C# Crystal Report Неверное имя формата объекта - PullRequest
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/ 11 января 2020

У меня есть отчет Crystal, у меня есть код, который устанавливает ширину столбца Crystal Report, но проблема заключается в том, что когда код установлен шириной столбца одного столбца с именем BRate, я получил одну ошибку в SubReport. Ниже приведен полный код.

Найдите // комментарий BRate, в котором указан код расположения столбца,

Найдите FieldObject CustomerOtherDetails = (temp1.Subreports ["OtherDetails"]. ReportDefinition.ReportObjects [ "Title1"] как FieldObject); в этой строке я получил сообщение об ошибке «CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.InternalException:» Ошибка в файле temp_9f48f70e-1b5f-42b8-8ac4-d8e0b9894445 3320_11720_ {A69A9787-B662-482B-A4DE-258pt. ''

ниже - это кристаллическая привязка дизайна отчета Crystal Report MainReport

Подотчетная привязка enter image description here

 public partial class frmRVInvoiceWithoutForMetal : DockContent
    public ReportsRPT.rptInvoiceWithoutForMetal temp1;

    public string InvNo;
    public string InvNoCol;
    public string InvType;
    public string Entry;
    public string ReportTitle;
    public string EntryMain;
    public string EntryMaster;
    public string SubMasterEntryDescription;
    public string SubMasterEntryOtherDetails;
    public string SubMasterEntryTotal;
    public string SubMasterEntryOther;
    public string FYearID;
    public decimal SizeNo;
    public decimal SizeChNo;
    public decimal SizeItemName;
    public decimal SizeSize;
    public decimal SizeHSNCode;
    public decimal SizeGSTRate;
    public decimal SizePic;
    public decimal SizeQuantity;
    public decimal SizeBRate;
    public decimal SizeRate;
    public decimal SizeDiscount;
    public decimal SizeValue;
    public int MarginLeftRight;

    public frmRVInvoiceWithoutForMetal(string entry, string inv, string invtype)

        FYearID = AppSetting.Instance.FYearID.ToString(); ;
        InvNo = inv;
        InvType = invtype;
        Entry = entry;
        EntryMain = Entry + "Main";
        EntryMaster = Entry + "Master";
        SubMasterEntryDescription = "SubMaster" + Entry + "Description";
        SubMasterEntryOtherDetails = "SubMaster" + Entry + "OtherDetails";
        SubMasterEntryTotal = "SubMaster" + Entry + "Total";
        SubMasterEntryOther = "SubMaster" + Entry + "Other";
        if (Entry == "Sales")
            InvNoCol = DbConst.InvNo;
            ReportTitle = InvoiceMaster.Instance.HeaderNameOfSales;
        else if (Entry == "Purchase")
            InvNoCol = DbConst.PurNo;
            ReportTitle = InvoiceMaster.Instance.HeaderNameOfPurchase;
        else if (Entry == "PurchaseExp")
            InvNoCol = DbConst.PurNo;
            ReportTitle = InvoiceMaster.Instance.HeaderNameOfPurchaseExp;
        else if (Entry == "ProformaSales")
            InvNoCol = DbConst.InvNo;
            ReportTitle = InvoiceMaster.Instance.HeaderNameOfProformaSales;
        else if (Entry == "DebitNote")
            InvNoCol = DbConst.DBNo;
            ReportTitle = InvoiceMaster.Instance.HeaderNameOfDebitNote;
        else if (Entry == "CreditNote")
            InvNoCol = DbConst.CRNo;
            ReportTitle = InvoiceMaster.Instance.HeaderNameOfCreditNote;
        rptViewer.EnableDrillDown = false;

        int CompnayId = AppSetting.Instance.CompanyID;

        string LedgerAddressid = CnUtils.CnMethods.SelectWhere(SubMasterEntryOtherDetails, InvNoCol, InvNo, DbConst.Value);

        string Amount = "0";
            Amount = (CnUtils.CnMethods.SelectWhere(EntryMain, InvNoCol, InvNo, DbConst.TotalValue)).ToString();
        catch (Exception ex)
            AppGlobal.LogGenerate(this.GetType().Name, "init", ex.ToString());

        string number = Amount;
        number = Convert.ToDouble(number).ToString();
        string isNegative = "";
        string AmountInWord;
        if (number.Contains("-"))
            isNegative = "Minus ";
            number = number.Substring(1, number.Length - 1);
        if (number == "0")
            AmountInWord = "Zero Rupees";
            AmountInWord = isNegative + ConvertToWords(number);

        string DeclarationValue = InvoiceMaster.Instance.Declaration;

        DataTable dtAmount = new DataTable();

        DataTable Declaration = new DataTable();

        string abc = DbConst.Select + TbConst.CompanyMaster + DbConst.Dot + "*" + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.SubMasterCountry + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.CountryName + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateName + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateCode +
            DbConst.From + TbConst.CompanyMaster +
            DbConst.InnerJoin + TbConst.SubMasterCountry + DbConst.On + TbConst.SubMasterCountry + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.CountryID + " = " + TbConst.CompanyMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.CountryID +
            DbConst.InnerJoin + TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.On + TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateID + " = " + TbConst.CompanyMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateID +
            DbConst.Where + DbConst.CompanyID + " = " + CompnayId + ";" +

            DbConst.Select + EntryMain + DbConst.Dot + InvNoCol + DbConst.Comma +
            EntryMain + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.LedgerID + DbConst.Comma +
           EntryMain + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.Date + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.LedgerName + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.GSTNumber + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.PinCode + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.MobileNo + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.SubMasterCountry + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.CountryName + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateName + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateCode + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.Address +
            DbConst.From + EntryMain +
            DbConst.InnerJoin + TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.On + TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.LedgerID + " = " + EntryMain + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.LedgerID +
            DbConst.InnerJoin + TbConst.SubMasterCountry + DbConst.On + TbConst.SubMasterCountry + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.CountryID + " = " + TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.CountryID +
            DbConst.InnerJoin + TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.On + TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateID + " = " + TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateID +
            DbConst.Where + InvNoCol + " = '" + InvNo + "'" + " AND " + DbConst.FYearID + " = " + FYearID + "; " +

            DbConst.Select + EntryMaster + DbConst.Dot + "*" + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.ItemMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.ItemName + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.SubMasterUnit + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.UnitName +
            DbConst.From + EntryMaster +
            DbConst.InnerJoin + TbConst.ItemMaster + DbConst.On + TbConst.ItemMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.ItemID + " = " + EntryMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.ItemID +
            DbConst.InnerJoin + TbConst.SubMasterUnit + DbConst.On + TbConst.SubMasterUnit + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.UnitID + " = " + EntryMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.UnitID +
            DbConst.Where + InvNoCol + " = '" + InvNo + "'" + " AND " + DbConst.FYearID + " = " + FYearID + "; " +

            DbConst.Select + "*" + DbConst.From + SubMasterEntryDescription + DbConst.Where + InvNoCol + " = '" + InvNo + "'" + " AND " + DbConst.FYearID + " = " + FYearID + "; " +

            DbConst.Select + "*" + DbConst.From + SubMasterEntryOtherDetails + DbConst.Where + InvNoCol + " = '" + InvNo + "'" + " AND " + DbConst.FYearID + " = " + FYearID + "; " +

            DbConst.Select + " * " + DbConst.From + SubMasterEntryTotal + DbConst.Where + InvNoCol + " = '" + InvNo + "' AND " + DbConst.FYearID + " = " + FYearID + " ; " +

            DbConst.Select + TbConst.SubMasterLedgerAddress + DbConst.Dot + " * " + DbConst.Comma +
             TbConst.SubMasterCountry + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.CountryName + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateName + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateCode +
            DbConst.From + TbConst.SubMasterLedgerAddress +
            DbConst.InnerJoin + TbConst.SubMasterCountry + DbConst.On + TbConst.SubMasterCountry + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.CountryID + " = " + TbConst.SubMasterLedgerAddress + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.CountryID +
            DbConst.InnerJoin + TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.On + TbConst.SubMasterState + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateID + " = " + TbConst.SubMasterLedgerAddress + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.StateID +
             DbConst.Where + DbConst.LedgerAddressID + " = '" + LedgerAddressid + "';" +

             DbConst.Select + "*" + DbConst.From + TbConst.SubMasterBankDetailsMaster + " ; " +

            DbConst.Select + "*" + DbConst.From + TbConst.CompanyGSTDetails + " ; " +

            DbConst.Select + SubMasterEntryOther + DbConst.Dot + "*" + DbConst.Comma +
            TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.LedgerName +
            DbConst.From + SubMasterEntryOther +
            DbConst.InnerJoin + TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.On + TbConst.LedgerMaster + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.LedgerID + " = " + SubMasterEntryOther + DbConst.Dot + DbConst.LedgerID +
            DbConst.Where + InvNoCol + " = '" + InvNo + "'" + " AND " + DbConst.FYearID + " = " + FYearID;

        SizeNo = Convert.ToDecimal(InvoiceMaster.Instance.No);
        SizeItemName = Convert.ToDecimal(InvoiceMaster.Instance.ItemName);
        SizeSize = Convert.ToDecimal(InvoiceMaster.Instance.Size);
        SizePic = Convert.ToDecimal(InvoiceMaster.Instance.Pic);
        SizeQuantity = Convert.ToDecimal(InvoiceMaster.Instance.Quantity);
        SizeBRate = Convert.ToDecimal(InvoiceMaster.Instance.BRate);
        SizeRate = Convert.ToDecimal(InvoiceMaster.Instance.Rate);
        SizeValue = Convert.ToDecimal(InvoiceMaster.Instance.Value);
        MarginLeftRight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(InvoiceMaster.Instance.MarginOfTextFromLeftAndRight) * 576));

        DataSet dr = new DataSet();
        dr = DbConnection.ExceuteQueryDataSet(abc);
        dr.Tables[0].TableName = TbConst.CompanyMaster;
        dr.Tables[1].TableName = TbConst.SalesMain;
        dr.Tables[2].TableName = TbConst.SalesMaster;
        dr.Tables[3].TableName = TbConst.SubMasterSalesDescription;
        dr.Tables[4].TableName = TbConst.SubMasterSalesOtherDetails;
        dr.Tables[5].TableName = TbConst.SubMasterSalesTotal;
        dr.Tables[6].TableName = TbConst.SubMasterLedgerAddress;
        dr.Tables[7].TableName = TbConst.SubMasterBankDetailsMaster;
        dr.Tables[8].TableName = TbConst.CompanyGSTDetails;
        dr.Tables[9].TableName = TbConst.SubMasterSalesOther;
        dr.Tables[10].TableName = "dtAmount";
        dr.Tables[11].TableName = "Declaration";

        temp1 = new ReportsRPT.rptInvoiceWithoutForMetal();
        string path = string.Concat(Application.StartupPath, "\\ReportsRPT\\rptInvoiceWithoutForMetal.rpt");

        rptViewer.ReportSource = temp1;

        decimal BoxTotal = 0;
        decimal QtyTotal = 0;
        string Unit = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < dr.Tables[TbConst.SalesMaster].Rows.Count; i++)
            string UnitFromReport = CnMethods.SelectWhere(TbConst.SubMasterUnit, DbConst.UnitID, dr.Tables[TbConst.SalesMaster].Rows[i][DbConst.UnitID ].ToString(), DbConst.UnitName);
            if (i == 0)
                Unit = UnitFromReport;
                if (Unit != UnitFromReport)
                    Unit = "";
            BoxTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(dr.Tables[TbConst.SalesMaster].Rows[i][DbConst.Box].ToString());
            QtyTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(dr.Tables[TbConst.SalesMaster].Rows[i][DbConst.Qty].ToString());

        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tBoxTotal"] as TextObject).Text = BoxTotal.ToString();
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tQtyTotal"] as TextObject).Text = QtyTotal.ToString() + " " + Unit ;

        string LedgerId = dr.Tables[1].Rows[0][DbConst.LedgerID].ToString();
        string LedgerTypeId = CnMethods.SelectWhere(TbConst.LedgerMaster, DbConst.LedgerID, LedgerId, DbConst.LedgerTypeID);
        decimal DueBalance = Convert.ToDecimal(CnAccount.LedgerMainBalFn(Convert.ToInt32(FYearID), Convert.ToInt32(LedgerId), Convert.ToInt32(LedgerTypeId), AppSetting.Instance.FirstDateOfCompany,Convert.ToDateTime( dr.Tables[TbConst.SalesMain].Rows[0][DbConst.Date].ToString())));
        decimal NetDiff = 0;
        decimal NetRTGS = 0;
        decimal Total = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dr.Tables[5].Rows.Count; i++)
            if (dr.Tables[5].Rows[i][DbConst.Title].ToString() == "NetRTGS")
                NetRTGS = Convert.ToDecimal(dr.Tables[5].Rows[i][DbConst.TitleValue].ToString());
            else if (dr.Tables[5].Rows[i][DbConst.Title].ToString() == "NetDiff")
                NetDiff = Convert.ToDecimal(dr.Tables[5].Rows[i][DbConst.TitleValue].ToString());
            else if (dr.Tables[5].Rows[i][DbConst.Title].ToString() == "Total")
                DueBalance = DueBalance - Convert.ToDecimal(dr.Tables[5].Rows[i][DbConst.TitleValue].ToString());
        decimal DueDiff = NetDiff + DueBalance;
        Total = DueDiff + NetRTGS;
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tOldDue"] as TextObject).Text = "Old Due : " + DueBalance;
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tDueDiff"] as TextObject).Text = "Due Diff : " + DueDiff;
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tRTGS"] as TextObject).Text = "RTGS : " + NetRTGS;
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tTotal"] as TextObject).Text = "Total : " + Total;

        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Text10"] as TextObject).Text = ReportTitle;
        //InvoiceNo Format
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Text2"] as TextObject).Text = "No : " + InvoiceMaster.Instance.InvoiceNoBefore + InvNo + InvoiceMaster.Instance.InvoiceNoAfter;

        #region ColumnSize
        int OldLocation = 0;
        int LineLocation = 0;
        LineObject lnObj;
        int fr1cm = 576;
        int top;

        LineLocation += Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(SizeNo * fr1cm));
        lnObj = (LineObject)temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lnNo"];
        top = lnObj.Top;
        lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
        lnObj.Left = LineLocation;
        lnObj.Right = lnObj.Left;
        lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
        lnObj.LineStyle = LineStyle.SingleLine;

        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["TNo"] as TextObject).Left = MarginLeftRight;
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["TNo"] as TextObject).Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);

        FieldObject GroupNameSubNo1 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["GroupNameSubNo1"] as FieldObject);
        GroupNameSubNo1.Left = MarginLeftRight;
        GroupNameSubNo1.Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);
        OldLocation = LineLocation;

        LineLocation += Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(SizeItemName * fr1cm));
        lnObj = (LineObject)temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lnItemName"];
        top = lnObj.Top;
        lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
        lnObj.Left = LineLocation;
        lnObj.Right = lnObj.Left;
        lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
        lnObj.LineStyle = LineStyle.SingleLine;

        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tItemName"] as TextObject).Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tItemName"] as TextObject).Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);

        FieldObject ItemName1 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["ItemName1"] as FieldObject);
        ItemName1.Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
        ItemName1.Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);

        FieldObject ItemDec = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Description1"] as FieldObject);
        ItemDec.Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
        ItemDec.Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);

        OldLocation = LineLocation;

        if (InvoiceMaster.Instance.ShowSizeColumn)
            LineLocation += Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(SizeSize * fr1cm));
            lnObj = (LineObject)temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lnSize"];
            top = lnObj.Top;
            lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
            lnObj.Left = LineLocation;
            lnObj.Right = lnObj.Left;
            lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
            lnObj.LineStyle = LineStyle.SingleLine;

            (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tSize"] as TextObject).Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
            (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tSize"] as TextObject).Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);

            FieldObject Size1 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Size1"] as FieldObject);
            Size1.Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
            Size1.Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);
            OldLocation = LineLocation;
            temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lnSize"].ObjectFormat.EnableSuppress = true;
            (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tSize"] as TextObject).ObjectFormat.EnableSuppress = true;
            FieldObject Size1 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Size1"] as FieldObject);
            Size1.ObjectFormat.EnableSuppress = true;
        if (InvoiceMaster.Instance.ShowPicColumn)
            LineLocation += Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(SizePic * fr1cm));
            lnObj = (LineObject)temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lnPic"];
            top = lnObj.Top;
            lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
            lnObj.Left = LineLocation;
            lnObj.Right = lnObj.Left;
            lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
            lnObj.LineStyle = LineStyle.SingleLine;

            (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tPic"] as TextObject).Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
            (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tPic"] as TextObject).Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);

            FieldObject Pic1 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Box4"] as FieldObject);
            Pic1.Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
            Pic1.Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);
            OldLocation = LineLocation;
            temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lnPic"].ObjectFormat.EnableSuppress = true;
            (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tPic"] as TextObject).ObjectFormat.EnableSuppress = true;
            FieldObject Size1 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Box4"] as FieldObject);
            Size1.ObjectFormat.EnableSuppress = true;
        LineLocation += Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(SizeQuantity * fr1cm));
        lnObj = (LineObject)temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lnQuantity"];
        top = lnObj.Top;
        lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
        lnObj.Left = LineLocation;
        lnObj.Right = lnObj.Left;
        lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
        lnObj.LineStyle = LineStyle.SingleLine;

        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tQuantity"] as TextObject).Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tQuantity"] as TextObject).Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);

        FieldObject Qty2 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Qty2"] as FieldObject);
        Qty2.Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
        Qty2.Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);
        OldLocation = LineLocation;

        **// BRate
        LineLocation += Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(SizeBRate * fr1cm));
        lnObj = (LineObject)temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lnBRate"];
        top = lnObj.Top;
        lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
        lnObj.Left = LineLocation;
        lnObj.Right = lnObj.Left;
        lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
        lnObj.LineStyle = LineStyle.SingleLine;
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tBRate"] as TextObject).Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tBRate"] as TextObject).Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);
        FieldObject BRate1 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["BRate1"] as FieldObject);
        BRate1.Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
        BRate1.Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);
        OldLocation = LineLocation;**

        LineLocation += Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(SizeRate * fr1cm));
        lnObj = (LineObject)temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["lnRate"];
        top = lnObj.Top;
        lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
        lnObj.Left = LineLocation;
        lnObj.Right = lnObj.Left;
        lnObj.Top = lnObj.Bottom;
        lnObj.LineStyle = LineStyle.SingleLine;

        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tRate"] as TextObject).Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
        (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tRate"] as TextObject).Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);

        FieldObject Rate1 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Rate1"] as FieldObject);
        Rate1.Left = OldLocation + MarginLeftRight;
        Rate1.Width = LineLocation - (MarginLeftRight + OldLocation);
        OldLocation = LineLocation;

        #region - FontColorSetting -

        #region - Header Section - 
        BoxObject HeaderBox = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Box1"] as BoxObject);
        HeaderBox.FillColor = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.HeaderBoxBackColor;

        #region InvoiceNoBox
        BoxObject InvoiceNoBox = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Box2"] as BoxObject);
        InvoiceNoBox.FillColor = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.InvoiceNoBoxBackColor;
        TextObject InvoiceBox1 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Text1"] as TextObject);
        InvoiceBox1.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.InvoiceNoBoxFontColor;
        TextObject InvoiceBox2 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Text2"] as TextObject);
        InvoiceBox2.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.InvoiceNoBoxFontColor;

        #region CustomerName
        FieldObject CustomerName = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["LedgerName1"] as FieldObject);
        CustomerName.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.CustomerNameFontColor;

        #region CustomerOtherDetails

        FieldObject CustomerOtherDetails = (temp1.Subreports["OtherDetails"].ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Title1"] as FieldObject);
        CustomerOtherDetails.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.CustomerOtherDetailsFontColor;
        FieldObject CustomerOtherDetails1 = (temp1.Subreports["OtherDetails"].ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Title11"] as FieldObject);
        CustomerOtherDetails1.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.CustomerOtherDetailsFontColor;


        #region - Details Section -
        #region ItemBox
        BoxObject ItemBox = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["Box3"] as BoxObject);
        ItemBox.FillColor = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.ItemBoxBackColor;
        TextObject ItemBox3 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tNo"] as TextObject);
        ItemBox3.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.ItemBoxFontColor;
        TextObject ItemBox12 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tItemName"] as TextObject);
        ItemBox12.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.ItemBoxFontColor;
        TextObject ItemBox4 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tSize"] as TextObject);
        ItemBox4.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.ItemBoxFontColor;
        TextObject ItemBox5 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tPic"] as TextObject);
        ItemBox5.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.ItemBoxFontColor;
        TextObject ItemBox6 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tQuantity"] as TextObject);
        ItemBox6.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.ItemBoxFontColor;
        TextObject ItemBox7 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tRate"] as TextObject);
        ItemBox7.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.ItemBoxFontColor;
        TextObject ItemBox8 = (temp1.ReportDefinition.ReportObjects["tValue"] as TextObject);
        ItemBox8.Color = InvoiceCustomizeMaster.Instance.ItemBoxFontColor;



Когда я комментирую код местоположения столбца BRate, тогда он работает нормально. enter image description here

Одна вещь, которую я отмечаю, в предварительном просмотре печати, у меня есть красная метка - Нет: а в режиме дизайна оснастки есть BillNo. У меня есть чек Run-> Temp и Run ->% Temp%

Некоторый код, который я удалил из-за превышения лимита.

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