Используя Dataframe во встроенных функциях explode,split,collect_set,groupBy
//input data
val df=Seq("Line number one has six words","Line number two has has two words").toDF("input")
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
df.withColumn("words",explode(split($"input","\\s+"))) //split by space and explode
.groupBy("input","words") //group by on both columns
.withColumn("line_word_count",struct($"words",$"count")) //create struct
.groupBy("input") //grouping by input data column
|input |line_word_count |
|Line number one has six words |[[one, 1], [has, 1], [six, 1], [number, 1], [words, 1], [Line, 1]]|
|Line number two has has two words|[[has, 2], [two, 2], [words, 1], [number, 1], [Line, 1]] |
Если вы ожидаете номера строк, то используйте concat,monotonically_increasing_id
|line |line_word_count |
|line1|[[one, 1], [has, 1], [six, 1], [words, 1], [number, 1], [Line, 1]]|
|line2|[[has, 2], [two, 2], [number, 1], [words, 1], [Line, 1]] |
Примечание в случае больших наборов данных чтобы сделать это последовательно, нам нужно сделать .repartition (1) .