данные цепочки опционов - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 26 марта 2020

# выборка данных с веб-сайта nse импорт запросов на импорт json импорт pandas в виде pd импорта xlwings в виде xw из времени импорта из режима сна из datetime импорта datetime, time, timedelta import os import numpy как np

pd.set_option('display.width', 1500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 75)
pd.set_option('display.max_row', 2500)

url = "https://www.nseindia.com/api/option-chain-indices?symbol=NIFTY"


headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36',
           'accept-language': 'en,gu;q=0.9,hi;q=0.8', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br'}

nse веб-сайт проверяет куки, если код не работает

cookie_dict = {'bm_sv': '2159AD68C028B8307A1024340AE7BBC9~9t9b4+rRIf1GiARFPAXm+ODKexO+yJsgfI3/N4lZsV6xlg7xqISh0ySXqjvvXNj9xDmPKVQn73XBwtojGUYZCBrEJ1nzgGwklji2fXPiRP0XxeS5xamz72g+sqmHDVqV+L0CDZxgDl+lrgxY5KeqGngcURAhCRBuMFFNBY0GTww='}
session = requests.session()

for cookie in cookie_dict:
    session.cookies.set(cookie, cookie_dict[cookie])

expiry = "26-Mar-2020"
excel_file = "option_chain_analysis.xlsx"
wb = xw.Book(excel_file)
sheet_oi_single = wb.sheets("OIData")
sht_live = wb.sheets('Data')
df_list = []
mp_list = []

oi_filename = os.path.join("Files", "oi_data_records_{0}.json".format(datetime.now().strftime("%d%m%y")))
mp_filename = os.path.join("Files", "mp_data_records_{0}.json".format(datetime.now().strftime("%d%m%y")))

def fetch_oi(df, mp_df):
    tries = 1
    max_retries = 3
    while tries <= max_retries:

            r = session.get(url, headers = headers).json()

            if expiry:
                ce_values = [data['CE'] for data in r['records']['data'] if "CE" in data and str(data['expiryDate']).lower() == str(expiry).lower()]
                pe_values = [data['PE'] for data in r['records']['data'] if "PE" in data and str(data['expiryDate']).lower() == str(expiry).lower()]
                ce_values = [data['CE'] for data in r['filtered']['data'] if "CE" in data]
                pe_values = [data['PE'] for data in r['filtered']['data'] if "PE" in data]
            ce_data = pd.DataFrame(ce_values)
            pe_data = pd.DataFrame(pe_values)
            ce_data = ce_data.sort_values(['strikePrice'])
            pe_data = pe_data.sort_values(['strikePrice'])
            sheet_oi_single.range("A2").options(index=False, header=False).value = ce_data.drop(
                ['expiryDate', 'underlying', 'identifier', 'totalBuyQuantity', 'totalSellQuantity',
                 'bidQty', 'bidprice', 'askQty', 'askPrice', 'totalTradedVolume', 'underlyingValue'], axis=1)[['openInterest', 'changeinOpenInterest', 'pchangeinOpenInterest', 'impliedVolatility', 'lastPrice', 'change', 'pChange', 'strikePrice']]
            sheet_oi_single.range("I2").options(index=False, header=False).value = pe_data.drop(
                ['expiryDate', 'underlying', 'identifier', 'totalBuyQuantity', 'totalSellQuantity',
                 'bidQty', 'bidprice', 'askQty', 'askPrice', 'totalTradedVolume', 'underlyingValue', 'strikePrice'], axis=1)[['openInterest', 'changeinOpenInterest', 'pchangeinOpenInterest', 'impliedVolatility', 'lastPrice', 'change', 'pChange']]
            ce_data['type'] = 'CE'
            pe_data['type'] = 'PE'
            df1 = pd.concat([ce_data, pe_data])
            if len(df_list) > 0:
                df1['Time'] = df_list[-1][0]['Time']
            if len(df_list) > 0 and df1.to_dict('records') == df_list[-1]:
                Print('Duplicate Data Not Recording')
                tries += 1
            df1['Time'] = datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M')

            pcr = pe_data['totalTradedVolume'].sum()/ce_data['totalTradedVolume'].sum()
            mp_dict = {datetime.now().strftime('%H%M'): {'underlying': df1['underlyingValue'].iloc[-1],
                                                         'MaxPain': wb.sheets("Dashboard").range("H8").value,
                                                         'pcr' : pcr,
                                                         'call_decay': ce_data.nlargest(5, 'openInterest', keep='last')['change'].mean(),
                                                         'put_decay': pe_data.nlargest(5, 'openInterest', keep='last')['change'].mean()}}
            df3 = pd.DataFrame(mp_dict).transpose()
            mp_df = pd.concat([mp_df, df3])
            wb.sheets['MPData'].range("A2").options(header = False).value = mp_df
            with open(mp_filename, "w") as files:
                files.write(json.dumps(mp_df.to_dict(), indent=4, keys=True))

            if not df.empty:
                df = df[
                    ['strikePrice', 'expiryDate', 'underlyingValue', 'identifier', 'openInterest', 'changeinOpenInterest',
                     'pchangeinOpenInterest', 'totalTradedVolume', 'impliedVolatility', 'lastPrice', 'change', 'pChange',
                     'underlying',  'totalBuyQuantity', 'totalSellQuantity',
                     'bidQty', 'bidprice', 'askQty', 'askPrice',
                     'type', 'Time']]
                df1 = df1[['strikePrice', 'expiryDate', 'underlyingValue', 'identifier', 'openInterest', 'changeinOpenInterest',
                     'pchangeinOpenInterest', 'totalTradedVolume', 'impliedVolatility', 'lastPrice', 'change', 'pChange',
                     'underlying',  'totalBuyQuantity', 'totalSellQuantity',
                     'bidQty', 'bidprice', 'askQty', 'askPrice',
                     'type', 'Time']]
            df = pd.concat([df, df1])
            with open (oi_filename, "w") as files:
                files.write(json.dumps(df_list, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
            return df, mp_df
        except Exception as error:
            print("error {0}".format(error))
            tries += 1
    if tries >= max_retries:
        print("Max retries exceeded. No new data at time {0}".format(datetime.now()))
        return df, mp_df

def main():
    global df_list
        df_list = json.loads(open(oi_filename).read())
    except Exception as error:
        print('Error Reading Data. Error : {0}'.format(error))
        df_list = []
    if df_list:
        df = pd.DataFrame
        for item in df_list:
            df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(item)])
        df = pd.DataFrame()

        mp_list = json.loads(open(mp_filename).read())
        mp_df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(mp_list)
    except Exception as error:
        print('Error Reading Data. Error : {0}'.format(error))
        mp_list = []
        mp_df = pd.DataFrame()
    timeframe = 3

    while time(9, 15) <= datetime.now().time() <= time(15, 30):
        timenow = datetime.now()
        check = True if timenow.min/timeframe in list(np.arange(0.0, 60.0)) else False
        if check:
            nextscan = timenow + timedelta(minutes = timeframe)
            df, mp_df = fetch_oi(df, mp_df)
            if not df.empty:
                df['impliedVolatility'] = df['impliedVolatility'].replace(to_replace=0, method='bfill').values
                df['identifier'] = df['strikePrice'].astype(str) + df['type']
                sht_live.range("A1").value = df
                waitsecs = int((nextscan - datetime.now()).seconds)
                print("wait for {0} seconds".format(waitsecs))
                sleep(waitsecs) if waitsecs > 0 else sleep(0)
                print("No Data Receved")
if __name__ == '__main__':