Akka java .lang.AssertionError: время ожидания (3 секунды) во время ожидаемого сообщения во время ожидания - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 04 февраля 2020

Я запускаю тестирование multi-jvm: на моем экземпляре Amazon linux ec2 с 4vcpu и емкостью 16 ГБ (t2.xlarge). Я бегу 2 узла. Всякий раз, когда я запускаю команду sbt multi-jvm: test,

java.lang.AssertionError: timeout (3 seconds) during expectMessage while waiting for com.psing069.akka.sample.BankAccount$Account@30331109

Я пробовал все. Я указатель высоко ценится. Спасибо.

Мой тест:

"handle updates directly after start" in within(60.seconds) {
            runOn(node2) {
                bankAccount ! new BankAccount.Deposit(200)
                bankAccount ! new BankAccount.Withdraw(100)

            awaitAssert {
                val probe = TestProbe[Account]()
                bankAccount ! new BankAccount.GetBalance(probe.ref)
                // val state = probe.expectMessageType[Account](60.seconds)
                // state.balance should be (100)
                probe.expectMessage(new Account(100))



и мой актер:

public static class Account {
        //String account_number;
        int balance;
        public Account(int balance){
            this.balance = balance;
            //this.account_number = account_number;

private static class InternalGetResponse implements Command {
        public final GetResponse<PNCounter> rsp;
        public final ActorRef<Account> replyTo;

        private InternalGetResponse(GetResponse<PNCounter> rsp, ActorRef<Account> replyTo) {
          this.rsp = rsp;
          this.replyTo = replyTo;

private Behavior<Command> onGetBalance(GetBalance command) {
            askReplyTo -> new Get<>(dataKey, readMajority, askReplyTo),
            rsp -> new InternalGetResponse(rsp, command.replyTo)
        return Behaviors.same();

private Behavior<Command> onInternalGetResponse(InternalGetResponse msg) {
        if (msg.rsp instanceof GetSuccess) {
            PNCounter data = ((GetSuccess<PNCounter>) msg.rsp).get(dataKey);
            msg.replyTo.tell(new Account(data.getValue().intValue()));
        } else if (msg.rsp instanceof NotFound) {
            msg.replyTo.tell(new Account(0));
        } else if (msg.rsp instanceof GetFailure) {
          // ReadMajority failure, try again with local read
                askReplyTo -> new Get<>(dataKey, Replicator.readLocal(), askReplyTo),
                rsp -> new InternalGetResponse(rsp, msg.replyTo)
        return Behaviors.same();