Почему создание 2 переменных вызывает cra sh в пользовательских STL, C ++ VS2019? - PullRequest
6 голосов
/ 25 марта 2020

Здравствуйте, я пытаюсь переписать свой собственный менеджер памяти и STL (ничего особенного, только некоторые базовые c векторные и строковые функции), и я получаю странное поведение. Я пытаюсь получить опыт в области управления памятью, потому что я учусь в старшей школе, и у меня есть свободное время. Проблема в том, что когда я создаю свою первую переменную, все идет отлично, но после создания второй переменной происходит сбой программы при создании первой переменной.

String.h /.cpp

    class String {
        char* pointer_toBuffer = nullptr;
        size_t buffer_length = 0;
        IAllocator* Allocator;
        String(const char* text, IAllocator* Allocator);}

    String::String(const char* text, TuranAPI::MemoryManagement::IAllocator* MemoryAllocator) : Allocator(MemoryAllocator) {
        std::cout << "String creation has started: " << text << std::endl;
        unsigned int i = 0;
        while (text[i] != 0) {
        buffer_length = i + 1;
        pointer_toBuffer = (char*)Allocator->Allocate_MemoryBlock(buffer_length * sizeof(char));//When I write the Second String part, FirstString crashes directly. I use VSDebug and it says access violation here while creating FirstString. It is successful if I delete the SecondString part.
        for (unsigned int letterindex = 0; letterindex < i; letterindex++) {
            pointer_toBuffer[letterindex] = text[letterindex];
        pointer_toBuffer[i] = 0;

MemoryManagement.h / cpp

    TAPIMemoryAllocator::TAPIMemoryAllocator(MemoryBlockInfo MemoryPool_toUse){
        std::cout << "TAPIMemoryAllocator is created!\n";
        std::cout << "MemoryPool's start pointer: " << MemoryPool_toUse.address << std::endl;
        MemoryPool.address = MemoryPool_toUse.address;
        MemoryPool.size = MemoryPool_toUse.size;
        SELF = this;
    void* TAPIMemoryAllocator::Allocate_MemoryBlock(size_t size) {
        std::cout << "MemoryPool's start pointer: " << MemoryPool.address << std::endl;
        std::cout << "A buffer of " << size << " bytes allocation request found in TAPIMemoryAllocator!\n";
        if (SELF == nullptr) {
            TMemoryManager First(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1);
            MemoryBlockInfo FirstMemoryBlock;
            FirstMemoryBlock.address = SELF->MemoryPool.address;
            FirstMemoryBlock.size = size;
            Allocated_MemoryBlocks[0] = FirstMemoryBlock;
            return (char*)SELF->MemoryPool.address;
        void* finaladdress = SELF->MemoryPool.address;
        for (unsigned int blockindex = 0; blockindex < MAX_MEMORYBLOCKNUMBER; blockindex++) {
            MemoryBlockInfo& MemoryBlock = Allocated_MemoryBlocks[blockindex];
            finaladdress = (char*)finaladdress + MemoryBlock.size;
            if (size <= MemoryBlock.size && MemoryBlock.address == nullptr) {
                std::cout << "Intended block's size is less than found memory block!\n";
                MemoryBlock.address = finaladdress;
                //You shouldn't change Memory Block's size because all of the allocations before this are based upon the previous size!
                //You should move all the previous allocated memory to set the size (which is not ideal!)
                //If I'd want to find memory leaks causing this, I could write code here to log the leaks!
                return MemoryBlock.address;
            else if (MemoryBlock.size == 0 && MemoryBlock.address == nullptr) {
                std::cout << "An empty block is created for intended block! Block's Array index is: " << blockindex << "\n";
                std::cout << "MemoryPool's start pointer: " << MemoryPool.address << std::endl << "MemoryBlock's pointer: " << finaladdress << std::endl;
                //This means this index in the Allocated_MemoryBlocks has never been used, so we can add the data here!
                MemoryBlock.address = finaladdress;
                MemoryBlock.size = size;
                return MemoryBlock.address;
        //If you arrive here, that means there is no empty memory block in the Allocated_MemoryBlocks array!
        std::cout << "There is no empty memory block in the Allocated_MemoryBlocks array, so nullptr is returned!\n";
        return nullptr;

    TMemoryManager::TMemoryManager(size_t Main_MemoryBlockSize) {
        if (SELF != nullptr) {
            std::cout << "You shouldn't create a MemoryManager!";
        std::cout << "TMemoryManager is created!\n";
        MainMemoryBlock.address = malloc(Main_MemoryBlockSize);
        MainMemoryBlock.size = Main_MemoryBlockSize;
        SELF = this;
        std::cout << "Main Memory Block's start pointer: " << MainMemoryBlock.address << std::endl;

        MemoryBlockInfo TuranAPI_MemoryPool;
        TuranAPI_MemoryPool.address = MainMemoryBlock.address;
        std::cout << "TuranAPI_MemoryPool.address: " << TuranAPI_MemoryPool.address << std::endl;
        TuranAPI_MemoryPool.size = 1024 * 1024 * 10;
        TAPIMemoryAllocator Create(TuranAPI_MemoryPool);
    TMemoryManager* TMemoryManager::SELF = nullptr;
    TMemoryManager First(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1);

Main. cpp

String FirstString("How are you?", TAPIMemoryAllocator::SELF);
std::cout << FirstString << std::endl; //If I delete the below, it prints "How are you?" as expected
String SecondString("I'm fine, thanks!", TAPIMemoryAllocator::SELF);
std::cout << SecondString << std::endl; 

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 25 марта 2020

решено: проблема была в Allocator. Когда распределитель выходит из области видимости, его функция Allocate_MemoryBlock (это виртуальная функция, а не stati c) удаляется. Я не знаю, почему это не происходит, когда создается только одна строка (возможно, оптимизация компилятора), но хранение самого Allocator (все переменные уже были stati c) и предоставление SELF в качестве сохраненного указателя решило проблему.
