У меня такая проблема, и я не знаю, как ее решить, вы можете мне помочь? t Запрос возвращает результат, который показан на фотографии, и я хочу, чтобы он отображался в одной строке вместо многих в зависимости от возраста.
with x as (
select ai.invoice_id, ai.invoice_num, ai.invoice_amount, ai.amount_paid,
trial.entity_id, trial.acctd_amount, trial.entered_amount, trial.gl_date,
aps.amount_remaining, aps.gross_amount, aps.due_date, aps.payment_status_flag,
trial.gl_date - aps.due_date dni_opoznienia
from ap_invoices_all ai,
xla.xla_transaction_entities xte,
select nvl (tr.applied_to_entity_id, tr.source_entity_id) entity_id,
tr.source_application_id application_id,
sum (nvl (tr.acctd_unrounded_cr, 0)) - sum (nvl (tr.acctd_unrounded_dr, 0)) acctd_amount,
sum (nvl (tr.entered_unrounded_cr, 0)) - sum (nvl (tr.entered_unrounded_dr, 0)) entered_amount,
max(tr.gl_date) gl_date
from xla.xla_trial_balances tr
where 1=1
and tr.definition_code = 'AP_200_1001'
and tr.source_application_id = 200
and tr.gl_date <= fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2019-12-13') -- Data KG
group by nvl (tr.applied_to_entity_id, tr.source_entity_id),
) trial,
ap_payment_schedules_all aps
where 1=1
and ai.invoice_id = 3568325
and nvl(xte.source_id_int_1, -99) = ai.invoice_id
and xte.ledger_id = 1001
and xte.entity_code = 'AP_INVOICES'
and xte.entity_id = trial.entity_id
and xte.application_id = trial.application_id
and ai.invoice_id = aps.invoice_id
select x.invoice_id, x.invoice_num, x.entity_id, x.acctd_amount, x.gl_date,
x.amount_remaining, x.gross_amount, x.due_date, x.payment_status_flag,
x.dni_opoznienia, aapl.days_start, aapl.days_to,
when x.dni_opoznienia between aapl.days_start and aapl.days_to then x.acctd_amount
else 0
end przedzial
from x,
ap_aging_periods aap,
ap_aging_period_lines aapl
where 1=1
and aap.period_name = 'TEST 5 okresow'
and aap.aging_period_id = aapl.aging_period_id