Решение SVG:
Маска SVG используется для вырезания изображения в форму кадра.
Чтобы точно повторить форму рамки, я использовал векторный редактор:
Маска SVG используется для обрезки изображения в форме рамки.
Приложение отзывчивое и работает во всех современных браузерах, включая MS Edge
.container {
.ram {
<div class="container">
<svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1920 1125" >
<mask id="msk1" >
<!-- Border obtained using the vector editor -->
<path id="mask_ram" fill="white" stroke-width="25" stroke="white" d="M50.6 34.6C566.9 16.1 1222.4 30.4 1812.5 24.5c19.2-0.2 42.9-6 57.3 6.7 14.3 12.7 10.9 36.7 13.5 55.6 2.3 17.3 1.7 52.2 1.7 52.2 0 0 4.9 49.5 3.4 74.2-1 16.5-8.4 32.3-8.4 48.9 0 23.4 9.5 45.8 11.8 69.1 1.9 19 1.7 57.3 1.7 57.3l3.4 80.9-1.7 79.2c0 0 0 74.7-6.7 111.2-3.4 18.5-12.7 35.5-16.9 53.9-6.3 28.2-11.8 86-11.8 86l-5.1 97.8-3.4 77.5c0 0 4.7 34.4 0 50.6-3.5 12.1-9.6 25.3-20.2 32-28 17.7-65.6 8.5-98.5 11.8-35.9 3.5-71.9 5.9-107.9 8.4-44.4 3.1-88.8 5.2-133.1 8.4-42.2 3-84.2 8.2-126.4 10.1-44.9 2.1-89.9 2.7-134.8 1.7-48.9-1.1-97.8-5.3-146.6-8.4-40.5-2.6-80.9-5.5-121.3-8.4-38.2-2.7-76.4-5.2-114.6-8.4-29.2-2.5-58.5-5-87.6-8.4-24.2-2.9-48.3-6.5-72.5-10.1-32.1-4.8-63.9-11-96.1-15.2-22.4-2.9-45.2-3-67.4-6.7-33-5.6-65-16.3-97.8-23.6-35.3-7.9-70.1-19.3-106.2-21.9-27.5-2-82.6 5.1-82.6 5.1l-91 10.1-84.3 5.1c0 0-34.8 15.2-35.4 3.4-2.6-49-1.7-166.9-1.7-166.9l3.4-197.2 5.1-224.2c0 0-1.2-131.5 1.7-197.2C38.2 161.4 28.9 35.3 50.6 34.6Z" />
<!-- An SVG mask is used to cut the image into a frame shape. -->
<image mask="url(#msk1)" xlink:href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/S7iXP.jpg" height="100%" width="100%" />
<!-- Border on top of the mask. -->
<path class="ram" d="M50.6 34.6C566.9 16.1 1222.4 30.4 1812.5 24.5c19.2-0.2 42.9-6 57.3 6.7 14.3 12.7 10.9 36.7 13.5 55.6 2.3 17.3 1.7 52.2 1.7 52.2 0 0 4.9 49.5 3.4 74.2-1 16.5-8.4 32.3-8.4 48.9 0 23.4 9.5 45.8 11.8 69.1 1.9 19 1.7 57.3 1.7 57.3l3.4 80.9-1.7 79.2c0 0 0 74.7-6.7 111.2-3.4 18.5-12.7 35.5-16.9 53.9-6.3 28.2-11.8 86-11.8 86l-5.1 97.8-3.4 77.5c0 0 4.7 34.4 0 50.6-3.5 12.1-9.6 25.3-20.2 32-28 17.7-65.6 8.5-98.5 11.8-35.9 3.5-71.9 5.9-107.9 8.4-44.4 3.1-88.8 5.2-133.1 8.4-42.2 3-84.2 8.2-126.4 10.1-44.9 2.1-89.9 2.7-134.8 1.7-48.9-1.1-97.8-5.3-146.6-8.4-40.5-2.6-80.9-5.5-121.3-8.4-38.2-2.7-76.4-5.2-114.6-8.4-29.2-2.5-58.5-5-87.6-8.4-24.2-2.9-48.3-6.5-72.5-10.1-32.1-4.8-63.9-11-96.1-15.2-22.4-2.9-45.2-3-67.4-6.7-33-5.6-65-16.3-97.8-23.6-35.3-7.9-70.1-19.3-106.2-21.9-27.5-2-82.6 5.1-82.6 5.1l-91 10.1-84.3 5.1c0 0-34.8 15.2-35.4 3.4-2.6-49-1.7-166.9-1.7-166.9l3.4-197.2 5.1-224.2c0 0-1.2-131.5 1.7-197.2C38.2 161.4 28.9 35.3 50.6 34.6Z" />
При решении SVG позже вы можете легко изменить внешний вид границы:
- Применяя фильтр
.container {
.ram {
filter: url(#displacementFilter);
<div class="container">
<svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1920 1125" >
<mask id="msk1" >
<!-- Border obtained using the vector editor -->
<path id="mask_ram" fill="white" stroke-width="25" stroke="white" d="M50.6 34.6C566.9 16.1 1222.4 30.4 1812.5 24.5c19.2-0.2 42.9-6 57.3 6.7 14.3 12.7 10.9 36.7 13.5 55.6 2.3 17.3 1.7 52.2 1.7 52.2 0 0 4.9 49.5 3.4 74.2-1 16.5-8.4 32.3-8.4 48.9 0 23.4 9.5 45.8 11.8 69.1 1.9 19 1.7 57.3 1.7 57.3l3.4 80.9-1.7 79.2c0 0 0 74.7-6.7 111.2-3.4 18.5-12.7 35.5-16.9 53.9-6.3 28.2-11.8 86-11.8 86l-5.1 97.8-3.4 77.5c0 0 4.7 34.4 0 50.6-3.5 12.1-9.6 25.3-20.2 32-28 17.7-65.6 8.5-98.5 11.8-35.9 3.5-71.9 5.9-107.9 8.4-44.4 3.1-88.8 5.2-133.1 8.4-42.2 3-84.2 8.2-126.4 10.1-44.9 2.1-89.9 2.7-134.8 1.7-48.9-1.1-97.8-5.3-146.6-8.4-40.5-2.6-80.9-5.5-121.3-8.4-38.2-2.7-76.4-5.2-114.6-8.4-29.2-2.5-58.5-5-87.6-8.4-24.2-2.9-48.3-6.5-72.5-10.1-32.1-4.8-63.9-11-96.1-15.2-22.4-2.9-45.2-3-67.4-6.7-33-5.6-65-16.3-97.8-23.6-35.3-7.9-70.1-19.3-106.2-21.9-27.5-2-82.6 5.1-82.6 5.1l-91 10.1-84.3 5.1c0 0-34.8 15.2-35.4 3.4-2.6-49-1.7-166.9-1.7-166.9l3.4-197.2 5.1-224.2c0 0-1.2-131.5 1.7-197.2C38.2 161.4 28.9 35.3 50.6 34.6Z" />
<filter id="displacementFilter">
<feTurbulence type="turbulence" baseFrequency="0.05 0.05"
numOctaves="3" result="turbulence" seed="10"/>
<feDisplacementMap in2="turbulence" in="SourceGraphic"
scale="10" xChannelSelector="R" xChannelSelector="G" yChannelSelector="B"/>
<!-- An SVG mask is used to cut the image into a frame shape. -->
<image mask="url(#msk1)" xlink:href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/S7iXP.jpg" height="100%" width="100%" />
<!-- Border on top of the mask. -->
<path class="ram" d="M50.6 34.6C566.9 16.1 1222.4 30.4 1812.5 24.5c19.2-0.2 42.9-6 57.3 6.7 14.3 12.7 10.9 36.7 13.5 55.6 2.3 17.3 1.7 52.2 1.7 52.2 0 0 4.9 49.5 3.4 74.2-1 16.5-8.4 32.3-8.4 48.9 0 23.4 9.5 45.8 11.8 69.1 1.9 19 1.7 57.3 1.7 57.3l3.4 80.9-1.7 79.2c0 0 0 74.7-6.7 111.2-3.4 18.5-12.7 35.5-16.9 53.9-6.3 28.2-11.8 86-11.8 86l-5.1 97.8-3.4 77.5c0 0 4.7 34.4 0 50.6-3.5 12.1-9.6 25.3-20.2 32-28 17.7-65.6 8.5-98.5 11.8-35.9 3.5-71.9 5.9-107.9 8.4-44.4 3.1-88.8 5.2-133.1 8.4-42.2 3-84.2 8.2-126.4 10.1-44.9 2.1-89.9 2.7-134.8 1.7-48.9-1.1-97.8-5.3-146.6-8.4-40.5-2.6-80.9-5.5-121.3-8.4-38.2-2.7-76.4-5.2-114.6-8.4-29.2-2.5-58.5-5-87.6-8.4-24.2-2.9-48.3-6.5-72.5-10.1-32.1-4.8-63.9-11-96.1-15.2-22.4-2.9-45.2-3-67.4-6.7-33-5.6-65-16.3-97.8-23.6-35.3-7.9-70.1-19.3-106.2-21.9-27.5-2-82.6 5.1-82.6 5.1l-91 10.1-84.3 5.1c0 0-34.8 15.2-35.4 3.4-2.6-49-1.7-166.9-1.7-166.9l3.4-197.2 5.1-224.2c0 0-1.2-131.5 1.7-197.2C38.2 161.4 28.9 35.3 50.6 34.6Z" />
Выберите любой цвет рамки, изменив только один параметр
fill =" purple "
.container {
.ram {
filter: url(#displacementFilter);
<div class="container">
<svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1920 1125" >
<mask id="msk1" >
<!-- Border obtained using the vector editor -->
<path id="mask_ram" fill="white" stroke-width="25" stroke="white" d="M50.6 34.6C566.9 16.1 1222.4 30.4 1812.5 24.5c19.2-0.2 42.9-6 57.3 6.7 14.3 12.7 10.9 36.7 13.5 55.6 2.3 17.3 1.7 52.2 1.7 52.2 0 0 4.9 49.5 3.4 74.2-1 16.5-8.4 32.3-8.4 48.9 0 23.4 9.5 45.8 11.8 69.1 1.9 19 1.7 57.3 1.7 57.3l3.4 80.9-1.7 79.2c0 0 0 74.7-6.7 111.2-3.4 18.5-12.7 35.5-16.9 53.9-6.3 28.2-11.8 86-11.8 86l-5.1 97.8-3.4 77.5c0 0 4.7 34.4 0 50.6-3.5 12.1-9.6 25.3-20.2 32-28 17.7-65.6 8.5-98.5 11.8-35.9 3.5-71.9 5.9-107.9 8.4-44.4 3.1-88.8 5.2-133.1 8.4-42.2 3-84.2 8.2-126.4 10.1-44.9 2.1-89.9 2.7-134.8 1.7-48.9-1.1-97.8-5.3-146.6-8.4-40.5-2.6-80.9-5.5-121.3-8.4-38.2-2.7-76.4-5.2-114.6-8.4-29.2-2.5-58.5-5-87.6-8.4-24.2-2.9-48.3-6.5-72.5-10.1-32.1-4.8-63.9-11-96.1-15.2-22.4-2.9-45.2-3-67.4-6.7-33-5.6-65-16.3-97.8-23.6-35.3-7.9-70.1-19.3-106.2-21.9-27.5-2-82.6 5.1-82.6 5.1l-91 10.1-84.3 5.1c0 0-34.8 15.2-35.4 3.4-2.6-49-1.7-166.9-1.7-166.9l3.4-197.2 5.1-224.2c0 0-1.2-131.5 1.7-197.2C38.2 161.4 28.9 35.3 50.6 34.6Z" />
<filter id="displacementFilter">
<feTurbulence type="turbulence" baseFrequency="0.05 0.05"
numOctaves="3" result="turbulence" seed="10"/>
<feDisplacementMap in2="turbulence" in="SourceGraphic"
scale="8" xChannelSelector="R" xChannelSelector="G" yChannelSelector="B"/>
<!-- An SVG mask is used to cut the image into a frame shape. -->
<image mask="url(#msk1)" xlink:href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/S7iXP.jpg" height="100%" width="100%" />
<!-- Border on top of the mask. -->
<path class="ram" d="M50.6 34.6C566.9 16.1 1222.4 30.4 1812.5 24.5c19.2-0.2 42.9-6 57.3 6.7 14.3 12.7 10.9 36.7 13.5 55.6 2.3 17.3 1.7 52.2 1.7 52.2 0 0 4.9 49.5 3.4 74.2-1 16.5-8.4 32.3-8.4 48.9 0 23.4 9.5 45.8 11.8 69.1 1.9 19 1.7 57.3 1.7 57.3l3.4 80.9-1.7 79.2c0 0 0 74.7-6.7 111.2-3.4 18.5-12.7 35.5-16.9 53.9-6.3 28.2-11.8 86-11.8 86l-5.1 97.8-3.4 77.5c0 0 4.7 34.4 0 50.6-3.5 12.1-9.6 25.3-20.2 32-28 17.7-65.6 8.5-98.5 11.8-35.9 3.5-71.9 5.9-107.9 8.4-44.4 3.1-88.8 5.2-133.1 8.4-42.2 3-84.2 8.2-126.4 10.1-44.9 2.1-89.9 2.7-134.8 1.7-48.9-1.1-97.8-5.3-146.6-8.4-40.5-2.6-80.9-5.5-121.3-8.4-38.2-2.7-76.4-5.2-114.6-8.4-29.2-2.5-58.5-5-87.6-8.4-24.2-2.9-48.3-6.5-72.5-10.1-32.1-4.8-63.9-11-96.1-15.2-22.4-2.9-45.2-3-67.4-6.7-33-5.6-65-16.3-97.8-23.6-35.3-7.9-70.1-19.3-106.2-21.9-27.5-2-82.6 5.1-82.6 5.1l-91 10.1-84.3 5.1c0 0-34.8 15.2-35.4 3.4-2.6-49-1.7-166.9-1.7-166.9l3.4-197.2 5.1-224.2c0 0-1.2-131.5 1.7-197.2C38.2 161.4 28.9 35.3 50.6 34.6Z" />
Вы даже можете анимировать границу, если вы будете sh:
Анимация границы начинается при наведении курсора
.container {
.ram {
filter: url(#displacementFilter);
<div class="container">
<svg xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1920 1125" >
<mask id="msk1" >
<!-- Border obtained using the vector editor -->
<path id="mask_ram" fill="white" stroke-width="25" stroke="white" d="M50.6 34.6C566.9 16.1 1222.4 30.4 1812.5 24.5c19.2-0.2 42.9-6 57.3 6.7 14.3 12.7 10.9 36.7 13.5 55.6 2.3 17.3 1.7 52.2 1.7 52.2 0 0 4.9 49.5 3.4 74.2-1 16.5-8.4 32.3-8.4 48.9 0 23.4 9.5 45.8 11.8 69.1 1.9 19 1.7 57.3 1.7 57.3l3.4 80.9-1.7 79.2c0 0 0 74.7-6.7 111.2-3.4 18.5-12.7 35.5-16.9 53.9-6.3 28.2-11.8 86-11.8 86l-5.1 97.8-3.4 77.5c0 0 4.7 34.4 0 50.6-3.5 12.1-9.6 25.3-20.2 32-28 17.7-65.6 8.5-98.5 11.8-35.9 3.5-71.9 5.9-107.9 8.4-44.4 3.1-88.8 5.2-133.1 8.4-42.2 3-84.2 8.2-126.4 10.1-44.9 2.1-89.9 2.7-134.8 1.7-48.9-1.1-97.8-5.3-146.6-8.4-40.5-2.6-80.9-5.5-121.3-8.4-38.2-2.7-76.4-5.2-114.6-8.4-29.2-2.5-58.5-5-87.6-8.4-24.2-2.9-48.3-6.5-72.5-10.1-32.1-4.8-63.9-11-96.1-15.2-22.4-2.9-45.2-3-67.4-6.7-33-5.6-65-16.3-97.8-23.6-35.3-7.9-70.1-19.3-106.2-21.9-27.5-2-82.6 5.1-82.6 5.1l-91 10.1-84.3 5.1c0 0-34.8 15.2-35.4 3.4-2.6-49-1.7-166.9-1.7-166.9l3.4-197.2 5.1-224.2c0 0-1.2-131.5 1.7-197.2C38.2 161.4 28.9 35.3 50.6 34.6Z" />
<filter id="displacementFilter">
<feTurbulence type="turbulence" baseFrequency="0.05"
numOctaves="5" result="turbulence" seed="10">
<!--Border animation -->
end="img1.mouseout" />
<feDisplacementMap in2="turbulence" in="SourceGraphic"
scale="15" xChannelSelector="R" xChannelSelector="G" yChannelSelector="B"/>
<!-- An SVG mask is used to cut the image into a frame shape. -->
<image id="img1" mask="url(#msk1)" xlink:href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/S7iXP.jpg" height="100%" width="100%" />
<!-- Border on top of the mask. -->
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