay, do the first dragover; this will run up to MAX_TRIES times
  // (with a delay between each run) and finally run drop() with a delay:
  return cy.wait(DELAY_INTERVAL_MS).then(() => {
    startingDropRect = elemDrop.getBoundingClientRect()
    return dragover()