Другая возможность - ввести все температуры, разделенные пробелом или запятой:
temps = input('Enter the temperatures here: ')
temps_list = [float(s) for s in temps.split(',')]
hg = max(temps_list)
cnt = temps.count(hg)
print(f'List of temperatures: {temps}\
\nThe highest temperature is {hg}, which appears {cnt} times.')
Рабочий пример:
Enter the temperatures here: 3,1.1,2,3.2,6,2.2,6,5.7,5
List of temperatures: [3.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.2, 6.0, 2.2, 6.0, 5.7, 5.0]
The highest temperature is 6.0, which appears 2 times.