Я использую rest azure rest api для вызова ветви, но не могу удалить по параметрам даты.
import requests
import sys
from datetime import datetime as dt
import json
from git import Repo
import git
import time
username = '<u name>'
auth_key = '<auth key>'
class gitRepoDeletion:
def getRepo(self, organization_name, project_name, repo_name):
Getting the repo details
from the user and
flitering the master
branch with date functionality(still implementing)
getting_repo_list = "https://dev.azure.com/" + organization_name + '/' + \
project_name + "/_apis/git/repositories/" + repo_name + "/refs?api-version=5.0"
get_reponse = requests.get(
getting_repo_list, auth=(username,auth_key))
repojson = json.loads(get_reponse.content)
except ValueError:
print("Error loading json file")
output_json = [x for x in repojson['value']
if x['name'] != 'refs/heads/master']
with open('/home/vsts/work/1/s/data.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(output_json, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
def filtering_branches(self, organization_name, project_name, repo_name, user_date):
Filtering branches according
to the date passed by user
git_url = "https://" + organization_name + "@dev.azure.com" + '/' + \
organization_name + '/' + project_name + '/_git' + '/' + repo_name
branches = Repo.clone_from(git_url, "./mylocaldir209")
remote_branches = []
for ref in branches.git.branch('-r').split('\n'):
if ref != ' origin/HEAD -> origin/master':
if ref != ' origin/master':
branch_and_timing_dict = {}
for listy in remote_branches:
commit = branches.head.commit
timing = time.asctime(time.gmtime(commit.committed_date))
timing = time.strftime(
"%d/%m/%Y", time.gmtime(commit.committed_date)).replace(' 0', ' ')
branch_and_timing_dict[listy] = timing
global filterlist
filterlist = []
for key, values in branch_and_timing_dict.items():
d1 = dt.strptime(user_date, "%d/%m/%Y")
d2 = dt.strptime(key, "%d/%m/%Y")
if d1 > d2:
return filterlist
def repo_delete(self, organization_name, project_name, repo_name, dry_flag):
Deleting repo as
per date input by user
also exlucling master
all_repo_to_be_deleted = []
newObjectId = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
filteredBranchesAsPerDateWithRef = []
for value in filterlist:
filteredBranchesAsPerDateWithRef.append("refs/heads/" + value)
# Cluttering extra spaces and lowering the case of the dry flag value passed by the user
# Reading data.json file, which is fetched by the getRepo() method after excluding the master branch
with open('/home/vsts/work/1/s/data.json') as data_file:
json_data = json.load(data_file)
for item in json_data:
name_of_branch = item['name']
objectId = item['objectId']
# Adding name_of_branch in all_repo_to_be_deleted list
# Adding objectId in all_repo_to_be_deleted list
# all_repo_to_be_deleted.append(objectId)
passing_branch_name = "https://dev.azure.com/" + organization_name + '/' + \
project_name + "/_apis/git/repositories/" + repo_name + "/refs?api-version=5.0"
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
for nameOfBranchWithref in filteredBranchesAsPerDateWithRef:
nameOfBranchWithref = nameOfBranchWithref
data = [
"name": nameOfBranchWithref,
"newObjectId": newObjectId,
"oldObjectId": objectId,
dry_flag = dry_flag.lower().strip()
if dry_flag == 'true':
repo_delete = requests.post(passing_branch_name, data=json.dumps(
data), headers=headers, auth=(username, auth_key))
with open('delete_repo.txt', 'w') as d:
for item in all_repo_to_be_deleted:
d.write("%s\n" % item)
print("---- This is Dry Run ----")
print("These are the repo to be deleted: ", all_repo_to_be_deleted)
if __name__ == "__main__":
gitRepoDeletion().getRepo('sushmasureshyadav202', 'my_delete_git', 'my_delete_git')
"<azure org name>", '<azure project>', '<azure repo>', "31/1/2020")
gitRepoDeletion().repo_delete("<azure org name>", '<azure project>', '<azure repo>', 'true')